M.M.V., et al v. William Barr, et al
Andrew Davidson, Acting USCIS Asylum Division Chief, William P. Barr, Attorney General of the United States, Mark A. Morgan, Acting Commissioner, United States Customs and Border Protection, James McHenry, Director, Executive Office for Immigration Review, Matthew T. Albence, Acting Director, United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Chad F. Wolf, Acting Secretary, United States Department of Homeland Security and Kenneth T Cuccinelli, II, Purported Acting Director, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services |
L.O.R., J.C.P., a minor, E.A.N., a minor, A.B.C., R.P.F., M.B.P., a minor, M.H., A.G.L., a minor, H.C.P., a minor, All Plaintiffs, C.L.A., a minor, D.G.A., J.F.P., a minor, C.P.G., G.M.A., a minor, W.P.R., M. R.A., E.E.C., a minor, A.A.Q., a minor, K.N.E., D.M.S., a minor, S.V.C., D.L.O., a minor, H. J. J., G.A.Q., J.S.M., M.A.M., K.P.P., J.A.L., a minor, Y.F.H., a minor, M.P.P., a minor, E.C.B., a minor, R.D.P., a minor, D.C.V., S.G.H., Y.O.T., A.R.M., a minor, N.P., M.A.A., L.C.R., a minor, A.G.H., a minor, I.P.P., a minor, J.M.R., E. M. R., A.A.M., a minor, N.A.Q., a minor, C. S. M., B.S.C., a minor, J.S.O., a minor, E.P.V., a minor, S.M.C., a minor, I.G.L., a minor, F.G.U., a minor, C.C.N., M.R.A., N.M.L., M.M.V., M.F.L., a minor, M. J. V., C.G.M., a minor, M.G.V., M.C.M., A.P.O, a minor, M.D.E., A.R.G., a minor, M.A.S., a minor, J.S.P., N.M.M., a minor, L.H.H., M.M.B., A.G.D., a minor, V.L.O., a minor, S.L.V., M.C.D., M.P.G., a minor, E.P.C., R.F.L., a minor, E.P.G., a minor, A.O.V., I.F.L., Y.U., I.A.D., J.M.H., a minor, A.L.V., C.A.A., a minor, A.R.A., a minor, E.M.R., M.J.V., C.S.M. and H.J.J. |
20-5106 |
April 28, 2020 |
U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit |
Other |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on June 23, 2020. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
CLERK'S ORDER [1848627] filed directing the parties to submit deferred paper copies of briefs and appendices. [20-5106, 20-5129] [Entered: 06/23/2020 04:59 PM] |
CLERK'S ORDER [1847992] filed scheduling oral argument on Friday, 09/11/2020. [20-5106, 20-5129] [Entered: 06/18/2020 03:19 PM] |
SEPARATE STATUTORY ADDENDUM [1847832] to Appellant/Petitioner brief [ # 1847829-2 ] filed by All Plaintiffs in 20-5106 [Service Date:06/17/2020 ] [20-5129, 20-5106] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 06/17/2020 09:18 PM] |
APPENDIX [1847830] filed by All Plaintiffs in 20-5129, 20-5106. [Volumes: 1] [Service Date: 06/17/2020 ] [20-5129, 20-5106] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 06/17/2020 09:09 PM] |
APPELLANT BRIEF [1847829] filed by A.A.M., A.A.Q., A.B.C., A.G.D., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., All Plaintiffs, B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., C.S.M., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.M.R., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., H.J.J., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.B.P., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.H., M.J.V., M.M.B., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H., Y.O.T. and Y.U. in 20-5129, A.A.M., A.A.Q., A.B.C., A.G.D., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., All Plaintiffs, B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., C.S.M., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.M.R., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., H.J.J., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.B.P., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.H., M.J.V., M.M.B., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H., Y.O.T. and Y.U. in 20-5106 [Service Date: 06/17/2020 ] Length of Brief: 12,704 Words. [20-5129, 20-5106] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 06/17/2020 09:02 PM] |
PER CURIAM ORDER [1843095] filed, ORDERED that the administrative stay be dissolved. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the emergency motion for stay be denied [ # 1840327-2 ]. It is FURTHER ORDERED, on the courts own motion, and in light of the courts obligation to expedite this appeal, the following briefing schedule will apply in this case: APPELLANTS' Brief due 06/17/2020. APPENDIX due 06/17/2020. APPELLEES' Brief due on 07/17/2020. APPELLANTS' Reply Brief due 07/31/2020. The Clerk is directed to schedule this case for argument on the first appropriate date in September. Before Judges: Henderson*, Wilkins and Rao. (*Judge Henderson would deny the stay, concluding that the court is without authority to grant it. See 8 U.S.C. 1252(e)(1).) [20-5106, 20-5129] [Entered: 05/15/2020 04:56 PM] |
CLERK'S ORDER [1842151] filed granting appellants' unopposed motion to consolidate [ # 1842041-2 ]. 20-5129 (Consolidation started 05/11/2020) with 20-5106. [20-5106, 20-5129] [Entered: 05/11/2020 12:52 PM] |
UNOPPOSED MOTION [1842041] to consolidate cases filed by All Plaintiffs [Service Date: 05/08/2020 ] Length Certification: 373 Words. [20-5106] (Gillenwater, James) [Entered: 05/08/2020 06:24 PM] |
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1841947] filed by James E. Gillenwater on behalf of Appellant All Plaintiffs. [20-5106] (Gillenwater, James) [Entered: 05/08/2020 01:05 PM] |
REPLY [1841836] filed by A.A.M., A.A.Q., A.B.C., A.G.D., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., All Plaintiffs, B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., C.S.M., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.M.R., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., H.J.J., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.B.P., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.H., M.J.V., M.M.B., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H., Y.O.T. and Y.U. to response [ # 1841287-2 ] [Service Date: 05/08/2020 by CM/ECF NDA, Email] Length Certification: 2,599 Word. [20-5106] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 05/08/2020 08:44 AM] |
NOTICE [1841493] received from the Clerk of the U.S. District Court denying the motion to stay pending appeal in case [20-5106] [Entered: 05/06/2020 08:54 AM] |
RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION [1841287] to motion to stay case [ # 1840327-2 ] filed by Matthew T. Albence, William P. Barr, Kenneth T Cuccinelli, II, Andrew Davidson, James McHenry, Mark A. Morgan and Chad F. Wolf [Service Date: 05/05/2020 by CM/ECF NDA] Length Certification: 5194 words.. [20-5106] (Reuveni, Erez) [Entered: 05/05/2020 08:56 AM] |
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1841276] filed by Christopher C. Hair and co-counsel R. Craig Lawrence on behalf of Appellees Chad F. Wolf, Matthew T. Albence, William P. Barr, Kenneth T Cuccinelli, II, Andrew Davidson, James McHenry and Mark A. Morgan. [20-5106] (Hair, Christopher) [Entered: 05/05/2020 12:36 AM] |
PER ABOVE ORDER lodged motion for stay [ # 1840327-2 ] is filed. [20-5106] [Entered: 05/01/2020 06:57 PM] |
PER CURIAM ORDER [1840985] filed granting motion to exceed word limits [ # 1840328-2 ]. The Clerk is directed to file the lodged motion for stay pending appeal [ # 1840327-2 ]. Appellants removal from the United States be administratively stayed pending further order of the court. Directing appellees file a response to the motion for stay [ # 1840327-2 ] by 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 5. Any reply is due by 9:00 a.m. on Friday, May 8. Before Judges: Henderson, Wilkins and Rao. [20-5106] [Entered: 05/01/2020 06:54 PM] |
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1840772] filed by Caroline J. Heller on behalf of Appellants A.A.M., A.A.Q., A.B.C., A.G.D., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., All Plaintiffs, B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., H. J. J., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., C. S. M., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.B.P., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.H., M.M.B., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., E. M. R., M. R.A., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., M. J. V., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H., Y.O.T. and Y.U.. [20-5106] (Heller, Caroline) [Entered: 04/30/2020 05:41 PM] |
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1840408] filed by Erez Reuveni on behalf of Appellees Matthew T. Albence, William P. Barr, Kenneth T Cuccinelli, II, Andrew Davidson, James McHenry, Mark A. Morgan and Chad F. Wolf. [20-5106] (Reuveni, Erez) [Entered: 04/29/2020 10:49 AM] |
NOTICE OF APPEAL [1840283] seeking review of a decision by the U.S. District Court in 1:19-cv-02773-ABJ filed by A.A.M., A.A.Q., A.B.C., A.G.D., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., All Plaintiffs, B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., H. J. J., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., C. S. M., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.B.P., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.H., M.M.B., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., E. M. R., M. R.A., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., M. J. V., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H., Y.O.T. and Y.U.. Appeal assigned USCA Case Number: 20-5106. [20-5106] [Entered: 04/28/2020 03:19 PM] |
EMERGENCY MOTION [1840328] to exceed motion filed by Y.U., Y.O.T., Y.F.H., W.P.R., V.L.O., M. J. V., S.V.C., S.M.C., S.L.V., S.G.H., R.P.F., R.F.L., R.D.P., M. R.A., E. M. R., N.P., N.M.M., N.M.L., N.A.Q., M.R.A., M.P.P., M.P.G., M.M.V., M.M.B., M.H., M.G.V., M.F.L., M.D.E., M.C.M., M.C.D., M.B.P., M.A.S., M.A.M., M.A.A., C. S. M., L.O.R., L.H.H., L.C.R., K.P.P., K.N.E., J.S.P., J.S.O., J.S.M., J.M.R., J.M.H., J.F.P., J.C.P., J.A.L., H. J. J., I.P.P., I.G.L., I.F.L., I.A.D., H.C.P., G.M.A., G.A.Q., F.G.U., E.P.V., E.P.G., E.P.C., E.E.C., E.C.B., E.A.N., D.M.S., D.L.O., D.G.A., D.C.V., C.P.G., C.L.A., C.G.M., C.C.N., C.A.A., B.S.C., All Plaintiffs, A.R.M., A.R.G., A.R.A., A.P.O, A.O.V., A.L.V., A.G.L., A.G.H., A.G.D., A.B.C., A.A.Q. and A.A.M. (Service Date: 04/28/2020 by Clerk, CM/ECF NDA) Length Certification: 354 Words. [20-5106] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 04/28/2020 07:41 PM] |
EMERGENCY MOTION [1840327] to stay underlying order in case lodged by A.A.M., A.A.Q., Y.U., A.B.C., A.G.D., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., All Plaintiffs, B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., H. J. J., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., C. S. M., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.B.P., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.H., M.M.B., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., E. M. R., M. R.A., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., M. J. V., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H. and Y.O.T. (Service Date: 04/28/2020 by CM/ECF NDA, Email) Length Certification: 6,144 Words. [20-5106]--[Edited 04/29/2020 by AY--MODIFIED EVENT FROM FILED TO LODGED] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 04/28/2020 07:35 PM] |
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1840322] filed by Steven G. Barringer on behalf of Appellant All Plaintiffs. [20-5106] (Barringer, Steven) [Entered: 04/28/2020 05:27 PM] |
ENTRY OF APPEARANCE [1840311] filed by Gregory P. Copeland and co-counsel Sarah T. Gillman on behalf of Appellants All Plaintiffs, A.G.D., A.A.M., A.A.Q., A.B.C., A.G.H., A.G.L., A.L.V., A.O.V., A.P.O, A.R.A., A.R.G., A.R.M., B.S.C., C.A.A., C.C.N., C.G.M., C.L.A., C.P.G., D.C.V., D.G.A., D.L.O., D.M.S., E.A.N., E.C.B., E.E.C., E.P.C., E.P.G., E.P.V., F.G.U., G.A.Q., G.M.A., H.C.P., I.A.D., I.F.L., I.G.L., I.P.P., H. J. J., J.A.L., J.C.P., J.F.P., J.M.H., J.M.R., J.S.M., J.S.O., J.S.P., K.N.E., K.P.P., L.C.R., L.H.H., L.O.R., C. S. M., M.A.A., M.A.M., M.A.S., M.C.D., M.C.M., M.D.E., M.F.L., M.G.V., M.M.V., M.P.G., M.P.P., M.R.A., N.A.Q., N.M.L., N.M.M., N.P., E. M. R., M. R.A., R.D.P., R.F.L., R.P.F., S.G.H., S.L.V., S.M.C., S.V.C., M. J. V., V.L.O., W.P.R., Y.F.H., Y.O.T. and Y.U.. [20-5106] (Copeland, Gregory) [Entered: 04/28/2020 04:12 PM] |
US CIVIL CASE docketed. [20-5106] [Entered: 04/28/2020 03:18 PM] |
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