Shaw v. L'Oreal USA, Inc. et al
Sharon Shaw |
L'Oreal USA, Inc., L'Oreal USA Products, Inc., SoftSheen-Carson Inc., Strength of Nature, LLC, Godrej Consumer Products LTD/ADR, Godrej SON Holdings, Inc., JF Labs, Inc., AFAM Concept, Inc., Avlon Industries, Inc. and Luster, Inc. |
3:2023cv00041 |
January 12, 2023 |
US District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia |
Robert C Chambers |
Personal Inj. Prod. Liability |
28 U.S.C. ยง 1332 Diversity-Product Liability |
Plaintiff |
Docket Report
This docket was last retrieved on February 22, 2023. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.
Document Text |
Filing 11 CONDITIONAL TRANSFER ORDER (CTO-1) JUDICIAL PANEL ON MDL: certified copy from the Northern District of Illinois transferring this action to the USDC/NDIL for coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1407. Signed by John W. Nichols Clerk of the Panel. (Attachment: #1 Cover Letter) (cc: attys) (ts) |
Filing 10 NOTIFICATION FROM JUDICIAL PANEL ON MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION re: Conditional Transfer Order (CTO-1), MDL 3060. (kew) |
Filing 9 WAIVER OF SERVICE EXECUTED. Waiver signed by Brant T. Miller on 02/08/2023. L'Oreal USA Products, Inc. waiver mailed on 1/28/2023, answer due 3/29/2023. (Marshall, Jonathan) |
Filing 8 WAIVER OF SERVICE EXECUTED. Waiver signed by Brant T. Miller on 02/08/2023. L'Oreal USA, Inc. waiver mailed on 1/28/2023, answer due 3/29/2023. (Marshall, Jonathan) |
Filing 7 STATEMENT OF VISITING ATTORNEY from Peter G. Siachos on behalf of L'Oreal USA Products, Inc., L'Oreal USA, Inc. Local counsel: Brant T. Miller. Fee $50.00. Receipt # AWVSDC-8361226. (Attachment: #1 Exhibit - Bar Admissions)(Miller, Brant) |
Filing 6 NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Brant T. Miller on behalf of L'Oreal USA Products, Inc., L'Oreal USA, Inc. (Miller, Brant) |
Filing 5 STATEMENT OF VISITING ATTORNEY from Ashlie Case Sletvold on behalf of Sharon Shaw.. Fee $50.00. Receipt # AWVSDC-8350529. (Marshall, Jonathan) |
Filing 4 ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED as to AFAM Concept, Inc., Avlon Industries, Inc., Godrej SON Holdings, Inc., JF Labs, Inc., L'Oreal USA Products, Inc., L'Oreal USA, Inc., Luster, Inc., SoftSheen-Carson Inc., Strength of Nature, LLC, re: #1 Complaint. Summons returnable 21 days. Instructions to Counsel: This is your electronic summons. Please print as many copies of the Summons and Complaint as are necessary to effectuate service under Fed. R. Civ. P. 4. See Proof of Service page of this Summons form for filing a return of service if required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(l). (Attachments: #1 summons as to L'Oreal USA Products, Inc., #2 summons as to SoftSheen-Carson, #3 summons as to Strength of Nature, LLC, #4 summons as to Godrej SON Holdings, Inc., #5 summons as to JF Labs, Inc., #6 summons as to AFAM Concept, Inc., #7 summons as to Avlon Industries, Inc., #8 summons as to Luster Products, Inc.) (jsa) (Modified on 1/24/2023 to replace image for attachment #2) (mkw). |
Filing 3 SUMMONS SUBMITTED by Sharon Shaw for L'Oreal USA, Inc., L'Oreal USA Products, Inc., SoftSheen-Carson Inc., Strength of Nature, LLC, Godrej SON Holdings, Inc., Avlon Industries, Inc., JF Labs, Inc., AFAM Concept, Inc., Luster Products, Inc., re: #1 Complaint. Attachments: #1 Proposed Summons Avlon, #2 Proposed Summons Godrej, #3 Proposed Summons JF Labs, #4 Proposed Summons L'Oreal USA, #5 Proposed Summons L'Oreal USA Products, #6 Proposed Summons Luster, #7 Proposed Summons SoftSheen, #8 Proposed Summons Strength of Nature)(Marshall, Jonathan) (Modified on 1/24/2023 to add link to #1 complaint) (mkw). |
NOTICE OF DOCKET CORRECTION re: #4 ELECTRONIC SUMMONS ISSUED. Error: The Summons for SoftSheen-Carson, Inc. (Attachment #2) was not signed. Correction: Replaced unsigned summons with signed summons. (mkw) |
Filing 2 STANDING ORDER IN RE: ASSIGNMENT AND REFERRAL OF CIVIL ACTIONS AND MATTERS TO MAGISTRATE JUDGES ENTERED JANUARY 4, 2016. Discovery referred to Magistrate Judge Eifert. (cc: counsel of record; any unrepresented party) (jsa) |
Filing 1 COMPLAINT. Filing Fee $402.00. Receipt # BWVSDC-8343641. (Attachment: #1 Civil Cover Sheet) (jsa) |
CASE assigned to Judge Robert C. Chambers. (klc) |
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