May 23, 2014 |
ORDER granting 282 Security and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Motion to Dismiss the following defendants: One Equity Corporation, Triangle Equities Group, Inc., Victory Management Group, Inc., and Dafcan Finance, Inc. With no defendants remaining, the clerk is DIRECTED to close this case. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 05/22/2014. (dh1)
May 1, 2014 |
ORDER APPROVING FINAL REPORT OF COURT APPOINTED RECEIVER. The Court finds there are no further assets that remain to be liquidated and there is due cause to approve Final Report. It is ordered that the Receiver is released and said receivership is terminated. It is ordered that the receivership entities being One Equity Corporation; Triangle Equities Group, Inc.; Victory Management Group, Inc.; Dafcan Finance, Inc.; Marshal-Light Trading Partners, Inc.; and Resource Property Management are dissolved pursuant to this entry. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 05/01/2014. (dh1)
June 28, 2013 |
Order Approving Eleventh Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application for Approval of Fees and Costs and Final Distribution of Receivership and Request for Hearing To Show Cause Regarding Remaining Balance Owed by Bradley Miller. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 06/27/2013. (dh1)
June 24, 2013 |
ORDER vacating the 06/25/2013 Show Cause Hearing, as the Court has received notice from the Receiver that the payment relevant to this hearing has been received. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 06/24/2013. (dh1)
May 24, 2012 |
Order Approving Tenth Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application for Approval of Fees and Costs for Period of October 1, 2011 through January 31, 2012. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 05/24/2012. (dh1)
May 23, 2012 |
ORDER Approving Receiver's Application for Approval of Proposed Plan of Distribution. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 05/22/2012. (dh1)
May 3, 2012 |
ORDER: Consistent with the Court's Order of 5/1/2012 254 , the Receiver shall send a copy of the proposed Property Plan Distribution to all claimants, together with the scheduling order of this Court, and shall thereafter file a certificate of service indicating completion. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 05/03/2012. (dh1)
February 8, 2012 |
Agreed Order on Third Omnibus Objection to Claims (Stock Based Loans) as to Claim No. 43 for Carl Amari and Claim No. 100 for IRA Bodenstein. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 02/07/2012. (dh1)
December 20, 2011 |
ORDER Approving Ninth Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application for Approval of Fees and Costs for Period of December 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 12/20/2011. (dh1)
October 5, 2011 |
ORDER Approving Eighth Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application for Approval of Fees and Expenses for Special Counsel Related to California Action. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 10/05/2011. (dh1)
August 22, 2011 |
ORDER on Third Omnibus Objection to Claims (Stock Based Loans) as to Claim No. 86 for Robbins Enterprises, Inc. It is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the claim of Robbins Enterprises, Inc. (Claim No. 86) is denied and not allowed in any amount. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 08/22/2011. (dh1)
August 4, 2011 |
ORDER Approving Motion by Court Appointed Receiver, Frederick L. Ransier, for Order Authorizing and Approving Compromise as Related to Thomas N. Botts and Windsor One, LLC. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 08/04/2011. (dh1)
July 5, 2011 |
ORDER approving the Motion by Court Appointed Receiver, Frederick L. Ransier, for Order Authorizing and Approving Compromise as Related to California Lawsuit. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 07/05/2011. (dh1)
May 17, 2011 |
ORDER Approving Receiver's Application to Establish Procedure for Service, Objection(s) and Hearing Related to Certain Motions to Compromise. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 05/17/2011. (dh1)
March 16, 2011 |
Order Approving Seventh Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application for: 1) Relief from the Modification of Section II.B of the Order of Preliminary Injunction Against Michael and Melissa Spillan; 2) Consolidation; 3) Approval of Proposed Compromise with Certain Ohio Agencies; 4) Approval of Fees and Expenses; and 5) Order Setting Forth Procedure for Service, Objection, and Hearing for Seventh Report. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 03/15/2011. (dh1)
February 9, 2011 |
Order Setting Forth the Procedure for Service, Objection and Hearing for the Seventh Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application. A hearing is scheduled for 03/22/2011 at 10:00 a.m. for any responses/objections filed. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 02/09/2011. (dh1)
November 30, 2010 |
ORDER granting 170 Motion by Court Appointed Receiver Frederick L. Ransier for Order Authorizing and Approving Compromise. The Clerk is directed to certify a copy of this entered Order so that the C-SUN parties may comply with the requirements set forth in footnote 3. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 11/30/2010. (dh1)
November 23, 2010 |
OPINION AND ORDER DENYING 140 Receiver Frederick L. Ransier's Motion to Exclude Motion of Court Appointed Receiver for Declaration that Spartan Marketing Limited is Barred from Pursuing Claims Against the Receivership Estates; GRANTING 145 Interested Party Spartan Marketing Limited's Motion for Consideration of Prior Court Filings as Informal Proof of Claim; and GRANTING IN PART 146 Interested Party Spartan Marketing Limited's Renewed Motion to Lift Receivership Stay as to Spartan Marketing Limited. It is ORDERED that the STAY with respect to Spartan's fraud-based claims in the California litigation be LIFTED IN PART, consistent with this Order. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 11/23/2010. (dh1)
November 3, 2010 |
Final Judgment as to Defendant Michael S. Spllan. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 11/03/2010. (dh)
January 13, 2010 |
ORDER granting 108 Notice and Motion Seeking Leave to Appear filed by C-SUN Parties and grants leave for the C-SUN Parties to appear before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York for the sole purpose of informing that Court of the status of the receivership matter. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 01/13/2010. (dh)
January 8, 2010 |
ORDER Approving Fifth Report of Court Appointed Receiver and Application to Establish Proof of Claims Notice and Procedure 105 . Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 01/08/09. (dh)
September 30, 2009 |
ORDER denying 97 Motion for Release of Lien filed by Petitioner Hunter Investigations. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 09/30/09. (dh)
April 21, 2009 |
ORDER enjoining C-Sun intervenors from proceeding in New York lawsuit without permission from this Court. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 04/21/09. (dh)
February 19, 2009 |
ORDER supplementing the Order of 02/17/09. The stay issued in this case only affects claims by or against the entities over which the Receiver has been appointed, and does not apply to other entities, such as Hedgelender. Signed by Judge Edmund A Sargus on 02/19/09. (dh)