March 9, 2018 |
ORDER granting 306 Motion to Stay; granting 307 Motion to Stay. The parties are DIRECTED to inform this Court forthwith if the automatic stay should be lifted. Signed by Chief Judge Edmund A. Sargus on 3/9/2018. (mas)
August 21, 2017 |
ORDER re 08/21/17 telephone conference: Defendant's Motion to Set a Supersedeas Bond Amount, Stay the Outcome Pending Appeal, and Conduct an Expedited Telephonic Conference 264 is granted in part and denied in part. Enforcement of the judgmen t will not be executed upon until 08/29/17; Defendant shall post a supersedeas bond for $2,650,000, which will operate to further stay execution of the judgment pending outcome of the Defendant's and Managers' appeal to the Sixth Circu it; Once bond is posted, the asset freeze imposed under the Court's preliminary injunction order will be lifted. The Court granted Defendant's request to use LLC assets to satisfy two tax obligations. Plaintiffs will submit records detailing the amount of attorney's fees sought in support of their Motion for Award of Attorney's Fees and Related Nontaxable Expenses 263 . Signed by Chief Judge Edmund A. Sargus on 08/21/2017. (dh1)
July 11, 2017 |
OPINION & ORDER - Before this matter is set for a hearing, Tomi Anne Pulliam and Stephen Paul SHALL NOTIFY the Court within seven (7) days if they wish to rest on the evidence adduced a the final hearing held on 7/7/2017. As to Stephen Paul's Objection to Preliminary Injunction, Mr. Paul's objection is OVERRULED. Signed by Chief Judge Edmund A. Sargus on 7/11/2017. (mas)
May 19, 2017 |
OPINION AND ORDER granting 163 Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction. The Court orders that Defendant Global Fitness Holdings, LLC and Managers Royce Pulliam and Laurence Paul are enjoined from further dissipating any assets, absent o rdinary and customary expenses or approval from the Court, as previously set forth in the Temporary Restraining Order 179 issued by this Court. Additionally, the Court denies as moot the Motions of Defendant, Pulliam, and Paul to Vacate the Temporary Restraining Order ( 169 , 171 , 174 ). Signed by Chief Judge Edmund A. Sargus on 05/19/2017. (dh1)
May 8, 2017 |
ORDER granting 199 Plaintiffs' Motion for Leave to File Under Seal. Plaintiffs may file their Memorandum in Opposition to Defendant's Motion for Protective Order and its exhibits under seal. Signed by Chief Judge Edmund A. Sargus on 05/08/2017. (dh1)
July 16, 2014 |
FINA JUDGMENT Case Terminated. Signed by Judge George C Smith on 7/16/14. (lvw1)
April 4, 2014 |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS - It is RECOMMENDED that: (a) because the proposed settlement of the action on the terms and conditions set forth in the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable, adequate, and in the best interest of the Class and Subcla sses, the Settlement Agreement be finally approved by the Court; (b) the Class and Subclasses be finally certified for settlement purposes; (c) the Action be dismissed with prejudice pursuant to the terms of the Settlement Agreement; (d) Settling Pla intiffs be bound by the release set forth in the Settlement Agreement;Objections to R&R due by 4/21/2014. (e) Class Counsel be awarded reasonable fees and reimbursement of expenses in the amount of $2,390,000, (f) Class Representatives be award ed the Class Representative Enhancement Payments in the amounts specified in the Settlement Agreement, and (g) Global Fitnesss Motion to Strike Objection of Joshua Blackman, Doc. No. 125, be denied. Signed by Magistrate Judge Norah McCann King on 4/4/14. (jr1)
September 30, 2013 |
ORDER denying 102 Motion to Intervene. Signed by Judge George C Smith on 9-30-13. (ga)
September 23, 2013 |
ORDER ADOPTING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Signed by Judge George C Smith on 9/23/13. (lvw1)
September 3, 2013 |
REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS re 89 MOTION to Intervene: The Magistrate Judge RECOMMENDS that this motion be DENIED. Objections to R&R due within fourteen (14) days of the date of this Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Norah McCann King on 9/3/2013. (er1)
January 16, 2013 |
ORDER denying 61 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; denying 73 Motion for Certification. Signed by Judge George C Smith on 1-15-13. (ga)
March 28, 2012 |
ORDER granting in part and denying in part 36 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; denying 11 Motion to Remand to State Court. Signed by Judge George C Smith on 3-28-12. (ga)
January 12, 2012 |
ORDER granting 53 Entry of dismiss without prejudice as to Plaintiff Michaela Woolum. Signed by Magistrate Judge Norah McCann King on 1/12/12. (rew) Modified on 1/12/2012 to add name of terminated party (kjm1).
September 27, 2011 |
STIPULATION AND PROTECTIVE ORDER: Signed by Magistrate Judge Norah McCann King on 09/26/2011. (sr)