Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc. v. PEM Consulting Group, LLC et al
Plaintiff: Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.
Defendant: Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Chesapeake Insurance, Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company and Phillip E Miller
Case Number: 1:2021cv00219
Filed: June 3, 2021
Court: US District Court for the Northern District of Indiana
Presiding Judge: Holly A Brady
Referring Judge: Susan L Collins
2 Judge: William C Lee
Nature of Suit: Racketeer/Corrupt Organization
Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Racketeering (RICO) Act
Jury Demanded By: Both
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on April 25, 2023. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
December 21, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 81 ORDER: The Court ORDERS this case referred to the Honorable Susan Collins, Magistrate Judge for this District, to review the Defendants' Motion to Dismiss and the Plaintiff's Motion for Leave to file Supplement and the related briefing, to conduct any necessary discovery or evidentiary hearing, and to issue a report and recommendation on the same. The Honorable Susan Collins is specifically designated to exercise such jurisdiction of this Court in accordance with the Federal Magistrate's Act, as amended, 28 U.S.C. 636(b), and Local Rule 72-1. Signed by Judge Holly A Brady on 12/21/22. (ksp)
December 20, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 80 ORDER recusing Judge Theresa L. Springmann and directing the Clerk to randomly reassign this matter to another Article III Judge. Case reassigned to Judge Holly A Brady for all further proceedings. Judge Theresa L Springmann no longer assigned to case. Signed by Judge Theresa L Springmann on 12/20/22. (ksc)
December 13, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 79 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The Court on its own motion, VACATES the telephonic Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference set for 12/14/2022 at 10:00 am and RESETS it for 3/30/2023 at 10:00 am. Court to initiate call. Text entry order.(mr)
December 13, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 78 REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting. (Squire PHV, Percy)
December 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 77 TELEPHONIC STATUS CONFERENCE held on 12/6/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Pla appeared by atty Percy Squire. Dfts appeared by attys Edward Simon, Michael Michmerhuizen, Michael Giordano, and Jeffrey Mando. Court lifts stay. Telephonic Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference set for 12/14/2022 at 10:00 AM in US District Court - Fort Wayne before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Court to initiate call. Parties to file a Report of Parties Planning Meeting prior to hearing. (FTR 1st floor.) (mr)
November 23, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 76 ORDER granting #74 Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Edward Simon PHV for Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, and Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. Signed by Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins on 11/23/2022. (ace)
November 17, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 75 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The #59 Motion for Leave to Withdraw Appearances of Raegan M. Gibson and Mackenzie E. Skalski is granted. The appearances of Attorneys Raegan M Gibson and Mackenzie E Skalski are hereby withdrawn on behalf of Defendants, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, and Phillip E. Miller. Text entry order.(mr)
November 17, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 74 Application for Attorney Edward Field Simon to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC and Phillip E. Miller. Pro Hac Vice fee of $ 96 has been received, receipt number AINNDC-5080921 (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Good Standing, #2 Certificate of Good Standing)(Simon, Edward)
November 15, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 73 NOTICE of Appearance by Michael H Michmerhuizen on behalf of Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC (Michmerhuizen, Michael)
November 2, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 72 TELEPHONIC STATUS CONFERENCE held on 11/2/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Pla appeared by atty Percy Squire. Atty Mackenzie Skalski appeared on behalf of Defendants PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC and Phillip E. Miller. Defendant Phillip E. Miller present. Atty Michael Giordano appeared on behalf of Defendant Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. The Court was unable to reach atty Jeffrey Mando on behalf of Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. Defendant Miller advises he has retained counsel. The #59 Motion for Leave to File Withdrawal of Appearances remains under advisement. Telephonic Status Conference set for 12/6/2022 at 10:00 am. Court to initiate call. Defendant Phillip E. Miller to attend hearing. (Copy mailed to Defendant Phillip E. Miller, 1103 Champlain Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043). (FTR 1st floor.) (mr)
October 11, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 71 TELEPHONIC STATUS CONFERENCE held on 10/11/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Atty Percy Squire appeared on behalf of Plaintiff Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc. Atty Mackenzie Skalski appeared on behalf of Defendants PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC and Phillip E. Miller. Defendant Phillip E. Miller present. Atty Michael Giordano appeared on behalf of Defendant Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Atty Jeffrey Mando appeared on behalf of Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. Defendant Phillip E. Miller advises he has retained counsel but counsel has not yet filed an appearance. The #59 Motion for Leave to File Withdrawal of Appearances REMAINS UNDER ADVISEMENT. Court CONTINUES stay on case and sets matter over for a Telephonic Status Conference on 11/2/2022 at 11:00 AM in US District Court - Fort Wayne before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Court to initiate call. Defendant Phillip E. Miller to attend hearing. (Copy mailed to Defendant Phillip E. Miller, 1103 Champlain Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043). (FTR 1st floor.) (cer)
October 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 70 NOTICE by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc. TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR PLAINTIFF'S COUNSEL (Squire PHV, Percy)
October 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 69 NOTICE by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc. re #68 Order,, (Squire PHV, Percy)
September 8, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 68 ORDER DENYING WITHOUT PREJUDICE #66 Letter requesting a 60-day extension to find new counsel from Phillip Miller. Plaintiff's counsel has established good cause for his failure to appear at the September 6th hearing. At the 10/11/2022, hearing, the Court will revisit the motion to withdraw (ECF #59 ) and Defendants Miller, PEM, and Pyramid's retention of new counsel. Signed by Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins on 9/7/2022. (copy mailed to Defendant Phillip E. Miller, 1103 Champlain Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043)(mrm)
September 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 67 TELEPHONIC STATUS CONFERENCE held on 9/6/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Atty Mackenzie Skalski appeared on behalf of Defendants PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, and Phillip E. Miller. Defendant Phillip E. Miller present. Atty Michael Giordano appeared on behalf of Defendant Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Atty Jeffrey Mando appeared on behalf of Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. The Court was unable to reach Atty Percy Squire for the hearing. Defendant Miller requests additional time to retain counsel. Court continues stay on case and sets matter over for a telephonic Status Conference on 10/11/2022 at 10:30 am. Court to initiate call. Defendant Miller to attend hearing. (copy mailed to Defendant Phillip E. Miller, 1103 Champlain Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043) (FTR 1st floor.) (mr)
September 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 66 Letter requesting a 60-day extension to find new counsel from Phillip Miller. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Envelope) (mrm)
September 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 65 NOTICE by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc. re 64 Motion Hearing,,,, Set Hearings,,, of Missed Call (Squire PHV, Percy)
July 20, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 64 TELEPHONIC HEARING re #59 Motion for Leave to File Withdrawal of Appearances held on 7/20/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L. Collins. Atty Percy Squire appeared on behalf of Plaintiff. Attys Mackenzie Skalski and Raegan Gibson appeared on behalf of Defendants PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, and Phillip E. Miller. Dft Phillip E. Miller present. Atty Michael Giordano appeared on behalf of Defendant Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Atty Jeffrey Mando appeared on behalf of Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. Court addresses motion. Dft Miller advises he will retain new counsel. Court takes motion under advisement and stays case for 30 days to give Dft Miller time to retain new counsel. Telephonic Status Conference set for 9/6/2022 at 10:00 am. Court to initiate call. Dft Miller to attend hearing. (FTR 1st floor)(copy mailed to Defendant Phillip E. Miller, 1103 Champlain Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043) (mr)
July 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 63 NOTICE by Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC (Notice Of Clarification For The Record ) (Skalski, Mackenzie)
June 29, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 62 TELEPHONIC HEARING (scheduled as a hearing on #59 Motion for Leave to File Withdrawal of Appearances) held on 6/29/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Atty Percy Squire appeared on behalf of Plaintiff. Atty Mackenzie Skalski appeared on behalf of Defendants PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, and Phillip E. Miller. Atty Michael Giordano appeared on behalf of Defendant Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Atty Jeffrey Mando appeared on behalf of Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. Defendant Phillip E. Miller failed to appear. Atty Skalski advises she has been unable to contact Defendant Miller or a representative for Defendants, and there is an irretrievable breakdown in the attorney-client relationship. Court resets telephonic hearing on #59 Motion for Leave to Withdraw Appearances for 7/20/2022 at 11:30 am. Court to initiate call. Defendant Miller is ordered to appear. (FTR 1st floor)(copy mailed to Defendant Phillip E. Miller, 1103 Champlain Drive, Voorhees, NJ 08043 and to Defendants PEM Consulting Group, LLC and Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, 504 Centennial Blvd, Suite 1003, Voorhees, NJ 08043) (mr)
June 22, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 61 MOTION for Leave to File SUPPLEMENT TO PLAINTIFFS OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANTS PEM CONSULTANTS & CONSTRUCTION, LLC AND PHILLIP E. MILLERS MOTION TO DISMISS PLAINTIFFS COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES by Plaintiff Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Squire PHV, Percy)
June 22, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 60 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic hearing on #59 MOTION for Leave to File Withdrawal of Appearances Of Raegan M. Gibson And Mackenzie E. Skalski set for 6/29/2022 at 11:00 AM in US District Court - Fort Wayne before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Court to initiate call.(mr)
June 16, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 59 MOTION for Leave to File Withdrawal of Appearances Of Raegan M. Gibson And Mackenzie E. Skalski by Defendants Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Redacted Notice of Intent)(Skalski, Mackenzie)
June 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 58 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF SERVICE Executed of Subpoenas to Brian Draper and Stephen Driver Acknowledgement filed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Supplement)(Squire PHV, Percy)
June 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 57 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: #54 Defendant, Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company's Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Reply in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff's Complaint is granted. #56 Defendant, Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Complaint is deemed timely filed. Text entry order. (mr)
June 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 56 REPLY to Response to Motion re #45 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) filed by Chesapeake Insurance. (Mando PHV, Jeffrey)
May 20, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 55 REPLY to Response to Motion re #45 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) filed by Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Skalski, Mackenzie)
May 19, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 54 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply by Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. (Mando PHV, Jeffrey)
May 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 53 MEMORANDUM in Opposition to #48 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim filed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Squire PHV, Percy)
May 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 52 RESPONSE to Motion re #48 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim filed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Squire PHV, Percy)
May 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 51 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: Defendants, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction LLC, and Phillip E. Miller are granted to and including 5/20/2022 to file their Reply in Support of their Motion to Dismiss. Text entry order. (mr)
May 5, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 50 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to #45 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) (Unopposed) by Defendants Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Skalski, Mackenzie)
April 29, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 49 MEMORANDUM OF LAW re #45 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter), #46 Memorandum in Support, by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B)(Squire PHV, Percy)
April 25, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 48 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim by Defendant Chesapeake Insurance. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Opinion and Order 2:19-cv-4378, #2 Exhibit Proposed Order tendered)(Mando PHV, Jeffrey)
April 12, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 47 TELEPHONIC HEARING (scheduled as a Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference) held on 4/12/2022 before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Pla appeared by atty Perry Squire. Dfts appeared by attys Mackenzie Skalski, John Scott, Michael Giordano and Jeffrey Mando. Parties consent to staying discovery pending ruling on #45 Motion to Dismiss. Court stays discovery. Discussions held re Pla's subpoena issued to the Harris Co., Tx Sheriff's Office, which may result in Pla amending the Complaint. Court opens discovery only on the limited basis as to Pla's subpoena. (FTR 1st floor.) (mr)
April 7, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 46 MEMORANDUM in Support of #45 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) filed by Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Gibson, Raegan)
April 7, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 45 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM , MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) by Defendants Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Gibson, Raegan)
April 6, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 44 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. Chesapeake Insurance served on 4/4/2022, answer due 4/25/2022. (Squire PHV, Percy)
April 4, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 43 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The telephonic Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference set for 4/4/2022 at 10:30 am is VACATED and RESET for 4/12/2022 at 11:30 am. Court to initiate call. Parties to file an Amended Report of Parties Planning Meeting by 4/8/2022, if needed. Text entry order.(mr)
April 4, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 42 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: #41 Defendants, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Phillip E Miller, and Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC.'s Second Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Plaintiff's Complaint is granted. Defendants granted to and including 4/7/2022 to file an Answer to Plaintiff's #2 Complaint. Text entry order.(mr)
March 30, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 41 Second MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #2 Complaint, (Unopposed by Plaintiff) by Defendants Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Skalski, Mackenzie)
March 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 40 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The #39 Unopposed Motion to Continue Telephonic Preliminary Pretrial Conference is granted. The telephonic Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference set for 3/2/2022 at 10:00 am is VACATED and RESET for 4/4/2022 at 10:30 am. Court to initiate call. Text entry order. (mr)
March 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 39 MOTION to Continue MARCH 2. 2022 TELEPHONIC PRELIMINARY PRETRIAL CONFERENCE (UNOPPOSED)-CORRECTED by Plaintiff Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Squire PHV, Percy)
March 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 38 MOTION to Continue MARCH 1, 2022 TELEPHONIC PRELIMINARY PRETRIAL CONFERENCE (UNOPPOSED) by Plaintiff Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Proposed Order)(Squire PHV, Percy)
March 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 37 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: #36 Dfts' Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Response to Plaintiff's Complaint is granted. Dfts, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Phillip E Miller, and Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC are granted to and including 3/31/2022 to file an Answer to Plaintiff's #2 Complaint. Text entry order. (mr)
February 28, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 36 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re #2 Complaint, (Unopposed by Plaintiff) by Defendants Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Skalski, Mackenzie)
February 28, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 35 NOTICE of Appearance by Mackenzie E Skalski on behalf of Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC (Skalski, Mackenzie)
February 28, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 34 REPORT of Rule 26(f) Planning Meeting. (Squire PHV, Percy)
February 22, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 33 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The #32 Withdrawal of Appearance is granted. The appearance of Attorney Rachel O Webster is hereby withdrawn on behalf of Defendants, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC, and Phillip E. Miller. Text entry order.(mr)
February 18, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 32 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Defendants Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC. (Webster, Rachel)
February 10, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 31 Corporate Disclosure Statement by Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company identifying Corporate Parent Auto Owners Insurance Company for Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company.. (Giordano, Michael)
February 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 30 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. PEM Consulting Group, LLC served on 2/4/2022, answer due 3/1/2022; Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC served on 2/4/2022, answer due 3/1/2022. (Squire PHV, Percy)
February 9, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 29 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. Phillip E Miller served on 2/4/2022, answer due 3/1/2022. (Squire PHV, Percy)
February 2, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 28 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The #27 Motion to Continue Telephonic Preliminary Pretrial Conference is granted. The telephonic Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference set for 2/10/2022 at 10:00 am is VACATED and RESET for 3/2/2022 at 10:00 am. Court to initiate call. Text entry order.(mr)
February 2, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 27 MOTION to Continue February 10, 2022 Telephonic Preliminary Pretrial Conference by Plaintiff Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Supplement Proposed Order)(Squire PHV, Percy)
February 2, 2022 Opinion or Order Reset Deadlines: PEM Consulting Group LL, Pyramid Consultants & Construction LLC, and Phillip E Miller Answer due 3/1/2022 pursuant to DE #26 . (kms)
February 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 26 NOTICE by Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC OF AUTOMATIC INITIAL EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE RESPONSE TO PLAINTIFFS COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES (Webster, Rachel)
February 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 25 DISCLOSURE of CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT filed by PEM Consulting Group, LLC, Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC.(Webster, Rachel)
February 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 24 NOTICE of Appearance by Raegan M Gibson on behalf of Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC (Gibson, Raegan)
February 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 23 NOTICE of Appearance by Rachel O Webster on behalf of Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC (Webster, Rachel)
February 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 22 NOTICE of Appearance by Rachel O Webster on behalf of Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC (Webster, Rachel)
February 1, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 21 NOTICE of Appearance by Raegan M Gibson on behalf of Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC (Gibson, Raegan)
January 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 20 MAGISTRATE JUDGE CONSENT FORMS sent to all parties. (mr)
January 26, 2022 Opinion or Order Filing 19 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephonic Rule 16 Preliminary Pretrial Conference set for 2/10/2022 at 10:00 AM in US District Court - Fort Wayne before Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins. Court to initiate call. (mr)
December 21, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 18 ORDER granting #16 Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Attorney John C Scott PHV for Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Signed by Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins on 12/21/2021. (ace)
December 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 17 ORDER granting #15 Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Jeffrey C Mando PHV for Chesapeake Insurance. Signed by Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins on 12/20/2021. (ace)
December 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 16 Application for Attorney John C. Scott to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Pro Hac Vice fee of $ 96 has been received, receipt number AINNDC-4783845 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Certificate of Good Standing Ohio, #2 Exhibit B - Certificate of Good Standing Kentucky)(Scott, John)
November 30, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 15 Application for Attorney Jeffrey C. Mando to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company. Pro Hac Vice fee of $ 96 has been received, receipt number AINNDC-4764791 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Good Standing Ohio, #2 Exhibit Good Standing Kentucky)(Mando, Jeffrey)
November 29, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 14 DEMAND for Trial by Jury by Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. (Giordano, Michael)
November 29, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 13 ANSWER to #2 Complaint, and Affirmative Defenses, by Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company.(Giordano, Michael)
November 24, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 12 ORDER for Magistrate Judge Susan Collins: The #9 Motion for Extension of Time to Answer to Plaintiff's Complaint is granted. Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company answer due 11/28/2021. Text entry order. (lhc)
November 18, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 11 NOTICE of Appearance by John C Trimble on behalf of Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company (Trimble, John)
November 17, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 10 NOTICE of Appearance by Edmund L Abel on behalf of Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company (Abel, Edmund)
November 17, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 9 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer to Plaintiff's Complaint by Defendant Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. (Giordano, Michael)
November 17, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 8 NOTICE of Appearance by Michael R Giordano on behalf of Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company (Giordano, Michael)
November 8, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 7 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. Chesapeake Insurance served on 10/20/2021, answer due 11/10/2021. (Squire PHV, Percy)
October 26, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 6 SUMMONS Returned Executed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company served on 10/20/2021, answer due 11/10/2021. (Squire PHV, Percy)
October 20, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 5 ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Theresa L Springmann for all further proceedings. Judge William C Lee no longer assigned to case. Signed by Chief Judge Jon E DeGuilio on 10/20/2021. (ksc)
June 22, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 4 ORDER granting #1 Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice of Attorney Percy Squire PHV for Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc. Signed by Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins on 6/22/2021. (ace)
June 4, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 3 Summons Issued as to Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company, Chesapeake Insurance, Phillip E Miller, PEM Consulting Group, LLC. NOTE:The attached document is accessible by court personnel only. Summons forms that were electronically submitted to the court for issuance will be returned to counsel via e-mail. (rmc)
June 4, 2021 Opinion or Order Judge William C Lee and Magistrate Judge Susan L Collins added. (NEW CASE, PHV MOTION PENDING) (rmc)
June 3, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 2 COMPLAINT with JURY DEMAND against All Defendants ( Filing fee $ 402 receipt number 0755-4592346.), filed by Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Civil Cover Sheet, #2 Proposed Summons Atlantic, #3 Proposed Summons Chesapeake, #4 Proposed Summons Miller, #5 Proposed Summons PEM, #6 Proposed Summons Pyramid)(Squire PHV, Percy)
June 3, 2021 Opinion or Order Filing 1 Application for Attorney Percy Squire to Appear Pro Hac Vice on behalf of Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.. Pro Hac Vice fee of $ 96 has been received, receipt number 0755-4592326 (Attachments: #1 Supplement Cert. of Good Standing)(Squire PHV, Percy) (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/21/2021: #2 OH Certificate) (ace). (Main Document 1 replaced on 6/21/2021 to include OH certificate) (ace). Modified on 6/21/2021 (ace). (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/22/2021: #3 Disciplinary Explanation) (ace). (Additional attachment(s) added on 6/22/2021: #4 Disciplinary Explanation) (ace).

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Defendant: Pyramid Consultants & Construction, LLC
Represented By: Edward Simon PHV
Represented By: Michael H Michmerhuizen
Represented By: Mackenzie E Skalski
Represented By: Rachel O Webster
Represented By: Raegan M Gibson
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Defendant: PEM Consulting Group, LLC
Represented By: Edward Simon PHV
Represented By: Michael H Michmerhuizen
Represented By: Mackenzie E Skalski
Represented By: Rachel O Webster
Represented By: Raegan M Gibson
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Defendant: Chesapeake Insurance
Represented By: Jeffrey C Mando PHV
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Defendant: Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company
Represented By: Edmund L Abel
Represented By: John C Scott PHV
Represented By: John C Trimble
Represented By: Michael R Giordano
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Defendant: Phillip E Miller
Represented By: Edward Simon PHV
Represented By: Michael H Michmerhuizen
Represented By: Mackenzie E Skalski
Represented By: Rachel O Webster
Represented By: Raegan M Gibson
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Plaintiff: Peters Broadcast Engineering, Inc.
Represented By: Percy Squire PHV
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