Appvion Incorporated, et al v. PH Glatfelter Company, et al
Plaintiff: NCR Corporation and Appvion Inc
Defendant: City of Green Bay, Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Village of Wrightstown, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, US Paper Mills Corp, CBC Coating Inc, City of Kaukauna, Village of Kimberly, The Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company, Fort James Operating Company, Green Bay Packaging Inc, Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District, WTM I Company, NewPage Wisconsin System Inc, City of De Pere, Fort James Corporation, PH Glatfelter Company, Leicht Transfer & Storage Company, Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, City of Appleton, International Paper Company, Wisconsin Public Service Corp, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, Georgia-Pacific LLC, George A Whiting Paper Company, Brown County and Neenah Foundry Co
Intervenor Defendant: General Casualty Company of Wisconsin
Consolidated Defendant: United States Army Corps of Engineers, United States of America, LaFarge North America Inc and Union Pacific Railroad Company
3Rd Party Defendant: Carrier X
3Rd Party Plaintiff: Menasha Corporation
Case Number: 2:2008cv00016
Filed: January 7, 2008
Court: US District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
Office: Milwaukee Office
County: Outagamie
Presiding Judge: William C Griesbach
Nature of Suit: Environmental Matters
Cause of Action: 42 U.S.C. § 9607
Jury Demanded By: None
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on June 14, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
June 14, 2019 Opinion or Order Filing 1929 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 6/14/2019. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 11, 2019 Filing 1928 Unopposed MOTION to Amend/Correct Stipulated Protective Order by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(McAtee, Darin)
November 21, 2017 Filing 1927 EXHIBITS Released Receipt to counsel for PH Glatfelter Company. (mac)
November 7, 2017 EXHIBITS released to counsel David Mandelbaum for PH Glatfelter. Receipt to be returned for DVDs containing Plaintiffs and Defendants final trial exhibits, with the exception of sealed exhibit number 6012, which states it is to be returned to WTM. All other exhibits destroyed.(cav)
November 2, 2017 Filing 1926 LETTER from P. H. Glatfelter Company re: Release of Exhibits . (Maxwell, Kaitlyn)
October 25, 2017 Filing 1925 NOTIFICATION of Exhibit Release sent to counsel of record. (cav)
October 11, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1924 ORDER DISMISSING CASE signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 10/11/17.All claims asserted by NCR and Appvion against Glatfelter and GP (Dkt. #265 #1617 ), shall be dismissed without prejudice and without award of costs to any party. All counterclaims asserted by Glatfelter and GP against NCR and Appvion,(Dkt. #298 , #310 , and #1619 ), shall be dismissed without prejudice and without award of costs to any party. All crossclaims asserted by GP against Glatfelter (Dkt. #1614 ) and the crossclaims asserted by Glatfelter against GP (Dkt. #1634 ) in this action shall be dismissed without prejudice and without any award of costs to any party. This case is closed. (cc: all counsel)(lh)
October 10, 2017 Filing 1923 STIPULATION of Dismissal by NCR Corporation, Appvion, Inc., P. H. Glatfelter Company, and Georgia-Pacific -- filed by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mandelbaum, David)
September 5, 2017 Filing 1922 STATUS REPORT - Joint Status Report Submitted by P. H. Glatfelter Co., Georgia-Pacific, NCR Corp., and Appvion, Inc. by PH Glatfelter Company. (Mandelbaum, David)
August 23, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1921 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 8/23/2017. Appvion's outstanding #1856 #1860 MOTIONS for Partial Summary Judgment are DENIED as moot. As directed in the enforcement order entered in Case No. 10-C-910, the parties should file a status report concerning the remaining claims in both matters on or before 9/5/17. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
July 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1920 TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1834 MOTION of Perry Rosen and Mathew Oakes to Withdraw as Attorney filed by United States Army Corps of Engineers, United States of America, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 07/25/2017. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
July 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1919 TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1822 MOTION of Linda Larson to Withdraw as Attorney filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 07/25/2017. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
July 25, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1918 TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1820 MOTION of Charles H. Bohl to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 07/25/2017.(cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
April 21, 2017 NOTICE of Cancellation of Hearing: The Telephone Status Conference scheduled for 4/21/2017 is removed from the Court calendar pending resolution of (ECF #1188) Motion to Enter Revised Proposed Consent Decree in Case 10-C-910 United States of America et al v. NCR Corporation et al. (cc: all counsel) (tlf)
March 10, 2017 Filing 1917 NOTICE of Hearing: (cc: all counsel) Telephone Status Conference set for 4/21/2017 at 02:00 PM in By Telephone before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. See attached notice for participant instructions.(lh)
March 10, 2017 Filing 1916 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach: Status Conference held on 3/10/2017. Telephone Status Conference set for 4/21/2017 at 02:00 PM in By Telephone before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (Tape #031017) (lh)
February 10, 2017 Filing 1915 PARTIAL JUDGMENT entered by Deputy Clerk dismissing the claims and counterclaims between Plaintiffs Appvion Inc and NCR Corporation and Defendant WTM I Company, each party to bear its own attorney fees and costs. WTM I Company is dismissed from this case. Approved by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 2/10/2017. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
February 10, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1914 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 2-10-17 granting #1912 Motion for Order. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
February 9, 2017 Filing 1913 Motion (Letter) for entry of partial judgment relating to WTM I (Attachments: #1 Partial Judgment Relating to WTM I)(Peterson, Nancy) Modified filing event on 2/10/2017 (lh).
February 9, 2017 Filing 1912 Joint MOTION for Order Directing Payment of the Conditional Set-Aside by City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Bogart, Steven)
January 23, 2017 Filing 1911 NOTICE of Hearing: (cc: all counsel) Status Conference set for 3/10/2017 02:00 PM By Telephone before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (cav)
January 20, 2017 Filing 1910 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach: Telephone Conference held on 1/20/2017. The final pretrial and trial dates are removed from the court's calendar. Briefing on all pending motions is stayed. Status Conference set for 3/10/2017 02:00 PM By Telephone before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (Tape #012017) (cav)
January 20, 2017 Filing 1909 FILING ERROR. WRONG CASE. ORDER STAYING BRIEFING AND ADJOURNING TRIAL. The Final Pretrial Conference and Jury trials scheduled for April and May 2017 are removed from the calendar. The Court will hold a telephonic scheduling conference on 3/10/17 at 2:00 pm. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William) Modified as error on 1/23/2017 (lh).
January 20, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1908 ORDER STAYING BRIEFING AND ADJOURNING TRIAL. The court will hold a Telephonic Scheduling Conference on 3/10/17 at 2:00 pm. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William) Modified text as to scheduling conference date on 1/20/2017 (lh).
January 18, 2017 Filing 1907 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Conference re Proposed Settlement set for 1/20/2017 02:00 PM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. See attached notice for participant instructions.(cc: all counsel)(tlf)
January 17, 2017 Filing 1906 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Chief Judge Griesbach regarding Consent Decree and requesting telephonic status conference . (McAtee, Darin)
January 10, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1905 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-10-16 denying #1880 Motion rule 56(d) discovery. Response briefs due Feb 1. Reply due Feb 14. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 9, 2017 Filing 1904 PARTIAL FINAL JUDGMENT entered by Deputy Clerk dismissing all claims and counterclaims between Plaintiffs and Defendants City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, and US Paper Mills Corp, each party to bear its own attorney fees and costs; approved by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1/9/2017. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
January 9, 2017 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1903 Letter request and directing the Clerk to VACATE #1898 Judgment, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 01/09/2017. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
January 6, 2017 Filing 1903 LETTER from Scott W. Hansen . (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Partial Final Judgment in a Civil Case)(Hansen, Scott)
January 6, 2017 Filing 1902 TRANSCRIPT of STATUS CONFERENCE held on 12/12/2016 before Judge William Griesbach Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, Contact at WWW.JOHNSCHINDHELM.COM to order directly... Or. Transcripts may be purchased using the Transcript Order Form found #on our website or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 1/30/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/9/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/10/2017. (Schindhelm, John)
January 5, 2017 Filing 1901 RESPONSE filed by Appvion Inc re #1892 Response (Non-Motion) to Defendant P. H. Glatfelter Company's Additional Proposed Findings of Fact in Opposition to Appvion's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P. H. Glatfelter Company and Georgia-Pacific (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 5, 2017 Filing 1900 RESPONSE filed by Appvion Inc re #1884 Response (Non-Motion), to Defendant Georgia-Pacific's Additional Proposed Findings of Fact in Opposition to Appvion's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P. H. Glatfelter Company and Georgia-Pacific (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 5, 2017 Filing 1899 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1856 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific . (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 4, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1898 VACATED. See 1/9/2017 Text Only Order. PARTIAL JUDGMENT signed by Deputy Clerk and approved by Chief Judge William C. Griesbach on 1/4/17 in favor of Plaintiffs and against Defendants' City of Appleton, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, Menasha Corporation, US Paper Mills Corp and WTM I Company. (cc: all counsel)(lh) Modified on 1/9/2017 (tlf).
January 4, 2017 Filing 1897 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1860 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on the "Pursuant To" Issue . (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1896 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-3-17 denying #1789 Motion to Enforce. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1895 ORDER finding motions moot signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-3-17. The following motions are denied as moot: #1808 Motion to Add Party ; #1835 Motion for Summary Judgment; #1839 Motion for Summary Judgment; #1846 Motion for Summary Judgment; #1852 Motion for Summary Judgment; #1869 Motion in Limine. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1894 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-3-17 granting #1887 Motion for Settlement among Plaintiffs and Defendants City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, U.S. Paper Mills Corp. and WTM I Company. There being no reason for delay, judgment shall be entered forthwith to reflect the terms of the settlement. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 3, 2017 Opinion or Order Filing 1893 ORDER Approving Stipulation signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-3-17.The time for settling defendants to respond to any motions filed against them by Appvion and not previously stayed, and the time for Appvion to respond to any motions filed against it by any of the settling defendants and not previously stayed shall be extended to and including January 18, 2017. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1892 RESPONSE filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1858 Proposed Findings of Fact by Appvion Inc. (Mandelbaum, David)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1891 RESPONSE to Motion filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1856 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific . (Mandelbaum, David)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1890 JOINDER by Menasha Corporation re #1880 MOTION Rule 56(d) Motion Pertaining to Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the 'Pursuant To' Issue . (Hunsucker, Philip)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1889 DECLARATION of Scott W. Hansen (Hansen, Scott)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1888 BRIEF in Support filed by US Paper Mills Corp re #1887 Unopposed MOTION for Settlement . (Hansen, Scott)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1887 Unopposed MOTION for Settlement by US Paper Mills Corp. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit Executed Settlement Agreement)(Hansen, Scott)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1886 STIPULATION Regarding Briefing Schedule and [Proposed] Order by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
December 22, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1885 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 12-22-16 denying #1794 Motion for Summary Judgment. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1884 RESPONSE filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1858 Proposed Findings of Fact - Georgia-Pacific's Response to Appvion's Statement of Proposed Material Facts in Support of Appvion's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific (Alexander, Mary)
December 22, 2016 Filing 1883 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1856 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific - Georgia-Pacific's Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Appvion's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific. (Alexander, Mary)
December 22, 2016 NOTICE of Electronic Filing Error re #1882 Declaration; Attachments to documents/Exhibits should be clearly described. This document does not need to be re-filed. Please refer to Judge Griesbach's Instructions for Litigants found at (mac)
December 21, 2016 Filing 1882 DECLARATION of Francis A. Citera in Support of P.H. Glatfelter Company's and Georgia-Pacific's Rule 56(D) Motion Pertaining to Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the 'Pursuant To' Issue (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H, #9 Exhibit I, #10 Exhibit J, #11 Exhibit K)(Citera, Francis)
December 21, 2016 Filing 1881 BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, PH Glatfelter Company re #1880 MOTION Rule 56(d) Motion Pertaining to Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the 'Pursuant To' Issue . (Mandelbaum, David)
December 21, 2016 Filing 1880 MOTION Rule 56(d) Motion Pertaining to Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the 'Pursuant To' Issue by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mandelbaum, David)
December 15, 2016 Filing 1879 LETTER from Scott W. Hansen . (Hansen, Scott)
December 15, 2016 Set/Reset Hearings: Court Trial set for 4/3/2017 08:30 AM in Courtroom 390 or in such other courtroom as determined, 517 E Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (cav)
December 14, 2016 Filing 1878 PRETRIAL ORDER: Joint Initial Pretrial Report due by 3/1/2017, Motions in limine due by 2/10/2017. Court Trial set for 4/3/2017 08:30 AM in Courtroom 390 or in such other courtroom as determined at 517 E Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. Final Pretrial Conference set for 3/23/2017 01:30 PM in Courtroom 390 or in such other courtroom as determined at 517 E Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
December 14, 2016 Set/Reset Hearings: Court Trial Set for 4/3/17-4/28/17 at 8:30 AM in Courtroom 390 or in such courtroom as determined at 517 E Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (lh)
December 14, 2016 DOCKETED IN ERROR - DISREGARD this NOTICE Set/Reset Hearings: Court Trial set for 4/12/2017 and 4/26/17 at 08:30 AM in Courtroom 390, 517 E Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (lh) Modified on 12/15/2016 (cav).
December 12, 2016 Filing 1877 DUPLICATE FILING SEE #1876 Minute Order. Proceedings held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach: Status Conference held on 12/12/2016. The Court ORDERS the motions solely involving the five settling defendants are stayed. (Tape #121216) (Attachments: #1 Scheduling Order, #2 Seating Chart) (lh) Modified as duplicate on 12/13/2016 (lh).
December 12, 2016 Filing 1876 Minute Order. Proceedings held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach: Status Conference held on 12/12/2016. The Court ORDERS the motions solely involving the five settling defendants are stayed. (Tape #121216) (Attachments: #1 Scheduling Order, #2 Seating Chart) (lh)
December 9, 2016 Filing 1875 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Following the June 13, 2016 in-person conference, Magistrate Judge Aaron Goodstein conducted separate ex-parte settlement discussions with counsel for the respective parties in an effort to reach a resolution between the parties. Key issues were identified and on December 9, 2016, the parties advised that they had reached a settlement in principle on these issues. Judge Goodstein conducted these ex-parte discussions on the following dates: June 17 and 28; October 14, 17, 18, 21 and 27; November 3, 14 and 21; December 1, 2, 6 and 9, 2016. (dmm)
December 9, 2016 Filing 1874 LETTER from Thomas R. Gottshall, Esq. . (Gottshall, Thomas)
December 7, 2016 Filing 1873 LETTER from Ronald R. Ragatz to The Honorable William Griesbach. (Ragatz, Ronald)
December 7, 2016 Filing 1872 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander . (Alexander, Mary)
December 1, 2016 Filing 1871 DECLARATION of Steven P. Bogart in Support of Certain Defendants' Motion in Limine (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Appvion's Supplemental Rule 26(a) Disclosures, #2 Exhibit B - Fourth Amended Appendix A to Disclosures, #3 Exhibit C - Excerpts from Deposition Transcript of Brian Tauscher, #4 Exhibit D - Appvion's Supplemental Response to P.H. Glatfelter's Discovery Requests, #5 Exhibit E - Appvion's Amendment to Supplemental Response, #6 Exhibit F - Commerce & Industry Indemnity Claim Insurance Policy, #7 Exhibit G - Expert Report of Ross Mishkin, #8 Exhibit H - Excerpts from Deposition Transcript of Ross Mishkin, #9 Exhibit I - Excerpts from Deposition Transcript of Paul Karch, #10 Exhibit J - AWAB Board of Directors Resolutions Section 3, #11 Exhibit K - Letter from AIG to Brian Tauscher)(Bogart, Steven)
December 1, 2016 Filing 1870 BRIEF in Support filed by US Paper Mills Corp re #1869 MOTION in Limine Concerning Appvion's Cost Claim . (Bogart, Steven)
December 1, 2016 Filing 1869 MOTION in Limine Concerning Appvion's Cost Claim by US Paper Mills Corp. (Bogart, Steven)
November 30, 2016 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER advising counsel to disregard the previous notice (11/30/16 Text Only Order), signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/30/2016. Any attorney desiring to participate must be here in person absent further ruling of the court. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 30, 2016 Opinion or Order VACATED. TEXT ONLY ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11-30-16. Parties should advise the court whether they wish to appear in person or by telephone for upcoming status conference. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 29, 2016 Filing 1868 NOTICE of Hearing: (cc: all counsel) Status Conference set for 12/12/2016 01:30 PM in Courtroom 201, 125 S. Jefferson St., Green Bay, WI 54301 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. All counsel attending are to notice the Court as instructed. (lh)
November 23, 2016 Filing 1867 LETTER from Atty Scott B. Fleming (jcl)
November 23, 2016 Filing 1866 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander - Joint Letter Requesting Status Hearing. (Alexander, Mary)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1865 DECLARATION of Brian M. Tauscher In Support of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on "Pursuant To" Issue (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1864 DECLARATION of Paul J. Karch In Support of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on "Pursuant To" Issue (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1863 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz In Support of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on "Pursuant To" Issue (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Relevant Transcript Pages of 3/16/2016 Deposition of Jennifer Daniels)(Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1862 Proposed Findings of Fact by Appvion Inc (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1861 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1860 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on the "Pursuant To" Issue . (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1860 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment on the "Pursuant To" Issue by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1859 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz in Support of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products, LP's Objections and Responses to Appvion, Inc.'s Second Post-Remand Set of Discovery Documents)(Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1858 Proposed Findings of Fact by Appvion Inc (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1857 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1856 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific . (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1856 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment Confirming CERCLA Liability of P.H. Glatfelter and Georgia-Pacific by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1855 DECLARATION of Dennis P. Birke in Support of Appvion's Motion for Partial Summary Judgment Declaring That Certain Defendants Are Liable Under CERCLA Sec. 107 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A (Menasha Discovery Response), #2 Exhibit Ex. B (WTM's Discovery Response), #3 Exhibit Ex. C (U.S. Paper's Discovery Response), #4 Exhibit Ex. D (NMSC's Discovery Response), #5 Exhibit Ex. E (NMSC Environmental Health Pamphlet), #6 Exhibit Ex. F (Roger Voight Dep. Excerpts), #7 Exhibit Ex. G (1957 Findings, Conclusions and Order), #8 Exhibit Ex. H (Dep. Ex. 3450), #9 Exhibit Ex. I (1972 Report for Informal Hearing), #10 Exhibit Ex. J (Tech Memo 2d), #11 Exhibit City of Appleton Discovery Response), #12 Exhibit Ex. L (Dep. Ex. 3947), #13 Exhibit Ex. M (Kenneth Olson Dep Excerpts), #14 Exhibit Ex. N (Report on Additional Sewage Treatment), #15 Exhibit Ex. O (Report on Investigation), #16 Exhibit Ex. P (1970 Findings of Fact), #17 Exhibit Ex. Q (Christopher Shaw Dep Excerpts), #18 Exhibit Ex. R (Infiltration/Inflow Analysis), #19 Exhibit Ex. S (DNR Memorandum), #20 Exhibit Ex. T (Phase 1 Consent Decree))(Birke, Dennis)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1854 Proposed Findings of Fact by Appvion Inc (Birke, Dennis)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1853 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1852 MOTION for Summary Judgment Partial Summary Judgment Declaring That Certain Defendants Are Liable Under CERCLA Sec. 107 . (Birke, Dennis)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1852 MOTION for Summary Judgment Partial Summary Judgment Declaring That Certain Defendants Are Liable Under CERCLA Sec. 107 by Appvion Inc. (Birke, Dennis)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1851 DECLARATION of Roger Voigt (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - 1994 Cooperative Agreement, #2 Exhibit B - May 1994 check, #3 Exhibit C - June 1995 check and invoice, #4 Exhibit D - July 1995 check and letter, #5 Exhibit E - February 1996 check and letter, #6 Exhibit F - February 1997 check invoice and letter)(Ambrose, Dillon)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1850 DECLARATION of Dillon Ambrose in Support of Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission's Motion for Summary Judgment (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Wis Stat 144.07, #2 Exhibit B - 1972 NMSC Annual Report, #3 Exhibit C - 1987 NMSC Publication, #4 Exhibit D - 9/20/62 NMSC letter, #5 Exhibit E - 9/2/16 Bigham report excerpts, #6 Exhibit F - Wis Stat 66.20(11)(g), #7 Exhibit G - Wis Stat 66.24(3), #8 Exhibit H - 1971 NMSC Report, #9 Exhibit I - 3/1/67 news article, #10 Exhibit J - 9/2/16 Greenwald report excerpts, #11 Exhibit K - 9/2/16 Mielke report excerpts, #12 Exhibit L - 1947 NMSC Report, #13 Exhibit M - 1957 Committee on Water Pollution Findings, #14 Exhibit N - 8/18/15 Witthuhn deposition excerpts, #15 Exhibit O - 11/25/75 Bues letter, #16 Exhibit P - 11/21/75 Sentinel article, #17 Exhibit Q - 12/8/75 Frangos response, #18 Exhibit R - 2/6/15 Enforcement Action Consent Decree, #19 Exhibit S - NMSC Responses to Appvion First Post-Remand Set of Discovery Requests, #20 Exhibit T - 1936 Kimberly Clark Lakeview Mill contract, #21 Exhibit U - 4/29/49 NMSC Kimberly-Clark contract, #22 Exhibit V - 4/27/70 NMSC Kimberly-Clark contract, #23 Exhibit W - 10/12/16 Williams report excerpts, #24 Exhibit X - 9/1/16 Bullert and Olson report excerpts, #25 Exhibit Y - 9/2/16 Patterson report excerpts, #26 Exhibit Z - 11/3/16 Horinko deposition excerpts, #27 Exhibit AA - 9/2/16 Falk report, #28 Exhibit BB - 10/24/75 NCR memorandum)(Ambrose, Dillon)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1849 DECLARATION of Richard C Yde (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1-Bigham Expert Report 9-2-16, #2 Exhibit Ex A to Rep-Outfall Locations, #3 Exhibit Ex B to Rep-Rvw of Previous Modeling, #4 Exhibit Ex C to Rep-SWAT Model, #5 Exhibit Ex D to Rep-Flow TSS & PCB, #6 Exhibit Ex E to Rep-Resume, #7 Exhibit Ex F to Rep- Materials Considered, #8 Exhibit 2-Patterson Expert Report 9-2-16, #9 Appendix Ex A to Patterson Expert Report, #10 Appendix Ex B to Patterson Expert Report, #11 Appendix Ex C to Patterson Expert Report, #12 Appendix Ex D to Patterson Expert Report, #13 Exhibit 3-Prelim Rept on Construction, #14 Exhibit 4-Sewage Plant May Not Meet Deadline, #15 Exhibit 5-Sewer Service Water Bills Arrive, #16 Exhibit 6- Status of Orders, #17 Exhibit 7-Status of Pollution Abatement Orders, #18 Exhibit 8-Volume Strength of Waste Dictate Fees, #19 Exhibit 9-Bergh-Distribution of PCBs, #20 Exhibit 10-Act of 7-9-1956, #21 Exhibit 11-Order creating Section 2.11, #22 Exhibit 12-Comments of API & NCR to Draft Tech Memo 2d, #23 Exhibit 13-Industrial Wastewater Survey, #24 Exhibit 14-Green-Oil Containing Microscopic Capsules, #25 Exhibit 15-Chapter 7: Public Health and Sanitation, #26 Exhibit 16-Adequacy of Urban Svcs to Accommodate Growth, #27 Exhibit 17-Appleton POTW Daily Monitoring Reports, #28 Exhibit 18-COA Ordinance 20-70, #29 Exhibit 19- Consent Decree filed in 10-c-910, #30 Exhibit 20-COA Basic Design Data Report, #31 Exhibit 21-Infiltration and Inflow Analysis, #32 Exhibit 22-EA for POTW Additions, #33 Exhibit 23-Engineering Rept for POTW additions, #34 Exhibit 24-Consolidated Paper Waste Survey Check List, #35 Exhibit 25-DNR Rept for Enforcement Conference, #36 Exhibit 26-Hurwitz Chmical Analysis of POTW, #37 Exhibit 27-Primer on Wastewater Treatment, #38 Exhibit 28-Rept for Informal hrg on Water Quality Stds, #39 Exhibit 29-FOF, COL & Order re Pollution of Fox River, #40 Exhibit 30-Industrial Waste Survey Check List, #41 Exhibit 31-The History of PCBs, #42 Exhibit 32-Status Rept for Advisory Committee, #43 Exhibit 33-Wastewater Collection and Treatment Study, #44 Exhibit 34-Sanitary, Storm & Water Systems in Fox Valley, #45 Exhibit 36-Prelim Rept on Construction of POTW facilities, #46 Exhibit 36-Progress Report to DNR, #47 Exhibit 37-Bernauer-Appleton Sewerage, #48 Exhibit 38-PCBs in Fish from Milwaukee, #49 Exhibit 39-Environmental Chemistry of Chlorobiphenyls in Milwaukee River, #50 Exhibit 40-Sewage Plant Additions, #51 Exhibit Report on Additional Sewage Treatment, #52 Exhibit 42-Intercepting Sewers and Sewage Treatment Plants, #53 Exhibit 43-Plans for Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant, #54 Exhibit 44-Report on Additional Sewage Treatment, #55 Exhibit 45-Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Pulp and Paper Mills, #56 Exhibit 46-Comments to Maureen Katz 8-21-2000, #57 Exhibit 47-Detoxifying PCBs, #58 Exhibit 48-Listing Abatement Orders, #59 Exhibit 49-Melosi-The Sanitary City, #60 Exhibit 50-Smith to Schmitt on 1-9-1976, #61 Exhibit 51-Municipal Code for City of Appleton, #62 Exhibit 52-National Conference on Polychlorinated Biphenyls March 1976, #63 Exhibit 53-Appleton Papers presents stmt re PCBs, #64 Exhibit 54-Historical Perspective on PCBs, #65 Exhibit 55-PCB and the Paper Industry-A Progress Report, #66 Exhibit 56-Miller to Shoen dated 1-4-1973, #67 Exhibit 57-Miller to Benson dated 2-24-1972, #68 Exhibit 58-Miller to Sullivan dated 7-18-1977, #69 Exhibit 59-Miller to OFrangos dated 12-1-1970, #70 Exhibit 60-Report of Mtg with Monsanto House 3-10-1970, #71 Exhibit 61-City of Appleton Wet Weather Flow Problem, #72 Exhibit 62-PCBs Involvement in the Pulp and Paper Industry, #73 Exhibit 63-Applying Technology to Performance, #74 Exhibit 64a-TSS Removal Efficiency 1954-pt 1, #75 Exhibit 64b-TSS Removal Efficiency 1954-pt 2, #76 Exhibit 64c-TSS Removal Efficiency 1954-pt 3, #77 Exhibit 65-The PCB Problem in Wisconsin, #78 Exhibit 66-Status of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Uses at NCR, #79 Exhibit 67-National Conference on Polychlorinated Biphenyls, #80 Exhibit 68-State of the Art Review of Pulp and Paper Waste Treatment, #81 Exhibit 69-PCBs Removal in Publicly Owned Treatment Works, #82 Exhibit 70-Chlorobiphenyls PCBs in the Milwaukee River, #83 Exhibit 71-WDNR Technical Memorandum 2d, #84 Exhibit 72-WDNR Environmental Status of PCBs in WI, #85 Exhibit 73-Report on Examination of Plans Additions and Modifications to Sewage POTW, #86 Exhibit 74-WDNR Abatement Orders 3-5-1970, #87 Exhibit 75- WDNR Investigation of Chlorinated and nonchlorinated compounds in the LFR, #88 Exhibit 76-WPDES Permit, #89 Exhibit 77-API-The Birth of Carbonless Paper, #90 Exhibit 78-Progress Report to the DNR, #91 Exhibit 79-Jack Matson Expert Report, #92 Exhibit 80-Industrial Waste Survey Check List, #93 Exhibit 81-Erickson-Analytical Chemistry of PCBs, #94 Exhibit 82-Gelatin Manufacturers Institute of America Gelatin Handbook)(Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1848 Proposed Findings of Fact by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission (Ambrose, Dillon)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1847 BRIEF in Support filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission re #1846 MOTION for Summary Judgment . (Ambrose, Dillon)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1846 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. (Ambrose, Dillon)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1845 DECLARATION of James P. Walsh in support of motion for summary judgment (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1844 DECLARATION of James Bullert in support of City of Appleton's motion for summary judgment (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1843 DECLARATION of Kenneth Olson in support of City of Appleton's Motion for Summary Judgment (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Liesch Associates Expert Report 9-2-16, #2 Exhibit Ex A to Liesch Assoc Expert Report, #3 Exhibit Ex B to Liesch Assoc Expert Report, #4 Exhibit Ex C to Liesch Assoc Expert Report, #5 Exhibit Liesch Associates Expert Rebuttal Report)(Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1842 DECLARATION of Emily Greenwald in support of City of Appleton's Motion for Summary Judgment (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Greenwald Expert Report, #2 Exhibit Ex A to Greenwald Expert Report)(Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1841 Proposed Findings of Fact by City of Appleton (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1840 BRIEF in Support filed by City of Appleton re #1839 MOTION for Summary Judgment . (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1839 MOTION for Summary Judgment by City of Appleton. (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1838 DECLARATION of S. Ross Shealy (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Agreement of Purchase and Sale, dated 6/30/78, #2 Exhibit 2 - Complaint in re AT&T v. API, 6/20/95, #3 Exhibit 3 - APIs Answer to Amended Complaint in re AT&T v. API, #4 Exhibit 4 - Denial Order in re AT&T v. API, dated 1/9/97, #5 Exhibit 5 - Confidential Settlement Agreement, dated 2/12/98, #6 Exhibit 6 - Arbitration Award, dated 11/28/05, #7 Exhibit 7 - Consent Order in USDC, S.D.N.Y., #8 Exhibit 8 - Demerger Agreement, dated 5/10/90, part 1 of 1, #9 Exhibit 9 - Demerger Agreement, dated 5/10/90, part 2 of 2, #10 Exhibit 10 - Appvions Supplemental Rule 26(a) Disclosures and Appendix A, #11 Exhibit 11 - Appvions Amended Appendix A, #12 Exhibit 12 - Appvion's Second Amended Appendix A, #13 Exhibit 13 - Appvions Third Amended Appendix A, #14 Exhibit 14 - Representative Remediation Invoices (various dates), #15 Exhibit 15 - December 21, 2001 invoice (#PCC2), #16 Exhibit 16 - NCRs Responses to GPs Requests, dated 1/15/16, #17 Exhibit 17 - APIs Answers to GPs Interrogatories, dated 1/29/09, #18 Exhibit 18 - APIs SEC Form 10-K, year ending 12/31/11, #19 Exhibit 19 - APIs SEC Form 10-K, period ending 12/31/12, #20 Exhibit 20 - Paperweight Development SEC Form 8-K, dated 9/30/14, #21 Exhibit 21 - Paperweight Development SEC Form 8-K, dated 8/12/16, #22 Exhibit 22 - NCRs SEC Form 10-Q, dated 7/29/16, #23 Exhibit 23 - Judicial Opinion in re B.A.T. v. Winward, dated 12/20/13, #24 Exhibit 24 - Funding Agreement, dated 9/30/14, #25 Exhibit 25 - Appvion's Fourth Amended Appendix A)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Shealy, Samuel)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1837 Proposed Findings of Fact by US Paper Mills Corp (Shealy, Samuel)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1836 BRIEF in Support filed by US Paper Mills Corp re #1835 MOTION for Summary Judgment . (Shealy, Samuel)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1835 MOTION for Summary Judgment by US Paper Mills Corp. (Shealy, Samuel)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1834 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by United States Army Corps of Engineers, United States of America, United States of America. (Rosen, Perry)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1833 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Deposition Transcript of Marianne Horinko dated 11-3-16 (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1832 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Deposition Transcript of Michael Stevens dated 3-13-09 (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1831 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Deposition Transcript of James Herbig dated 8-12-09 (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 Filing 1830 ORIGINAL DOCUMENT Deposition Transcript of Dale Schumaker dated 8-19-09 (Yde, Richard)
November 22, 2016 TEXT ONLY NOTICE - Please note that the ECF Document limit in this case is temporarily raised to 20 MB per attachment - but efilers are encouraged to keep the size of attachments within the 10 MB per attachment when possible. Please consult the District ECF Policies and Procedures at: for helpful information. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 18, 2016 Filing 1829 NOTICE of Appearance by Sonali Dohale on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Sonali Dohale (Dohale, Sonali)
November 1, 2016 Filing 1828 NOTICE of Appearance by Brent H Allen on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Brent Allen (Allen, Brent)
October 27, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1827 STIPULATED ORDER PURSUANT TO FEDERAL RULE OF EVIDENCE 502(d) signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 10/27/2016 re #1824 Unopposed Motion for Entry of a Stipulated Order. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
October 24, 2016 Filing 1826 DECLARATION of Philip C. Hunsucker in Support of Reply of Certain Defendants' re Motion to Name Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited a Real Party in Interest (Attachments: #1 Letter, #2 Unredacted Reply Declaration of Philip C. Hunsucker, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Hunsucker, Philip)
October 24, 2016 Filing 1825 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Menasha Corporation re #1808 MOTION to Add Party Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited as a Real Party in Interest . (Attachments: #1 Letter, #2 Unredacted Reply Brief)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Hunsucker, Philip)
October 24, 2016 Filing 1824 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Order - Georgia-Pacific's Unopposed Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Entry of a Stipulated Order Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 502(d) by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Stipulated Order Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 502(d))(Alexander, Mary)
October 14, 2016 Filing 1823 NOTICE of Appearance by Emily L Stedman on behalf of WTM I Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Emily L. Stedman (Stedman, Emily)
October 13, 2016 Filing 1822 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Larson, Linda)
October 11, 2016 Filing 1821 NOTICE of Appearance by Candee Wilde on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Candee Wilde (Wilde, Candee)
October 10, 2016 Filing 1820 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Bohl, Charles)
October 7, 2016 NOTICE of Electronic Filing Error to Ronald R Ragatz and Dennis P Birke re #1817 Brief. All documents should contain the s/signature of the attorney who files the document. This document was signed to Ronald R Ragatz, but filed by Dennis P Birke. This document does not need to be re-filed. (tlf)
October 6, 2016 Filing 1819 DECLARATION of Dennis P. Birke in Opposition to Certain Defendants' Motion to Name Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited a Real Party In Interest (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. A (AWA Environmental Indemnity Agreement), #2 Exhibit Ex. B (PDC Environmental Indemnity Agreemetnt), #3 Exhibit Ex. C (API 2002 Form 10-K), #4 Exhibit Ex. D (AWAB Bye-Laws), #5 Exhibit Ex. E (O'Connell Deposition Excerpts))(Birke, Dennis)
October 6, 2016 Filing 1818 DECLARATION of Tami Van Straten (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exh A (Ninth Amended Complaint))(Birke, Dennis)
October 6, 2016 Filing 1817 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Inc re #1808 MOTION to Add Party Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited as a Real Party in Interest . (Birke, Dennis)
October 6, 2016 Filing 1816 RESPONSE to Motion filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1808 MOTION to Add Party Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited as a Real Party in Interest . (Mandelbaum, David)
September 28, 2016 Filing 1815 NOTICE of Appearance by Vanessa D Wishart on behalf of City of Appleton. Attorney(s) appearing: Vanessa D. Wishart (Wishart, Vanessa)
September 23, 2016 Filing 1814 REPLY filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1796 Proposed Findings of Fact, #1807 Response (Non-Motion) - Certain Defendants' Reply to Appvion, Inc.'s Response to Certain Defendants' Proposed Findings of Fact in Support of Their Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim. (Alexander, Mary)
September 23, 2016 Filing 1813 RESPONSE filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1806 Proposed Findings of Fact - Certain Defendants' Responses to Appvion, Inc.'s Additional Proposed Findings of Fact in Opposition to Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim (Alexander, Mary)
September 23, 2016 Filing 1812 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1794 MOTION for Summary Judgment - Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim - Reply Memorandum in Support of Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim. (Alexander, Mary)
September 22, 2016 Filing 1811 NOTICE of Appearance by Douglas M Garrou on behalf of Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Attorney(s) appearing: Douglas M. Garrou (Garrou, Douglas)
September 12, 2016 Filing 1810 DECLARATION of Philip C. Hunsucker in support of Certain Defendants' Motion to Name Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited a Real Party in Interest Redacted (Attachments: #1 Cover letter attachment pursuant to Section 4(b), #2 Declaration of Philip C. Hunsucker, #3 Exh A. Purchase Agreement, #4 Exh. B Excerpts of Tami Van Straten Depo Transcript, #5 Exh. C Excerpts of June 20 and 21, 2016 Brian Tauscher Depo Transcripts Vols. I and II, #6 Exh. D Assignment and Assumption Deed, #7 Exh. E Excerpts of April 2, 2014 Brian Tauscher Depo Transcript, #8 Exh. F AWAB Memo of Association, #9 Exh. G Relationship Agreement, #10 Exh. H July 22, 2011 Declaration of Tami Van Straten, #11 Exh. I Windward Prospects Director's Report and Financial Statements, #12 Exh. J Excerpts of Sue O'Connell Depo Transcript, #13 Exh. K Third Amended Appendix A, #14 Exh. L Commerce & Industry Insurance Policy, #15 Exh. M Board of Directors Unanimous Written Resolutions, #16 Exh. N Second Amended Appendix A, #17 Exh. O Fourth Amended Appendix A, #18 Exh. P Security Agreement, #19 Exh. Q April 9, 2014 Testimony of Brian Tauscher, #20 Exh. R AWA Dire4ctor's Report and Financial Statements, #21 Exh. S BAT v. Sequana High Court Chancer Division, #22 Exh. T Amended Appendix A)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(McAdam, Allison)
September 12, 2016 Filing 1809 BRIEF in Support filed by Menasha Corporation re #1808 MOTION to Add Party Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited as a Real Party in Interest Redacted. (Attachments: #1 Cover letter attachment pursuant to Section 4(b), #2 Memorandum in Support)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(McAdam, Allison)
September 12, 2016 Filing 1808 MOTION to Add Party Arjo Wiggins Appleton (Bermuda) Limited as a Real Party in Interest by Menasha Corporation. (McAdam, Allison)
September 6, 2016 Filing 1807 RESPONSE filed by Appvion Inc re #1796 Proposed Findings of Fact (Ragatz, Ronald)
September 6, 2016 Filing 1806 Additional Proposed Findings of Fact by Appvion Inc (Ragatz, Ronald)
September 6, 2016 Filing 1805 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz in Opposition to Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - PCB Test Results, #2 Exhibit 2 - 2-27-08 Beatty Trial Testimony Excerpts, #3 Exhibit 3 - 10-20-15 Beatty Deposition Excerpts, #4 Exhibit 4 - 11-8-06 VenRooy Deposition Excerpts, #5 Exhibit 5 - 10-21-15 Beasom Deposition Excerpts, #6 Exhibit 6 - 2-21-07 Vogt Deposition Excerpts, #7 Exhibit 7 - 6-14-07 Beatty Deposition Excerpts, #8 Exhibit 8 - 4-5-16 Karch Deposition Excerpts, #9 Exhibit 9 - Conveyence, #10 Exhibit 10 - 10-16-15 VenRooy Deposition Excerpts)(Ragatz, Ronald)
September 6, 2016 Filing 1804 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Inc re #1794 MOTION for Summary Judgment - Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim . (Ragatz, Ronald)
August 25, 2016 Filing 1803 DECLARATION of Michael J. Nelson Third Declaration of Michael J. Nelson in Support of Georgia-Pacific's Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion #1789 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit S - Approved Judgment, #2 Exhibit T - 08-08-16 Letter, #3 Exhibit U - 08-15-16 Letter)(Nelson, Michael)
August 25, 2016 Filing 1802 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1789 MOTION to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion - Georgia-Pacific's Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion. (Alexander, Mary)
August 25, 2016 Filing 1801 NOTICE by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation OF WITHDRAWAL OF COUNSEL (McAtee, Darin)
August 10, 2016 Filing 1800 NOTICE of Appearance by Arthur A Vogel, Jr on behalf of WTM I Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Arthur A. Vogel, Jr. (Vogel, Arthur)
August 8, 2016 Filing 1799 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz Opposing GP's Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exh. A (GP's 11/13/2015 Letter, #2 Exhibit Exh. B (NCR's 11/20/2015 Letter), #3 Exhibit Exh. C (GP's 11/25/2015 Letter))(Ragatz, Ronald)
August 8, 2016 Filing 1798 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Inc re #1789 MOTION to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion . (Ragatz, Ronald)
August 3, 2016 Filing 1797 DECLARATION of Heather A. Waller (Attachments: #1 Cover Letter, #2 Exhibit 1 - Excerpt from David Hirds testimony in the arbitration NCR Corp. v. Appleton Papers, Inc., AAA No. 13-489-Y-00691-13, produced as NCR-FOX-1223095 (filed under SEAL pursuant to protective order and consistent with producing partys confidentiality designation on the document), #3 Exhibit 2 - Excerpts from Dennis VenRooys October 16, 2015 deposition testimony in this matter, #4 Exhibit 3 - Excerpt from Paul Karchs April 5, 2016 deposition testimony in this matter, #5 Exhibit 4 - Excerpt from James Beattys October 20, 2015 deposition testimony in this matter, #6 Exhibit 5 - Flow diagram for the Combined Locks mill, produced at APX0001267 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3121A, #7 Exhibit 6 - Aerial map of the Combined Locks mill, marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3121B, #8 Exhibit 7 - Copy of Results of Compliance Monitoring Survey conducted on January 20 and 21, 1982 at the Combined Locks mill, produced at API-GF040514 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3127, #9 Exhibit 8 - Copy of a Kimtech, Ltd. Feasibility Study dated August 13, 1976, produced at APIFOX00106203 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3128, #10 Exhibit 9 -February 3, 1976 letter from George Mueller to Jim Asmuth produced at WTM00667 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3129, #11 Exhibit 10 - Results of sampling taken from the Combined Locks Mill, produced at DOJ219523 and DOJ219539 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3143, #12 Exhibit 11 - Memorandum from Dennis VenRooy to James Beatty and Dennis Hultgren dated June 3, 1983, produced at APIFOX00033003 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3148, #13 Exhibit 12 - Letter from Steve Jawetz to Janet Smith regarding Fort Howards 104(e) Response, produced at NCR-FOX-0546899, #14 Exhibit 13 - Letter and enclosures from Dennis VenRooy to Dwight Easty dated February 3, 1984, produced at GPARG00005078-80 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3150, #15 Exhibit 14 - Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene Laboratory Report, produced at WSLH000025-28 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3151, #16 Exhibit 15 - April 7, 1992 Mem. from W. Gillespie of the National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI) to the NCASI Operating Committee, produced at APIFOX00094569, #17 Exhibit 16 - Sworn statement made by Walter Spearin dated February 13, 1979, produced at NCR-FOX-0547565 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3145, #18 Exhibit 17 - Sworn statement made by Walter Spearin dated July 6, 1977, produced at APIFOX00026260, #19 Exhibit 18 - Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene Laboratory Report, produced at WSLH000731-37 and marked at the October 16, 2015 deposition of Dennis VenRooy as Exhibit 3152, #20 Exhibit 19 - Institute of Paper Chemistry Report to NCR Appleton Papers Division dated August 4, 1977 on Polychlorinated Biphenyl Analysis of Current NCR Carbonless Copy Paper, #21 Exhibit 20 - Memorandum and attachments to Mary Jo Kopecky from Bruce Baker dated July 8, 1993, produced at NCR-FOX-0204567, #22 Exhibit 21 - Letter from Harry A. Posner to Mowry Smith dated January 6, 1976, produced at NCR-FOX-0161366, #23 Exhibit 22 - Brochure entitled Touring the Locks Mill, produced at NCR-FOX-0567783, which was marked at the November 10, 2006 deposition of Larry Casey in the matter, #24 Exhibit 23 - State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Public Notice of Intent to Reissue a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) Permit for the Combined Locks mill, produced at NCR-FOX-0075937, #25 Exhibit 24 - Appleton Papers Inc. Locks Mill Purchase Price Variance report dated 1980, produced at NCR-FOX-496800, #26 Exhibit 25 - Appleton Papers Inc. Locks Mill Purchase Price Variance report dated 1981, produced at NCR-FOX-0187340, #27 Exhibit 26 - Appleton Papers Inc. Locks Mill Purchase Price Variance report dated 1982, produced at NCR-FOX-0187342, #28 Exhibit 27 - August 31, 1983 Memorandum from Donald Schneider to Donald DeMuse, produced at GPFOX00104413 and marked at the May 27, 2009 deposition of Donald Schneider as Exhibit 696P, #29 Exhibit 28 - 1983 PCB Wastepaper Study, produced at GPFXO00104415, #30 Exhibit 29 - 1985 PCB Waste Paper PCB Analysis, produced at GPFOX00087484 and marked at the May 27, 2009 deposition of Donald Schneider as Exhibit 696S, #31 Exhibit 30 - analytical data for Deposits T, U, and V from the FoxView Database, #32 Exhibit 31 - Figure 1-4 to the December 2002 Remedial Investigation Report for the Lower Fox River and Green Bay, Wisconsin, available at document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Waller, Heather)
August 3, 2016 Filing 1796 Proposed Findings of Fact by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC (Alexander, Mary)
August 3, 2016 Filing 1795 BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1794 MOTION for Summary Judgment - Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim . (Attachments: #1 Cover Letter, #2 Restricted Memorandum of Law in Support of Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Alexander, Mary)
August 3, 2016 Filing 1794 MOTION for Summary Judgment - Certain Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment as to Appvion, Inc.'s Cercla Section 107 Claim by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
July 18, 2016 Filing 1793 NOTICE by US Paper Mills Corp of withdrawal of Stephen F. McKinney as Counsel of Record (Gottshall, Thomas)
July 15, 2016 Filing 1792 DECLARATION of - Second Declaration of Michael J. Nelson in Support of Georgia-Pacific's Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion #1789 (Attachments: #1 Cover Letter, #2 Exhibit A 04-27-15 Email, #3 Exhibit B 12-30-15 Email, #4 Exhibit C 11-13-15 Email, #5 Exhibit D 12-09-15 Letter, #6 Exhibit E 01-21-16 Letter, #7 Exhibit F 01-28-16 Letter, #8 Exhibit G 02-12-16 Letter, #9 Exhibit H 01-08-16 Email, #10 Exhibit I 03-28-16 Email, #11 Exhibit J 05-13-16 Email, #12 Exhibit K 04-17-16 Email, #13 Exhibit L 04-05-16 P. Karch Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #14 Exhibit M 05-18-16 P. Barker Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #15 Exhibit N 06-20-16 & 6-21-16 B. Tauscher Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #16 Exhibit O 07-12-16 T. Van Straten Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #17 Exhibit P 04-08-16 J. Hoak Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #18 Exhibit Q 05-05-16 A. Schlickman Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #19 Exhibit R 05-05-16 A. Schlickman Deposition Exhibit 3765)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Nelson, Michael) Modified on 7/18/2016 to create link to #1789 Motion to enforce compulsion(lh).
July 15, 2016 Filing 1791 DECLARATION of - First Declaration of Michael J. Nelson in Support of Georgia-Pacific's Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion #1789 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Index, #2 Cover Letter, #3 Exhibit 1 04-05-12 Letter, #4 Exhibit 1A 04-05-12 Letter, #5 Exhibit 2 05-02-14 API Arbitration Brief, #6 Exhibit 2A 05-16-14 API Arbitration Brief, #7 Exhibit 2B 11-25-12 Email, #8 Exhibit 3 10-09-95 Letter, #9 Exhibit 4 08-05-97 Letter, #10 Exhibit 5 03-20-12 Email, #11 Exhibit 6 10-14-12 Email, #12 Exhibit 7 04-28-11 Email, #13 Exhibit 8 11-16-11 Email, #14 Exhibit 9 08-21-95 Letters, #15 Exhibit 10 02-13-96 Letter, #16 Exhibit 11 02-16-96 Letter, #17 Exhibit 12 01-12-98 Letter, #18 Exhibit 13 04-28-98 Letter, #19 Exhibit 14 06-29-08 Letter, #20 Exhibit 15 10-08-03 Letter, #21 Exhibit 16 03-05-11 Letter, #22 Exhibit 17 03-23-11 Email, #23 Exhibit 18 05-16-11 Email, #24 Exhibit 19 11-11-11 Email, #25 Exhibit 20 11-30-11 Email, #26 Exhibit 21 01-11-12 Letter, #27 Exhibit 22 01-17-12 Email, #28 Exhibit 23 03-08-12 Email, #29 Exhibit 24 09-25-13 Letter, #30 Exhibit 25 05-02-14 NCR Arbitration Brief, #31 Exhibit 25A 05-16-14 NCR Arbitration Brief, #32 Exhibit 26 06-23-13 BAT Arbitration Motion, #33 Exhibit 27 03-03-14 API Opening Arbitration Presentation, #34 Exhibit 28 09-28-05 NCR v API Document, #35 Exhibit 29 03-03-14 Arbitration Hearing Transcript, #36 Exhibit 30 03-04-14 Arbitration Hearing Transcript, #37 Exhibit 31 02-06-14 B. Tauscher Arbitration Deposition Transcript, #38 Exhibit 32 02-06-14 B. Tauscher Arbitration Deposition Ex. 14 Excerpt, #39 Exhibit 33 02-14-13 Memorandum, #40 Exhibit 34 10-07-13 Invoice Review, #41 Exhibit 35 01-16-12 Letter, #42 Exhibit 36 01-16-12 Unredacted Letter, #43 Exhibit 37 01-18-12 Email, #44 Exhibit 38 03-07-08 Invoice Transmittal, #45 Exhibit 39 03-14-08 Memorandum, #46 Exhibit 40 09-08-11 Email, #47 Exhibit 41 09-12-11 Email, #48 Exhibit 42 09-30-14 Funding Agreement, #49 Exhibit 42A 09-30-14 Funding Agreement)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Nelson, Michael) Modified on 7/18/2016 to create link to #1789 Motion (lh).
July 15, 2016 Filing 1790 BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1789 MOTION to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion - Redacted Georgia-Pacifics Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion. (Attachments: #1 Cover Letter, #2 Restricted Georgia-Pacifics Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Alexander, Mary)
July 15, 2016 Filing 1789 MOTION to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 Appendix A To GPS Motion to Enforce Compulsion Order Against Appvion)(Alexander, Mary)
July 11, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1788 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 7-11-16 granting #1775 Motion to clarify. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
June 27, 2016 Filing 1787 DECLARATION of Francis A. Citera in Support of P. H. Glatfelter Company's Reply Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Clarification of May 4, 2016 Decision (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Excerpt of Brian Tauscher Deposition Vol I, #2 Exhibit B - Excerpt of Brian Tauscher Deposition Vol II)This document and/or certain attachments are restricted to case participants and attorneys of record should use their efiling login and password to view this document(Citera, Francis)
June 27, 2016 Filing 1786 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1775 MOTION to Clarify May 4, 2016 Decision . (Mandelbaum, David)
June 21, 2016 Filing 1785 NOTICE of Appearance by Nicholas A McDaniel on behalf of United States of America. Attorney(s) appearing: Nicholas McDaniel (McDaniel, Nicholas)
June 15, 2016 Filing 1784 NOTICE of Appearance by Jacqueline D Harrington on behalf of NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Jacqueline Harrington (Harrington, Jacqueline)
June 14, 2016 Filing 1783 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Hearing was held on 6/14/2016. Magistrate Judge Aaron Goodstein discussed with counsel the feasibility of continuing settlement discussions between Appvion, NCR and a group of five defendants. Counsel will follow-up with Judge Goodstein by telephone regarding the matters discussed. (dmm)
June 9, 2016 Filing 1782 RESPONSE to Motion filed by Appvion Inc re #1775 MOTION to Clarify May 4, 2016 Decision . (Ragatz, Ronald)
May 31, 2016 Filing 1781 DECLARATION of Jacqueline D. Harrington in Support of Motion to Compel United States to Produce Certain PCB Mass Discharge Documents (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - March 4, 2016 Letter from K. Furrie to All Parties, #2 Exhibit B - J. Harrington/K. Furrie E-mail Communications (March 15, 2016-May 6, 2016), #3 Exhibit C - May 12, 2016 Letter from K. Furrie re: Inadvertent Production, #4 Exhibit D - Excerpts from U.S. Privilege Log for Inadvertent Production (provided May 12, 2016), #5 Exhibit E - J. Harrington/K. Furrie E-mail Communications (May 12-25, 2016), #6 Exhibit F - 2000 Report of Gary Amendola, #7 Exhibit G - May 2000 Letter Correspondence re: 2000 Report of Gary Amendola, #8 Exhibit H - July 29, 2011 Declaration of Randall M. Stone, #9 Exhibit I - 2001 Report of Gary Amendola, #10 Exhibit J - Excerpts from 2002 Fort James Consent Decree, #11 Exhibit K - Plaintiffs J. Br. in Supp. of Mot. to Enter Consent Decree with Fort James, #12 Exhibit L - Excerpts from U.S. Enf. App. Resp. Br., #13 Exhibit M - Redacted Copy of EPA002495-EPA002599 (provided May 17, 2016))(McAtee, Darin)
May 31, 2016 Filing 1780 BRIEF in Support filed by NCR Corporation re #1779 MOTION to Compel United States to Produce Certain PCB Mass Discharge Documents . (McAtee, Darin)
May 31, 2016 Filing 1779 MOTION to Compel United States to Produce Certain PCB Mass Discharge Documents by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
May 23, 2016 Filing 1778 LETTER from United States of America Regarding May 16, 2016, Motion for Clarification. (Levin, Joshua)
May 17, 2016 Filing 1777 BRIEF in Support filed by US Paper Mills Corp re #1775 MOTION to Clarify May 4, 2016 Decision . (Hansen, Scott)
May 16, 2016 Filing 1776 BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1775 MOTION to Clarify May 4, 2016 Decision . (Mandelbaum, David)
May 16, 2016 Filing 1775 MOTION to Clarify May 4, 2016 Decision by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mandelbaum, David)
May 4, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1774 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 5-4-16 denying #1757 Motion for Sanctions. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
April 18, 2016 Filing 1773 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1757 MOTION for Sanctions . (Mandelbaum, David)
April 5, 2016 Filing 1772 Minute Entry for Follow-up Settlement conferences held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Magistrate Judge Aaron Goodstein held a series of ex parte telephone conversations with each of the attorneys for the respective defendants. These telephone conversations were conducted on March 10, 14, 28, 2016 and April 1, 4, 2016. On todays date, the Judge Goodstein sent an email to counsel establishing a schedule for ex parte submissions regarding continuing settlement discussions. (dmm)
April 1, 2016 Filing 1771 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A - Appvion's Supp Response to Defendant US Paper Mill's First Discovery Requests, #2 Exhibit Ex B - Ltr from Appvion to Glatfelter dated January 28, 2016, #3 Exhibit Ex C - Ltr from Appvion to Glatfelter and Other Defendants dated February 12, 2016)(Ragatz, Ronald)
April 1, 2016 Filing 1770 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Inc re #1757 MOTION for Sanctions filed by Defendant P.H. Glatfelter Company. (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 30, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1769 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 3-30-16 denying #1748 Motion for Protective Order; granting #1751 Motion to Compel; denying #1766 Motion for Leave to File; denying #1768 Motion for Leave to File. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
March 24, 2016 Filing 1768 MOTION for Leave to File - Georgia-Pacific's Civil L.R. 7(1) Motion for Leave to File Sur-Sur-Reply Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Protective Order to Prevent the Depositions of Georgia-Pacific's Counsel by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Proposed Sur-Sur-Reply, #2 Exhibit B - E-Mail dated March 23, 2016)(Alexander, Mary)
March 23, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1767 SCHEDULING ORDER: signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 3/23/2016. Initial Disclosures due 6/1/2016. Discovery due by 8/19/2016. Expert disclosures and reports due by 9/2/2016. Rebuttal expert disclosures and reports due by 10/14/2016. Close of Expert Discovery and Dipositive Motions due by 11/22/2016. Pretrial briefs due 3/15/2017. Final Pretrial Conference set for 3/23/2017 01:30 PM and Court Trial set for 3/27/2017 08:30 AM, both to be held at the Federal Courthouse, 517 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. Courtroom information to be provided at a later date (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
March 23, 2016 Filing 1766 MOTION for Leave to File a Sur-Response to the Reply Brief in Support of GP's Motion for a Protective Order by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 NCR Corporation's Sur-Response To GP's Reply Brief In Support Of Its Motion For A Protective Order, #2 Exhibit A--Excerpts from the Deposition Transcript of Jennifer Daniels)(McAtee, Darin)
March 21, 2016 Filing 1765 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach regarding a revised scheduling order. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(McAtee, Darin)
March 21, 2016 Filing 1764 DECLARATION of Michael J. Nelson (Supplemental) (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 21: September 6, 2011 email and its attachment, #2 Exhibit 22: March 8, 2012 email and its attachment, #3 Exhibit 23: March 19, 2013 email and its attachment, #4 Exhibit 24: March 31, 2013 letter, #5 Exhibit 25: March 4, 2015 email and its attachment, #6 Exhibit 26: November 2, 2015 email and October 30, 2015 email with its attachments)(Nelson, Michael)
March 21, 2016 Filing 1763 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1748 MOTION for Protective Order to Prohibit the Depositions of Georgia-Pacific's Counsel . (Alexander, Mary)
March 21, 2016 Filing 1762 NOTICE of Appearance by Tiffany M Andras on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Tiffany M. Andras (Andras, Tiffany)
March 18, 2016 Opinion or Order Filing 1761 ORDER OF DISMISSAL - CBC Coating Inc terminated. Signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 03/18/2016. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
March 17, 2016 Filing 1760 STIPULATION of Dismissal by Appvion Inc. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Order of Dismissal)(Ragatz, Ronald)
March 9, 2016 Filing 1759 DECLARATION of David G. Mandelbaum in Support of P.H Glatfelter Companys Memorandum in Support of its Motion for Sanctions Against Appvion, Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Mandelbaum, David)
March 9, 2016 Filing 1758 BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1757 MOTION for Sanctions . (Mandelbaum, David)
March 9, 2016 Filing 1757 MOTION for Sanctions by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mandelbaum, David)
March 7, 2016 Filing 1756 RESPONSE to Motion filed by NCR Corporation re #1751 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel insurance information . (McAtee, Darin)
March 3, 2016 Filing 1755 DECLARATION of Darin P. McAtee in Support of NCR Corporation's Opposition to Georgia-Pacific's Motion for Protective Order to Prohibit Depositions of Georgia-Pacific Witnesses (Attachments: #1 Dec. 1, 2014 E-mail, #2 April 23, 2013 E-mail, #3 March 30, 2013 E-mail, #4 April 29, 2009 E-mail, #5 March 10, 2008 E-mail, #6 April 3, 2012 E-mail, #7 Massillon Mgmt., LLC v. Americold Realty Trust, #8 Armada (Singapore) Pte Ltd. v. Amcol Int'l Corp., #9 Wilson v. O'Brien, #10 Quality Croutons, Inc. v. George Weston Bakeries, Inc., #11 Newell v. Wis. Teamsters Joint Council No. 39, #12 Lincoln Nat'l Life Ins. v. TCF Nat'l Bank, #13 Srail v. Vill. Lisle, #14 Bybee Farms LLC v. Snake River Sugar Co., #15 Pipefitters Local No. 636 Pension Fund v. Towers, Perrin, Forster & Crosby, Inc., #16 Murphy v. Adelphia Recovery Trust)(McAtee, Darin)
March 3, 2016 Filing 1754 BRIEF in Opposition filed by NCR Corporation re #1748 MOTION for Protective Order to Prohibit the Depositions of Georgia-Pacific's Counsel ("NCR Corporation's Opposition to Georgia-Pacific's Motion for Protective Order to Prohibit Depositions of Georgia-Pacific Witnesses"). (McAtee, Darin)
February 26, 2016 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER approving #1753 Letter Request for extension to March 7, 2016, for NCR to respond to #1751 Motion to Compel, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 02/26/2016. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
February 25, 2016 Filing 1753 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach regarding briefing schedule. (McAtee, Darin)
February 18, 2016 Filing 1752 DECLARATION of Heather A. Waller in support of expedited non-dispositive motion to compel insurance information #1751 (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Meet-and-Confer Letter from GP to NCR dated September 18, 2015, #2 Exhibit 2 - Meet-and-Confer Letter from GP to NCR dated October 2, 2015, #3 Exhibit 3 - Meet-and-Confer Letter from GP to NCR dated November 17, 2015, #4 Exhibit 4 - Meet-and-Confer Letter from NCR to GP dated December 1, 2015, #5 Exhibit 5 - Meet-and-Confer Letter from GP to NCR dated December 15, 2015, #6 Exhibit 6 - Meet-and-Confer Email from NCR to GP dated February 17, 2016)(Waller, Heather)
February 18, 2016 Filing 1751 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel insurance information by Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Waller, Heather)
February 8, 2016 Filing 1750 DECLARATION of Michael J. Nelson (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - GPs Second Supplement to Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures dated January 23, 2015, #2 Exhibit 2 - NCR Corporations (NCR) Supplement for FRG Counterclaims to Initial Rule 26(a)(1) Disclosures dated January 23, 2015, #3 Exhibit 3 - GPs Requests for Production, Requests for Admission, and Interrogatories to NCR dated February 2, 2015, #4 Exhibit 4 - April 16, 2015 email and its attachment, #5 Exhibit 5 - July 20, 2015 letter, #6 Exhibit 6 - August 17, 2015 email, #7 Exhibit 7 - August 19, 2015 email, #8 Exhibit 8 - August 19, 2015 email, #9 Exhibit 9 - August 24, 2015 email, #10 Exhibit 10 - September 3, 2015 email, #11 Exhibit 11 - September 23, 2015 email, #12 Exhibit 12 - November 30, 2015 email, #13 Exhibit 13 - September 10, 2015 email, #14 Exhibit 14 - December 20, 2015 email, #15 Exhibit 15 - January 14, 2016 email, #16 Exhibit 16 - Excerpt of a January 28, 2016 email, #17 Exhibit 17 - Declaration of Tye G. Darland dated February 8, 2016, #18 Exhibit 18 - Declaration of John E. Burgess dated February 8, 2016, #19 Exhibit 19 - GPs Objections And Responses to NCRs First Interrogatories And Second Requests For Production Following Remand dated September 14, 2015, #20 Exhibit 20 - July 24, 2015 email)(Nelson, Michael)
February 8, 2016 Filing 1749 BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1748 MOTION for Protective Order to Prohibit the Depositions of Georgia-Pacific's Counsel . (Alexander, Mary)
February 8, 2016 Filing 1748 MOTION for Protective Order to Prohibit the Depositions of Georgia-Pacific's Counsel by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
January 28, 2016 Filing 1747 NOTICE of Appearance by Kathleen M Kline on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Kathleen M. Kline (Kline, Kathleen)
November 12, 2015 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER adopting new schedule signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11-12-15. Fact discovery due March 31, 2016; Opening Expert Reports April 29, 2016; Rebuttal reports June 10, 2016; Close of Expert Discovery July 29, 2016; Dispositive Motions due August 19, 2016; Pretrial briefs due January 3, 2017; Pretrial Conference (Milwaukee) January 4, 2017, 10:00 a.m.; Trial to begin Monday January 23, 2017. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 12, 2015 NOTICE of Electronic Filing Error re #1745 Letter, #1746 Letter ; All documents should contain an electronic signature. These documents do not need to be re-filed; Please refer to the policies and procedures for electronic case filing and the user manual found at (mec)
November 11, 2015 Filing 1746 LETTER from Scott W. Hansen . (Hansen, Scott)
November 11, 2015 Filing 1745 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander Regarding Case Management Scheduling. (Alexander, Mary)
November 10, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1744 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11-10-15 denying #1670 Motion to Amend/Correct (Motion for Protective Order); granting in part and denying in part #1683 Motion to Compel; granting in part and denying in part #1687 Motion to Compel; granting #1696 Motion for Summary Judgment; granting #1715 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings; granting #1717 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
October 27, 2015 Filing 1743 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC of Withdrawal of Margrethe K. Kearney as Counsel of Record (Kearney, Margrethe)
September 8, 2015 Filing 1742 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach: Scheduling Conference held on 9/8/2015, Fact Discovery due by 11/13/2015, Close of Expert Discovery due by 4/22/2016, Opening Expert Reports due by 1/15/2016, Rebuttal Expert Reports due by 2/26/2016, Close of Expert Discovery by 4/22/2016, Motions due by 5/2/2016, Pretrial Briefs due by 6/15/2016, Final Pretrial Conference set for 6/29/2016 01:30 PM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. Jury Trial set for 7/18/2016 08:30 AM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (Tape #090815) (cav)
September 8, 2015 NOTICE of Electronic Filing Error re #1741 Supplement filed by WTM I Company ; Certain discovery documents should not be filed. Please see Fed. R. Civ. P. 5(d) for further information. The document has been replaced with a copy of Rule 5. Discovery documents should be served on opposing counsel in paper format; Please refer to the policies and procedures for electronic case filing and the user manual found at (tlf)
September 4, 2015 Filing 1741 SUPPLEMENT by WTM I Company WTM 1 Company's Third Supplement to Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures. (Peterson, Nancy)
September 4, 2015 Filing 1740 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Chief Judge Griesbach re September 8, 2015 telephonic status conference. (McAtee, Darin)
September 2, 2015 NOTICE of RESCHEDULED HEARING: Telephone Status Conference rescheduled to 9/8/2015 02:00 PM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. Instructions: Participants are to call in to 1-888-273-3658, using Access Code 4416978, and Security Code 0016. Verification of your participation should be sent to Counsel who had confirmed their appearance for the previous date will need to re-confirm if they will appear on 9/8/2015. Please contact the Office of the Clerk at 920-455-7381 if you should have any questions. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
August 31, 2015 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Status Conference set for 9/14/2015 10:00 AM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. Instructions: Participants are to call in to 1-888-273-3658, using Access Code 4416978, and Security Code 0016. Verification of your participation should be sent to Please contact the Office of the Clerk at 920-455-7381 if you should have any questions. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
August 27, 2015 Filing 1739 LETTER from Scott W. Hansen regarding status conference. (Hansen, Scott)
August 20, 2015 Filing 1738 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC of withdrawal of counsel (Kearney, Margrethe)
August 19, 2015 Filing 1737 LETTER from P. H. Glatfelter Co. to the Court requesting a case management conference . (Mandelbaum, David)
August 12, 2015 Filing 1736 NOTICE by PH Glatfelter Company of Order Granting P. H. Glatfelter Company's Motion to Transfer to the Eastern District of Wisconsin (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Order Granting P. H. Glatfelter Company's Motion to Transfer to the Eastern District of Wisconsin)(Citera, Francis)
August 3, 2015 Filing 1735 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1715 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Georgia-Pacific's Counterclaims to the Ninth Amended Complaint . (Ragatz, Ronald)
August 3, 2015 Filing 1734 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1717 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to P.H. Glatfelter Company's Contribution Counterclaim to the Ninth Amended Complaint . (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 31, 2015 Filing 1733 NOTICE by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation Notice of Withdrawal (Sobota, Margaret)
July 30, 2015 Filing 1732 NOTICE of Appearance by Joshua D Maggard on behalf of WTM I Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Joshua D. Maggard (Maggard, Joshua)
July 27, 2015 Filing 1731 NOTICE of Settlement by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 22, 2015 Filing 1730 NOTICE of Appearance by Lauren R Harpke on behalf of WTM I Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Lauren R. Harpke (Harpke, Lauren)
July 21, 2015 Filing 1729 NOTICE by PH Glatfelter Company of Glatfelter's Motion to Compel Windward Prospects Limited to Produce Documents Pursuant to Glatfelter's Duly Served Subpoena Filed in the District of Massachusetts and Glatfelter's Motion to Transfer to the Eastern District of Wisconsin (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- P. H. Glatfelter Company's Motion to Compel + Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit 2 -- Memorandum of P. H. Glatfelter Company in Support of its Motion to Compel + Appendices, #3 Exhibit 3 -- P. H. Glatfelter Company's Motion to Transfer to the Eastern District of Wisconsin + Proposed Order, #4 Exhibit 4 -- Memorandum of P. H. Glatfelter Company in Support of its Motion to Transfer, #5 Exhibit 5 -- Declaration of Francis A. Citera is Support of P. H. Glatfelter Company's Motion to Compel and Related Motion to Transfer + Exhibits A-H)(Citera, Francis)
July 17, 2015 Filing 1728 NOTICE of Appearance by Eric L Maassen on behalf of Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Eric L. Maassen (Maassen, Eric)
July 17, 2015 Filing 1727 RESPONSE to Motion filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1715 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Georgia-Pacific's Counterclaims to the Ninth Amended Complaint . (Alexander, Mary)
July 17, 2015 Filing 1726 BRIEF in Opposition filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1717 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to P.H. Glatfelter Company's Contribution Counterclaim to the Ninth Amended Complaint . (Mandelbaum, David)
July 14, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1725 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 7-14-15 granting #1719 Motion to Compel insurance settlements. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, WIlliam)
July 13, 2015 Filing 1724 DECLARATION of Darin P. McAtee In Support of Plaintiff's Response to Georgia-Pacific's Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion to Compel Unredacted Confidential Insurance Settlement Agreements with Non-Consenting Carriers (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - 2/20/2015 Letter to Insurers, #2 Exhibit 2 - American Needle v. New Orleans, #3 Exhibit 3 - Appleton Papers Inc. v. George A. Whiting Paper Co.)(McAtee, Darin)
July 13, 2015 Filing 1723 RESPONSE to Motion filed by NCR Corporation re #1719 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel insurance settlement information . (McAtee, Darin)
July 2, 2015 Filing 1722 BRIEF in Support filed by Kimberly-Clark Corporation re #1696 MOTION for Summary Judgment - Reply Brief. (Slack, Sarah)
July 2, 2015 Filing 1721 NOTICE of Appearance by Heather A Waller on behalf of Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Attorney(s) appearing: Heather A. Waller (Waller, Heather)
July 2, 2015 Filing 1720 DECLARATION of MICHAEL J. NELSON In support of Georgia-Pacific's motion to compel insurance settlement information (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - GPs Requests for Production of Documents, Requests for Admission, and Interrogatories to NCR Corporation dated February 2, 2015, #2 Exhibit B - NCRs Responses to GPs Requests for Production of Documents, Requests for Admission, and Interrogatories dated March 9, 2015, #3 Exhibit C - Meet-and-Confer Letter from GP to NCR dated April 3, 2015, #4 Exhibit D - April 13 and April 17, 2015 email communications with Darin McAtee and Jacqueline Harrington)(Alexander, Mary)
July 2, 2015 Filing 1719 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel insurance settlement information by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
June 23, 2015 Filing 1718 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1717 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to P.H. Glatfelter Company's Contribution Counterclaim to the Ninth Amended Complaint . (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 23, 2015 Filing 1717 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to P.H. Glatfelter Company's Contribution Counterclaim to the Ninth Amended Complaint by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 23, 2015 Filing 1716 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1715 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Georgia-Pacific's Counterclaims to the Ninth Amended Complaint . (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 23, 2015 Filing 1715 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Georgia-Pacific's Counterclaims to the Ninth Amended Complaint by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1714 Appvion's ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1705 of Georgia-Pacific filed by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1713 Appvion's ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1704 of CBC Coating, Inc. filed by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1712 Appvion's ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1703 of P.H. Glatfelter filed by Appvion Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1711 ANSWER to Complaint (Docket Number 1704). ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant CBC Coating, Inc.'s Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Appvion, Inc.'s Ninth Amended Complaint and Amended Counterclaims") by NCR Corporation.(McAtee, Darin)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1710 ANSWER to #1703 Answer to Amended Complaint,,, Counterclaim,, by NCR Corporation.(McAtee, Darin)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1709 DECLARATION of Darin P. McAtee in Support of Plaintiff's Response to Kimberly-Clark's Corporation's Motion for Summary Judgment (Docket Number 1708) (Attachments: #1 Ex 1 - September 29, 1959 Letter, #2 Ex 2 - October 23, 1959 Letter, #3 Ex 3 - October 14, 1959 Letter, #4 Ex 4 - July 19, 1960 Letter, #5 Ex 5 - January 18, 1968 Letter, #6 Ex 6 - Plasticizer Call Report, #7 Ex 7 - US Patent 3903352, #8 Ex 8 - February 17, 1972 Letter)(McAtee, Darin)
June 15, 2015 Filing 1708 RESPONSE to Motion filed by NCR Corporation re #1696 MOTION for Summary Judgment ("NCR CORPORATION'S RESPONSE TO KIMBERLY-CLARK CORPORATION'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT"). (McAtee, Darin)
June 3, 2015 Filing 1707 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 2, 2015 Filing 1706 NOTICE of Appearance by Mathew R Korte on behalf of Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Attorney(s) appearing: Mathew R. Korte (Korte, Mathew)
May 29, 2015 Filing 1705 Georgia-Pacific's ANSWER to #1617 Amended Complaint, and Affirmative Defenses Against Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc. and, COUNTERCLAIM against Appvion Inc filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP. by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP.(Alexander, Mary)
May 29, 2015 Filing 1704 ANSWER to Complaint AND COUNTERCLAIM against Appvion, Inc. and NCR Corporation filed by CBC Coating Inc . (Lovern, Susan)
May 29, 2015 Filing 1703 ANSWER to #1617 Amended Complaint, , COUNTERCLAIM against Appvion Inc, NCR Corporation filed by PH Glatfelter Company. by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1997 State Agreement, #2 Exhibit Supplemental State Agreement, #3 Exhibit 1997 Interim Funding Agreement, #4 Exhibit FRG Custodial Account Agreement, #5 Exhibit 1999 Interim Funding Agreement, #6 Exhibit August 2, 2012 Glatfelter Request, #7 Exhibit August 14, 2012 NCR Response)(Mandelbaum, David)
May 29, 2015 Filing 1702 Georgia-Pacific's Amended ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1634 and Affirmative Defenses to P.H. Glatfelter Company filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
May 28, 2015 Filing 1701 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Protective Order ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Unopposed Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Entry of a Stipulated Protective Order") by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Declaration of Darin P. McAtee in Support of Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Unopposed Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Entry of a Stipulated Protective Order, #2 Stipulated Protective Order)(McAtee, Darin)
May 15, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1700 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 5/15/2015 denying #1627 Motion to Dismiss; granting #1628 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings and #1655 Motion for Judgment; denying #1635 Motion to Dismiss; and #1643 Motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim ; denying #1681 Motion to Compel; and granting #1668 Motion for Leave to File a Sur-Reply. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
May 14, 2015 Filing 1699 DECLARATION of Steven P. Bogart in Support of U.S. Paper's Motion to Compel (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. A)(Bogart, Steven)
May 14, 2015 Filing 1698 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1683 MOTION to Compel Plaintiff Appvion to Produce Information Concerning Its Indemnity Arrangements and Its Insurance and Other Recoveries. (Bogart, Steven)
May 12, 2015 Filing 1697 BRIEF in Support filed by Kimberly-Clark Corporation re #1696 MOTION for Summary Judgment . (Slack, Sarah)
May 12, 2015 Filing 1696 MOTION for Summary Judgment by Kimberly-Clark Corporation. (Slack, Sarah)
May 7, 2015 Filing 1695 NOTICE of Appearance by Samuel Ross Shealy on behalf of US Paper Mills Corp. Attorney(s) appearing: S. Ross Shealy (Shealy, Samuel)
April 27, 2015 Filing 1694 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A - Confidential Settlement Agreement dated February 12, 1998, #2 Exhibit Ex B - Arbitration Award dated November 28, 2005, #3 Exhibit Ex C - Confidential Stipulation and Order dated November 5, 2013, #4 Exhibit Ex D - Document entitled "Dredge Volume and Cap/Cover Areas...", #5 Exhibit Ex E - Complaint in Roper et al v Old Republic Ins Co.)(Ragatz, Ronald)
April 27, 2015 Filing 1693 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Inc re #1687 MOTION to Compel Plaintiff Appvion to Produce Information Concerning its Indemnity Arrangements and its Insurance and Other Recoveries. (Ragatz, Ronald)
April 17, 2015 Filing 1692 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Inc re #1670 MOTION to Amend/Correct Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order . (Ragatz, Ronald)
April 8, 2015 Filing 1691 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A - PHG's Request for Production of Documents and Interrogatories Directed to Windward Prospects Limited)(Ragatz, Ronald)
April 8, 2015 Filing 1690 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Inc re #1681 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Appvion, Inc. and/or Windward Prospects Limited to Respond to P. H. Glatfelter Company's Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents . (Ragatz, Ronald)
April 3, 2015 Filing 1689 DECLARATION of David G. Mandelbaum in Support of the Memorandum of P. H. Glatfelter Company in Opposition to Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for a Protective Order and in Support of Its Motion to Compel Appvion, Inc. to Produce Information Concerning Its Indemnity Arrangements and Its Insurance and Other Recoveries (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Response to Defendant P. H. Glatfelter Company's Request for Production of Documents and Interrogatories Directed to Appvion, Inc., #2 Exhibit B -- Page 13 of Paperweight Development Corp.'s Form 10-Q (Quarterly Period Ended September 28, 2014))(Mandelbaum, David)
April 3, 2015 Filing 1688 BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1687 MOTION to Compel Appvion, Inc. to Produce Information Concerning Its Indemnity Arrangements and Its Insurance and Other Recoveries and in Opposition to Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for a Protective Order (Dkt. 1669/1670). (Mandelbaum, David)
April 3, 2015 Filing 1687 MOTION to Compel Appvion, Inc. to Produce Information Concerning Its Indemnity Arrangements and Its Insurance and Other Recoveries by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mandelbaum, David)
April 3, 2015 Filing 1686 DECLARATION of Michael J. Nelson in Support of #1683 Motion to Compel Appvion to Produce Information and in Opposition to #1669 Appvion Motion for Protective Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - G-P's Req. for Prod. of Doc., Admission & Int. to Appvion, #2 Exhibit B - Appvion's Responses to G-P Discovery Requests, #3 Exhibit C - March 17, 2015 Nelson to Ragatz and Birke Meet & Confer Letter)(Bogart, Steven) Modified on 4/6/2015 (aw).
April 3, 2015 Filing 1685 Scott W. Hansen DECLARATION in Support of #1683 Motion to Compel Appvion to Produce Information and in Opposition to #1669 Appvion Motion for Protective Order (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - USP Int. & Doc. Requests to Appvion, #2 Exhibit B - Excerpts from Paperweight Dev. Corp. SEC 10-K/A, #3 Exhibit C - Hultgren Deposition Excerpts, #4 Exhibit D - Appvion Responses to USP Int. & Doc. Requests, #5 Exhibit E - Hansen/Birke E-mail Communications)(Bogart, Steven) Modified on 4/6/2015 (aw).
April 3, 2015 Filing 1684 BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1683 MOTION to Compel Plaintiff Appvion to Produce Information and in Opposition to Appvion's Motion for Protective Order #1669 . (Bogart, Steven) Modified on 4/6/2015 (aw).
April 3, 2015 Filing 1683 MOTION to Compel Plaintiff Appvion to Produce Information by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Bogart, Steven)
March 30, 2015 Filing 1682 DECLARATION of Francis A. Citera in Support of P. H. Glatfelter Company's Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion to Compel Appvion, Inc. and/or Windward Prospects Limited to Respond to P. H. Glatfelter Company's Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Glatfelter's March 25, 2015 Letter, #2 Exhibit B -- Appvion's March 26, 2015 Response, #3 Exhibit C -- B.A.T. Industries plc v. Windward Prospects Ltd and Appleton Papers, 2013 EWHC 4087 (Comm), #4 Exhibit D -- Returned Unopened Envelope)(Citera, Francis)
March 30, 2015 Filing 1681 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Appvion, Inc. and/or Windward Prospects Limited to Respond to P. H. Glatfelter Company's Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Citera, Francis)
March 30, 2015 Filing 1680 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1643 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM (Partial) of P.H. Glatfelter Company's Counterclaims . (Alexander, Mary)
March 25, 2015 Filing 1679 NOTICE OF WITHDRAWL OF COUNSEL for Defendant Green Bay Packaging, Inc. Docketed as - LETTER from von Briesen & Roper SC requesting that they no longer be notified of filings in this matter (notification turned off) (vkb) Modified on 3/25/2015 to reflect correct event (cav).
March 25, 2015 Filing 1678 NOTICE of Appearance by Laura E Callan on behalf of City of Appleton. Attorney(s) appearing: Laura E. Callan (Callan, Laura)
March 20, 2015 Filing 1677 DECLARATION of David G. Mandelbaum in Support of P. H. Glatfelter Company's Memorandum in Opposition to Appvion, Inc.'s Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Leave to File a Surreply in Opposition to P. H. Glatfelter's Motion to Dismiss the Ninth Amended Complaint of Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative, for a More Definite Statement (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Exhibit A -- 03/11/15 Email from Ronald Ragatz)(Mandelbaum, David)
March 20, 2015 Filing 1676 BRIEF in Opposition filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1668 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File A Surreply in Opposition to PH Glatfelter's Motion to Dismiss the Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative for a More Definite Statement. (Mandelbaum, David)
March 17, 2015 Filing 1675 NOTICE of Appearance by Jillian C Bunyan on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Jillian C. Bunyan; Kaitlyn R. Maxwell (Bunyan, Jillian)
March 16, 2015 Filing 1674 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel - David Leichtman (Conlin, Jan)
March 13, 2015 Filing 1673 RESPONSE to Motion filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1643 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM (Partial) of P.H. Glatfelter Company's Counterclaims . (Mandelbaum, David)
March 13, 2015 Filing 1672 DECLARATION of Ronald R. Ragatz (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A - GP's Requests for Production, Requests for Admission, and Interrogatories to Appvion, Inc., #2 Exhibit Ex B - USP's First Set of Interrogatories and Document Requests to Plaintiff Appvion, Inc., #3 Exhibit Ex C - PHG's Requests for Production of Documents and Interrogatories Directed to Appvion, Inc.)(Ragatz, Ronald)
March 13, 2015 Filing 1671 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Incorporated re #1670 MOTION to Amend/Correct Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order . (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 13, 2015 Filing 1670 MOTION to Amend/Correct Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s Motion for Protective Order by Appvion Incorporated. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Protective Order)(Ragatz, Ronald)
March 13, 2015 Filing 1669 MOTION for Protective Order by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 12, 2015 Filing 1668 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File A Surreply in Opposition to PH Glatfelter's Motion to Dismiss by Appvion Incorporated. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Appvion's Surreply Memorandum in Opposition to PH Glatfelter's Motion to Dismiss)(Ragatz, Ronald)
March 12, 2015 Filing 1667 RESPONSE to Motion filed by WTM I Company re #1655 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of WTM's Counterclaims to the Ninth Amended Complaint (WTM I Company's Renewed Response to Appvion, Inc.'s Renewed Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of WTM I Company's Amended Counterclaims). (Peterson, Nancy)
March 6, 2015 Filing 1666 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1627 MOTION to Dismiss Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative for a More Definite Statement . (Mandelbaum, David)
March 6, 2015 Filing 1665 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1635 MOTION to Dismiss Appvion, Inc.'s Ninth Amended Complaint . (Alexander, Mary)
March 6, 2015 Filing 1664 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Incorporated re #1628 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of Defendant WTM I Company's Amended Counterclaims . (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 3, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1663 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 3-3-15 granting #1599 Motion for Reconsideration. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
February 23, 2015 Filing 1662 NOTICE by City of Appleton of Withdrawal of Margaret I. Hoefer Individually as counsel of record (Kent, Paul)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1661 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Incorporated re #1635 MOTION to Dismiss Appvion, Inc.'s Ninth Amended Complaint of Georgia-Pacific and CBC Coating, Inc.. (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1660 DECLARATION of Dennis P. Birke (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A - Fox River AWA Environmental Indemnity Agreement dated November 9, 2001, #2 Exhibit Ex B - Fox River PDC Environmental Indemnity Agreement dated November 9, 2001)(Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1659 RESPONSE to Motion filed by WTM I Company re #1628 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of Defendant WTM I Company's Amended Counterclaims . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to WTM I Company's Response)(Peterson, Nancy)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1658 DECLARATION of Brian Tauscher (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Appvion's Ninth Amended Complaint)(Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1657 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Incorporated re #1627 MOTION to Dismiss Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative for a More Definite Statement . (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1656 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1621 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant WTM I's Answer and Counterclaims to Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc. and Amended Counterclaims to NCR Corporation's Seventh Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1655 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of WTM's Counterclaims to the Ninth Amended Complaint by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1654 Appvion, Inc. ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1621 of WTM I Company filed by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1653 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1622 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant U.S. Paper Mills Corp.'s Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiff Appvion's Ninth Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1652 Appvion, Inc. ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1625 of Menasha Corporation filed by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1651 Appvion, Inc.'s ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1624 of City of Appleton filed by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1650 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1620 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Ninth Amended Complaint and Counterclaim") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1649 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1625 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant Menasha Corporation's Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiff Appvion's Ninth Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1648 Appvion, Inc.'s ANSWER to #1622 US Paper Mills Amended Counterclaims filed by Appvion Incorporated . (Ragatz, Ronald) Modified on 2/18/2015 to reflect correct event (cav).
February 17, 2015 Filing 1647 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1624 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant City of Appleton's Counterclaim to Plaintiff Appvion's Ninth Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1646 Amended ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1619 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Amended Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant P.H. Glatfelter Company's Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiffs' Seventh Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1645 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1634 and Affirmative Defenses filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1644 BRIEF in Support filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1643 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM (Partial) of P.H. Glatfelter Company's Counterclaims . (Alexander, Mary)
February 17, 2015 Filing 1643 MOTION TO DISMISS FOR FAILURE TO STATE A CLAIM re #1634 (Partial) of P.H. Glatfelter Company's Counterclaims by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
February 13, 2015 Filing 1642 NOTICE by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel (Sobota, Margaret)
January 29, 2015 Filing 1641 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1599 MOTION for Reconsideration of "Single Site" Ruling . (Attachments: #1 Gidarisingh v. McCaughtry, No. 04-CV-38, 2011 WL 2182044 (E.D. Wis. June 3, 2011), aff'd, 451 F. App'x 572 (7th Cir. 2011))(Holmes, Caleb)
January 28, 2015 Filing 1640 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC of Withdrawal of Arthur F. Foester as Counsel of Record (Kearney, Margrethe)
January 26, 2015 Filing 1639 NOTICE by Menasha Corporation of Withdrawal of Counsel (Erik S. Mroz) (Hunsucker, Philip)
January 26, 2015 Filing 1638 NOTICE of Appearance by Philip C Hunsucker on behalf of Menasha Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Anne E. Lynch and Marc A. Shapp (Hunsucker, Philip)
January 26, 2015 Filing 1637 NOTICE of Appearance by Dillon J Ambrose on behalf of Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. Attorney(s) appearing: Dillon J. Ambrose (Ambrose, Dillon)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1636 BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1635 MOTION to Dismiss Appvion, Inc.'s Ninth Amended Complaint . (Alexander, Mary)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1635 MOTION to Dismiss Appvion, Inc.'s Ninth Amended Complaint by CBC Coating Inc, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Alexander, Mary)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1634 Defendant P. H. Glatfelter Company's ANSWER to Crossclaim re #1614 Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Fort James Corporation and Georgia-Pacific LLC against PH Glatfelter Company filed by PH Glatfelter Company. (Mandelbaum, David)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1633 DECLARATION of David G. Mandelbaum in Support of Glatfelter's Motion to Dismiss the Ninth Amended Complaint of Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative for a More Definite Statement (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Pages from Paperweight Dev. Corp. 2014 Form 10-Q)(Mandelbaum, David)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1632 BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1627 MOTION to Dismiss Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative for a More Definite Statement . (Attachments: #1 Supplement -- Unreported Cases Cited in Glatfelter's Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss or in Alternative More Definite Statement)(Mandelbaum, David)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1631 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1618 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Amended Counterclaims of WTM I Company to the Seventh Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1630 BRIEF in Support filed by Appvion Incorporated re #1628 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of Defendant WTM I Company's Amended Counterclaims . (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1629 ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1619 ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Answer and Affirmative Defenses to Defendant P.H. Glatfelter Company's Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiffs' Seventh Amended Complaint") filed by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1628 MOTION for Judgment on the Pleadings as to Count I of Defendant WTM I Company's Amended Counterclaims by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1627 MOTION to Dismiss Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc., or in the Alternative for a More Definite Statement by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mandelbaum, David)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1626 Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1618 filed by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1625 ANSWER to Complaint AND COUNTERCLAIM against Appvion Inc. and NCR Corporation filed by Menasha Corporation . (Hunsucker, Philip)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1624 City of Appleton's ANSWER to Complaint AND COUNTERCLAIM against NCR and Appvion filed by City of Appleton . (Yde, Richard)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1623 Plaintiff Appvion, Inc.'s ANSWER to Counterclaim re #1619 filed by Appvion Incorporated. (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1622 U.S. Paper's ANSWER to #1617 Amended Complaint, , Amended COUNTERCLAIM against Appvion Incorporated, NCR Corporation filed by US Paper Mills Corp. by US Paper Mills Corp.(Bogart, Steven)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1621 ANSWER to Complaint AND COUNTERCLAIM against Plaintiffs filed by WTM I Company . (Harbeck, William)
January 23, 2015 Filing 1620 ANSWER to Complaint AND COUNTERCLAIM against NCR Corporation filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission . (Mulligan, William)
January 16, 2015 Filing 1619 AMENDED DOCUMENT by PH Glatfelter Company. COUNTERCLAIM by PH Glatfelter Company against NCR Corporation and Appvion Inc (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 -- 1997 State Agreement, #2 Exhibit 2 -- Supplemental State Agreement, #3 Exhibit 3 -- 1997 Interim Funding Agreement, #4 Exhibit 4 -- FRG Custodial Account Agreement, #5 Exhibit 5 -- 1999 Interim Funding Agreement, #6 Exhibit 6 -- August 2, 2012 Glatfelter Request, #7 Exhibit 7 -- August 14, 2012 NCR Response)(Mandelbaum, David)
January 15, 2015 Filing 1618 AMENDED COUNTERCLAIMS TO THE SEVENTH AMENDED COMPLAINT filed by WTM I Company against Appvion Incorporated and NCR Corporation. (tlf)
January 14, 2015 Filing 1617 NINTH AMENDED COMPLAINT against CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company filed by Appvion Incorporated, NCR Corporation.(tlf)
January 12, 2015 Filing 1616 BRIEF in Opposition filed by NCR Corporation re #1599 MOTION for Reconsideration of "Single Site" Ruling ("NCR Corporation's Response in Opposition to P.H. Glatfelter Company's Motion for Reconsideration on "Single Site" Ruling"). (McAtee, Darin)
January 8, 2015 Filing 1615 Docketed in error without exhibits - SEE #1619 for COUNTERCLAIM with exhibits - COUNTERCLAIM by PH Glatfelter Company against NCR Corporation and Appvion Inc. (Amended). (Mandelbaum, David) Modified on 1/16/2015 (mec).
January 8, 2015 Filing 1614 CROSSCLAIM by Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Fort James Corporation and Georgia-Pacific LLC against PH Glatfelter Company. (mec)
January 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1613 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-7-15 granting #1588 Motion for Discharge. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 7, 2015 Opinion or Order Filing 1612 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 1-7-15 granting #1601 Motion for Leave to File; granting #1602 Motion for Leave to File; granting #1604 Motion for Leave to File; granting #1605 Motion for Leave to File. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 5, 2015 Filing 1611 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appvion Incorporated re #1604 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File amended pleadings to add crossclaim against P.H. Glatfelter Company, #1605 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Amended Counterclaims to the Seventh Amended Complaint Joinder in NCR Corporation's Combined Response to Glatfelter's and WTM I's Motion for Leave to File Amended Counterclaims. (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 5, 2015 Filing 1610 BRIEF in Opposition filed by NCR Corporation re #1605 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Amended Counterclaims to the Seventh Amended Complaint, #1602 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiffs' Seventh Amended Complaint . (McAtee, Darin)
January 2, 2015 Filing 1609 DECLARATION of David G. Mandelbaum in Support of P. H. Glatfelter Co.'s Brief in Opposition to Appvion, Inc.'s 7(h) Motion for Leave to File Ninth Amended Complaint (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A)(Mandelbaum, David)
January 2, 2015 Filing 1608 BRIEF in Opposition filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1601 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc. . (Mandelbaum, David)
January 2, 2015 Filing 1607 BRIEF in Opposition filed by CBC Coating Inc, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1601 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc. . (Alexander, Mary)
January 2, 2015 Filing 1606 RESPONSE to Motion filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1604 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File amended pleadings to add crossclaim against P.H. Glatfelter Company . (Mandelbaum, David)
December 22, 2014 Filing 1605 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Amended Counterclaims to the Seventh Amended Complaint by WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Amended Counterclaims of WTM I Company to the Seventh Amended Complaint, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Peterson, Nancy)
December 22, 2014 Filing 1604 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File amended pleadings to add crossclaim against P.H. Glatfelter Company by Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP's, Fort James Corporation's and Georgia-Pacific LLC's Crossclaims Against P.H. Glatfelter Company)(Alexander, Mary)
December 22, 2014 Filing 1603 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach re: today's deadline for motions to amend. (McAtee, Darin)
December 22, 2014 Filing 1602 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiffs' Seventh Amended Complaint by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Defendant P. H. Glatfelter Company's Amended Counterclaims to Plaintiffs' Seventh Amended Complaint, #2 Text of Proposed Order, #3 Exhibit 1 -- 1997 State Agreement, #4 Exhibit 2 -- Supplemental State Agreement, #5 Exhibit 3 -- 1997 Interim Funding Agreement, #6 Exhibit 4 -- FRG Custodial Account Agreement, #7 Exhibit 5 -- 1999 Interim Funding Agreement, #8 Exhibit 6 -- August 2, 2012 Glatfelter Request, #9 Exhibit 7 -- August 14, 2012 NCR Response)(Mandelbaum, David)
December 22, 2014 Filing 1601 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Ninth Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Appvion, Inc. by Appvion Incorporated. (Attachments: #1 Complaint Ninth Amended Complaint)(Ragatz, Ronald)
December 18, 2014 Filing 1600 BRIEF in Support filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1599 MOTION for Reconsideration of "Single Site" Ruling . (Holmes, Caleb)
December 18, 2014 Filing 1599 MOTION for Reconsideration of "Single Site" Ruling by PH Glatfelter Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Holmes, Caleb)
December 12, 2014 Filing 1598 TRANSCRIPT of STATUS CONFERENCE held on 12/8/2014 before Judge William Griesbach Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, Contact at to order directly... Or. Transcripts may be purchased using the Transcript Order Form found #on our website or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 1/5/2015. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/15/2015. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/16/2015. (Schindhelm, John)
December 10, 2014 Opinion or Order Filing 1597 SCHEDULING ORDER: signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 12/10/2014. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
December 10, 2014 Filing 1596 DOCKETED IN ERROR. Transcript Requests are to be emailed to the court pursuant to the procedures for ordering transcripts available on the court website at TRANSCRIPT REQUEST (by NCR Corporation) for proceedings held on 12/08/2014 before Judge Griesbach (Rocco, Katherine) Modified on 12/10/2014 (tlf).
December 10, 2014 Filing 1595 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for Status Conference held on 12/8/2014 before Judge William C Griesbach. (tlf)
December 9, 2014 Filing 1594 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach: Status Conference held on 12/8/2014, Amended Pleadings due by 12/22/2014, Responses and and Supplemental Disclosures due by 01/23/15, Discovery due by 9/15/2015, Opening Expert Reports due by 10/30/2015, Rebuttal Expert Reports due by 11/30/2015, Close of Expert Discovery 1/29/2016, Pretrial Briefs due by 5/16/2016, Motions due by 2/15/2016, Final Pretrial Conference set for 5/31/2016 01:30 PM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach, Jury Trial set for 6/13/2016 08:30 AM before Chief Judge William C Griesbach. (Tape #120814) (cav) Modified on 12/10/2014 to correct date of hearing (tlf).
December 8, 2014 Filing 1593 LETTER from Michael J. Nelson - Request for John Burgess to appear by telephone. (Nelson, Michael)
December 8, 2014 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING ( #1593 in 2:08-cv-00016-WCG) Letter Request to listen via phone due to an issue with Attorney Burgess' flight, ( #955 in 1:10-cv-00910-WCG) Letter Request to listen via phone due to an issue with Attorney Burgess' flight, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 12/08/2016. The Clerk will conference in Attorney Burgess at the number provided at the time of the scheduled call. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
December 5, 2014 Filing 1592 STATUS REPORT P. H. Glatfelter Company's Supplemental Status Report by PH Glatfelter Company. (Mandelbaum, David)
December 5, 2014 Filing 1591 STATUS REPORT ("Plaintiffs' and Certain Defendants' Agreed Status Report Regarding Scheduling") by Appvion Incorporated, NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
December 5, 2014 Filing 1590 STATUS REPORT of the Settling Six Defendants by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Hansen, Scott)
December 5, 2014 Filing 1589 NOTICE of Appearance by Michael J Nelson on behalf of Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Attorney(s) appearing: Michael J. Nelson (Nelson, Michael)
December 5, 2014 Docket Annotation : Counsel who are attending the December 8 hearing have now confirmed their appearances. In some instances there are numerous attorneys appearing for one party. The parties with multiple attorneys are directed to provide the lead attorney or the name of the attorney that will speak on behalf of the party they represent. Please send notice of the lead attorney to Thank you for your cooperation in this matter as it will assist the court in seating arrangements. (cav)
December 4, 2014 Filing 1588 Unopposed MOTION for Discharge ("NCR Corporation's Unopposed Motion to Discharge Supersedeas Bond") by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A -- Supersedeas Bond, #2 Exhibit B -- [Proposed] Order Discharging Supersedeas Bond)(McAtee, Darin)
December 3, 2014 Filing 1587 NOTICE of Appearance by Katherine A Rocco on behalf of NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Katherine A. Rocco (Rocco, Katherine)
November 26, 2014 TEXT ONLY INFORMATION FROM THE COURT: For information purposes, the Court does not intend to issue a decision on the pending motions before the end of the week. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 19, 2014 Filing 1586 LETTER from City of Appleton re scheduling. (Yde, Richard)
November 19, 2014 NOTICE of Hearing: Status Conference set for 12/8/2014 01:30 PM to be held before Chief Judge William C Griesbach in Courtroom 201 at 125 S Jefferson St, Green Bay, WI 54301. Counsel who are appearing should confirm their attendance at this status conference with the Office of the Clerk at (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
November 19, 2014 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER directing counsel to file a brief statement on the current status of the case, as well as a proposed schedule (collaborative if possible), prior to the December 8, 2014 Status Conference, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/19/2014. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 18, 2014 Filing 1585 MOTION to Convene a Status Conference to Set a Discovery Schedule and Other Timelines Following Remand by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
November 13, 2014 Filing 1584 USCA Mandate (certified copy) as to Notices of Appeal and Cross-Appeal: #1506 , #1514 , #1524 , #1525 , #1526 , #1540 , #1541 , #1542 , #1555 , #1559 , #1574 ; USCA Nos.: 13-2447, 13-2522, 13-2568, 13-2570, 13-2572, 13-2605, 13-2606, 13-2607, 13-2631, 13-2645 and 13-2866. The district court's judgment with regard to Appvion's ability to bring suit under CERCLA 107(a) is REVERSED and the decision to hold NCR responsible for all of the response costs at operable units 2 through 5 in contribution is VACATED. The district court decisions that NCR may proceed only under CERCLA 113(f); that NCR is not liable as an arranger; that Glatfelter's insurance settlement may not be offset against NCR's contribution share; that NCR can be required to contribute for natural resource damages; that Glatfelter's counterclaim based on the discharges at Portage should be dismissed; and that the defendants' state-law counterclaims are preempted are AFFIRMED. The case is REMANDED for proceedings consistent with the opinion. Each party is to bear its own costs. Record to be returned (mandate received by e-mail). Case reopened. (Attachments: #1 Certified Opinion, #2 Final Judgment, #3 Order Denying Rehearing)(tlf) Record returned - 8 CDs of final trial exhibits and amended exhibit list; 1 CD 82 Vol of Pleadings; Loose Pleadings.
May 15, 2014 Filing 1583 NOTICE by PH Glatfelter Company of Withdrawal of Appearance (Silverman, Adam)
January 24, 2014 Filing 1582 Certified Record on Appeal Transmitted to US Court of Appeals consisting of:82 Vol Pleadings, 79 Loose Pleadings(s): Docket Nos. 425, 480. 516, 519, 555, 575, 578, 579, 582, 610, 628, 651, 662, 665-669, 672, 676-685, 714, 716, 727,759, 774,754,765, 791, 884, 886, 889, 890, 900, 904, 912, 917, 980, 993, 1016, 1022, 1025, 1029, 1031, 1033, 1048, 1049, 1052, 1171, 1172,1175-1180, 1181-1183, 1185, 1251-1257, 1350, 1393, and 1424, 4 Vol Transcripts: (Vol 1 - Docket No. 39), (Vol 2 - Docket Nos. 488, 508, and 749), (Vol 3 - 1074 and 1109), (Vol 4 - 1282, 1338, and 1359-1365), 1 Envelope Exhibit(s): 8 CDs containing Final Trial Exhibits (2), Final Trial Exhibits with Objections (1), Sealed Final Trial Exhibits (1), Sealed Final Trial Exhibits with Objections (1), Sealed Final Trial Exhibits - Ex 0681 (1), Sealed Exhibit 6012 (1), Sealed Exhibit 6013(1), 2 Vol In Camera Material(s): (Vol 1 - Docket Nos. 756 and 757), (Vol 2 - Docket Nos.1301 -1306, 3121, 1324, 1332, 1335, 1340, 1343, 1384, 1394, 1396, 1397, and 1475-1476 re #1506 Notice of Appeal, #1514 Notice of Appeal, #1524 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1525 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1526 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1540 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1541 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1542 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1555 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1559 Notice of Cross Appeal, #1574 Notice of Appeal; USCA Case Nos. 13-2447, 13-2522, 13-2568, 13-2570, 13-2572, 13-2605, 13-2606, 13-2607,13-2631, 13-2645, and 13-2866. Electronic copies of all documents on CD transmitted via UPS. (cc: all counsel) (Attachments: #1 Pleadings Index)(tlf) Record filed in USCA on 1/30/2014 (tlf).
January 24, 2014 Filing 1581 Appeal Record Request received from 7th Cir. Re: USCA Case Numbers 13-2447, 13-2522, 13-2568, 13-2570, 13-2572, 13-2605, 13-2606, 13-2607, 13-2631, 13-2645, and 13-2866. (tlf)
September 17, 2013 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1580 MOTION for Paul Bargren to Withdraw as Attorney filed by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 09/17/2013. Linda E. Benfield and Sarah Slack remain as counsel for said defendant. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
September 16, 2013 Filing 1580 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Wisconsin Public Service Corporation. (Bargren, Paul)
August 27, 2013 Filing 1579 USCA Case Number 13-2866 re: #1574 Notice of Appeal filed by United States of America. (tlf)
August 26, 2013 Filing 1578 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1574 Notice of Appeal (cav)
August 26, 2013 Filing 1577 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1506 Notice of Appeal (cav)
August 23, 2013 Filing 1576 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: (1574 in 2:08-cv-00016-WCG) Notice of Appeal #1505 Final Judgment (Attachments: #1 Additional Counsel)(cav)
August 22, 2013 Filing 1575 Docketing Statement by United States of America re #1574 Notice of Appeal (cc: all counsel) (Stone, Randall)
August 22, 2013 Filing 1574 NOTICE OF APPEAL by United States of America. (cc: all counsel) (Stone, Randall)
August 5, 2013 Filing 1573 DESIGNATION of Record on Appeal by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission re #1541 Notice of Cross Appeal (Mulligan, William)
August 2, 2013 Filing 1572 LETTER from Richard C. Yde re record on appeal. (Yde, Richard)
August 2, 2013 Filing 1571 LETTER from Susan E. Lovern Requesting Documents to be Included as Part of the Record on Appeal. (Lovern, Susan)
August 1, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1570 ORDER denying #1568 Motion to Enlarge Appeal Record, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 08/01/2013. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
July 31, 2013 Filing 1569 RESPONSE to Motion filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1568 MOTION to Enlarge Appeal Record . (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 29, 2013 Filing 1568 MOTION to Enlarge Appeal Record by US Paper Mills Corp. (Bogart, Steven)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1567 USCA Case Number 13-2645 re: #1559 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by City of Appleton. (tlf)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1566 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1559 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by City of Appleton. (tlf)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1565 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1559 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by City of Appleton. (tlf)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1564 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1559 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by City of Appleton. (tlf)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1563 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander Requesting Documents to be Included as Part of the Record on Appeal. (Alexander, Mary)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1562 USCA Case Number 13-2631 re: #1555 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by WTM I Company. (tlf)
July 26, 2013 Filing 1561 LETTER from Steven Bogart Requesting Documents to Be Included as Part of Record on Appeal . (Bogart, Steven)
July 25, 2013 Filing 1560 Docketing Statement by City of Appleton re #1559 Notice of Cross Appeal (cc: all counsel) (Yde, Richard)
July 25, 2013 Filing 1559 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL by City of Appleton. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1728477. (Yde, Richard)
July 25, 2013 Filing 1558 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1555 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by WTM I Company. (tlf)
July 25, 2013 Filing 1557 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1555 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by WTM I Company. (tlf)
July 25, 2013 Filing 1556 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1555 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by WTM I Company. (tlf)
July 24, 2013 Filing 1555 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL as to #1505 Order by WTM I Company. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1727603. (Peterson, Nancy)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1554 USCA Case Number 13-2607 re: #1542 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by CBC Coating Inc. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1553 USCA Case Number 13-2606 re: #1541 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1552 USCA Case Number 13-2605 re: #1540 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Menasha Corporation. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1551 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1542 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by CBC Coating Inc. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1550 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1542 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by CBC Coating Inc. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1549 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1542 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by CBC Coating Inc. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1548 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1541 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1547 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1541 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1546 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1541 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1545 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1540 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Menasha Corporation. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1544 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1540 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Menasha Corporation. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1543 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1540 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Menasha Corporation. (tlf)
July 23, 2013 Filing 1542 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL as to #1505 Order by CBC Coating Inc. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1726489. (Lovern, Susan)
July 22, 2013 Filing 1541 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1725755. (Mulligan, William)
July 19, 2013 Filing 1540 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL as to #1505 Order by Menasha Corporation. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1725338. (Hunsucker, Philip)
July 19, 2013 Filing 1539 USCA Case Number 13-2572 re: #1526 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by US Paper Mills Corp. (tlf)
July 19, 2013 Filing 1538 USCA Case Number 13-2568 re: #1524 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP,and Fort James Corporation. (tlf)
July 19, 2013 Filing 1537 USCA Case Number 13-2570 re: #1525 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by PH Glatfelter Company. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1536 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1526 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by US Paper Mills Corp. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1535 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1526 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by US Paper Mills Corp. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1534 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1526 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by US Paper Mills Corp. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1533 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1525 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by PH Glatfelter Company. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1532 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1525 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by PH Glatfelter Company. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1531 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1525 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by PH Glatfelter Company. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1530 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1524 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, and Fort James Corporation. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1529 DESIGNATION of Record on Appeal by Appleton Papers Inc re #1514 Notice of Appeal, (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1528 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1524 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP,and Fort James Corporation. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1527 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1524 Notice of Cross Appeal filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, and Fort James Corporation. (tlf)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1526 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL as to #1505 Order by US Paper Mills Corp. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1724062. (Bogart, Steven)
July 18, 2013 Filing 1525 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL as to #1505 Order by PH Glatfelter Company. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1723645. (Mandelbaum, David)
July 17, 2013 Filing 1524 NOTICE OF CROSS APPEAL by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1722958. (Alexander, Mary)
July 15, 2013 Filing 1523 Seventh Circuit Information Sheet re: #1506 Notice of Appeal filed by NCR Corporation; transcripts previously prepared. (tlf)
July 12, 2013 Filing 1522 USCA Case Number 13-2522 re: #1514 Notice of Appeal filed by Appleton Papers Inc. (tlf)
July 11, 2013 Filing 1521 Supersedeas BOND posted by NCR Corporation (Chesler, Evan)
July 11, 2013 Filing 1520 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1514 Notice of Appeal filed by Appleton Papers Inc. (tlf)
July 11, 2013 Filing 1519 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1514 Notice of Appeal filed by Appleton Papers Inc. (tlf)
July 11, 2013 Filing 1518 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1514 Notice of Appeal filed by Appleton Papers Inc. (tlf)
July 11, 2013 Filing 1517 LETTER from Matthew R. Oakes designating documents to be included in appellate record. (Oakes, Matthew)
July 11, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1516 ORDER signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 7-11-13 granting #1512 Motion to Stay Execution of Amended Judgment. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
July 10, 2013 Filing 1515 Docketing Statement by Appleton Papers Inc re (48 in 1:08-cv-00895-WCG, 1514 in 2:08-cv-00016-WCG) Notice of Appeal (cc: all counsel) (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 10, 2013 Filing 1514 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #1505 Amended Final Judgment, #227 Decision and Order, #751 Decision and Order, #795 Order, #1080 Decision and Order, #1191 Decision and Order, and #1502 Decision and Order by Appleton Papers Inc as to . Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1718897 (cc: all counsel) (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 8, 2013 Filing 1513 LETTER (DESIGNATION OF RECORD) from Darin P. McAtee to Clerk of Court re: Appeal Record. (McAtee, Darin) Modified on 7/19/2013 (kmm).
July 5, 2013 Filing 1512 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Stay ("NCR Corporation's Unopposed Civil L. R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion to Stay Execution of Amended Judgment Pending Appeal and to Approve Proposed Supersedeas Bond") by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - [Proposed] Order, #2 Exhibit B - [Proposed] Supersedeas Bond)(Chesler, Evan)
July 2, 2013 Filing 1511 USCA Case Number 13-2447 re: #1506 Notice of Appeal filed by NCR Corporation. (tlf)
July 1, 2013 Filing 1510 Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to US Court of Appeals re #1506 Notice of Appeal filed by NCR Corporation. (tlf)
July 1, 2013 Filing 1509 Attorney Cover Letter re: #1506 Notice of Appeal filed by NCR Corporation. (tlf)
July 1, 2013 Filing 1508 7th Circuit Information Sheet re: #1506 Notice of Appeal filed by NCR Corporation. (tlf)
June 28, 2013 Filing 1507 Docketing Statement by NCR Corporation re #1506 Notice of Appeal (cc: all counsel) (Chesler, Evan)
June 28, 2013 Filing 1506 NOTICE OF APPEAL as to #1505 Order by NCR Corporation. Filing Fee PAID $455, receipt number 0757-1713362 (cc: all counsel) (Chesler, Evan)
June 27, 2013 Filing 1505 AMENDED FINAL JUDGMENT signed and entered by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 06/27/2013. This Judgment is amended to add/correct docket numbers at 5 and 17. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 27, 2013 Filing 1504 FINAL JUDGMENT signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 06/25/13. See attached judgment for details. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 26, 2013 Filing 1503 REQUEST by NCR Corporation for Entry of Final Judgment. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - [Proposed] Final Judgment in a Civil Case)(McAtee, Darin)
June 26, 2013 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER DENYING AS MOOT #946 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by Brown County, AND DENYING AS MOOT #865 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by City of Green Bay, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 06/26/2013. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 25, 2013 Filing 1502 DECISION AND ORDER denying #1489 Motion for Reconsideration and Addressing Insurance Setoff Issue. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
June 17, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1501 ORDER Approving Stipulation #1479 between NCR and Appleton Papers Inc. signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 6-17-13. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 4, 2013 Filing 1500 NOTICE of Name Change by Ronald R Ragatz Notice of Name Change and Supplemental Disclosure Statement (Ragatz, Ronald)
May 29, 2013 Filing 1499 NOTICE by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission of Withdrawal of Tara M. Mathison (Miles, Elizabeth)
May 24, 2013 Filing 1498 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) . (Ragatz, Ronald)
May 14, 2013 Filing 1497 NOTICE by NCR Corporation of Withdrawal of Counsel (Turek, David)
May 13, 2013 Filing 1496 BRIEF in Opposition filed by CBC Coating Inc, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, WTM I Company re #1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) . (Mandelbaum, David)
May 13, 2013 Filing 1495 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) . (Alexander, Mary)
May 13, 2013 Filing 1494 BRIEF in Opposition filed by US Paper Mills Corp re #1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) . (Bogart, Steven)
May 13, 2013 Filing 1493 BRIEF in Opposition filed by United States of America re #1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) . (Stone, Randall)
May 8, 2013 Filing 1492 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Daniel C. Murray by NewPage Wisconsin System Inc. (Boehm, Garrett)
May 7, 2013 Filing 1491 NOTICE by Menasha Corporation of Withdrawal of David A. Rabbino as Counsel of Record (Hunsucker, Philip)
April 19, 2013 Filing 1490 BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) . (Ragatz, Ronald)
April 19, 2013 Filing 1489 MOTION for Reconsideration of the Court's Dismissal of its Claim for Relief under CERCLA sec. 107(a) by Appleton Papers Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 1, 2013 Filing 1488 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC of Withdrawal of Patrick J. Ferguson as Counsel of Record (Alexander, Mary)
February 13, 2013 Filing 1487 LETTER from NCR Corporation re: February 7 Order For Response . (McAtee, Darin)
February 13, 2013 Filing 1486 LETTER from U.S. Department of Justice in response to the Court's February 7 Order. (Stone, Randall)
February 13, 2013 Filing 1485 LETTER from API re: Order For Response. (Ragatz, Ronald)
February 13, 2013 Filing 1484 LETTER from P.H. Glatfelter Company, Menasha Corporation, WTM I Company, CBC Coating, Inc., Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, City of Appleton, U.S. Paper Mills Corp., Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP . (Hansen, Scott)
February 7, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1483 ORDER directing responses signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 2-7-13. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
February 6, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1482 ORDER granting #1477 Motion for Order, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 02/06/2013. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
February 5, 2013 Filing 1481 STIPULATION Re: Entry of Final Judgment by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Final Judgment in a Civil Case)(McAtee, Darin)
February 5, 2013 Filing 1480 STATUS REPORT Regarding Final Judgment by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
February 5, 2013 Filing 1479 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and U.S. Paper Mills Corp. by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
February 4, 2013 Filing 1478 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC of Withdrawal of Karl S. Lytz as Counsel or Record (Ferguson, Patrick)
January 18, 2013 Filing 1477 Joint MOTION for Order ("Joint Motion for Entry of Order Concerning NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and Certain De Minimis Defendants") by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
January 15, 2013 Filing 1476 REDACTED BRIEF filed by PH Glatfelter Company on the Unresolved Issue of Insurance Offset. (Mandelbaum, David) (Additional attachment(s) added on 1/16/2013: #1 SEALED Brief) (tlf).
January 15, 2013 Filing 1475 REDACTED BRIEF filed by NCR Corporation ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Brief on the Insurance Offset of P.H. Glatfelter Company's OU2-5 Response Costs"). (McAtee, Darin) (Additional attachment(s) added on 1/16/2013: #1 SEALED Brief) (tlf).
January 10, 2013 Filing 1474 LETTER from Steven P. Bogart to The Honorable William Griesbach. (Bogart, Steven)
January 10, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1473 ORDER granting #1472 Joint Motion for Order signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 01/10/2013. Based on the Stipulation submitted by NCR Corporation (NCR) and WTM I Company (WTM) (Dkt. #1456) and the Bankruptcy Court Order approving the Stipulation (In re Canal Corp., 08-36642-DOT (Bankr. E.D. Va.), Dkt. #1857) the terms are approved and this Order entered. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
January 9, 2013 Filing 1472 Joint MOTION for Order ("Joint Motion for Entry of Order Concerning the Stipulation Between NCR Corporation and WTM I Company") by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Order Approving Stipulation Between NCR Corporation and WTM I Company (USBC - VAED), #2 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
January 4, 2013 Opinion or Order Filing 1471 ORDER re #1470 Stipulation filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 01/04/2013. NCR and Glatfelter shall submit simultaneous briefs at 5 p.m. CST on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, limited to 8 pages each, which shall address only the Unresolved Issue; Neither party shall submit a response brief. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
January 3, 2013 Filing 1470 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation and P.H. Glatfelter Company by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
November 30, 2012 Filing 1469 NOTICE of Change of Address by Gregory A Krauss (Krauss, Gregory)
November 20, 2012 Filing 1468 EFILED IN ERROR - RE-EFILED IN 10-910 case. STIPULATION on City of Appleton and Neenah Menasha Sewerage Commission Trial Participation by City of Appleton. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order)(Yde, Richard) Modified on 11/21/2012 (mec).
November 6, 2012 NOTICE of Electronic Filing Error to Darin P McAtee re #1467 Letter. All documents should contain an electronic signature (e.g., "s/ Darin P McAtee). Electronically filed documents should be extracted from a word-processing program and should not be scanned whenever possible. This document does not need to be re-filed. Please refer to the policies and procedures for electronic case filing found at (tlf)
November 5, 2012 Filing 1467 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach in response to the October 30 letter filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC (docket no. 1459) . (McAtee, Darin)
November 5, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1466 VACATED; See 11/5/2012 Text Only Order. Judgment signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/1/2012, pursuant to #1457 Stipulation. All claims asserted by Plaintiffs against the De Minimus Defendants (City of De Pere; George A. Whiting Paper Company; Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District; Green Bay Packaging, Inc.; Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District; International Paper Company; Lafarge North America Inc.; Leicht Transfer & Storage Company; Neenah Foundry Company; The Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company; Union Pacific Railroad Company; and Wisconsin Public Service Corp) and all claims asserted by the De Minimus Defendants against Plaintiffs are dismissed with prejudice, without costs, and shall not be appealed. Any order dismissing the De Minimus Defendants' counterclaims against Plaintiffs without prejudice is vacated and this Judgment shall govern as to those counterclaims. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William) Modified on 11/5/2012 (tlf).
November 5, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER vacating Judgment (Docket #46 in 1:08-cv-00895, Docket #1466 in 2:08-cv-00016) signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/5/2012. A final judgment will be entered when all claims are resolved. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1465 ORDER APPROVING #1460 Stipulation and ORDERING Plaintiffs shall not dispute that Menasha has incurred costs related to OU2-5 of the Lower Fox River Site that constitute a sufficient predicate (as to the cost element) for declaratory relief under Section 113(g)(2) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9613(g)(2), and the Declaratory Judgment Act, 28 U.S.C. 2201-2202; 2. Any order dismissing Menashas counterclaim against Plaintiffs for the Menasha Past Costs without prejudice is hereby vacated, and this Order governs as to Menashas counterclaim against Plaintiffs for the Menasha Past Costs; 3.Menasha shall not recover the Menasha Past Costs from NCR, based on the reasons set forth in Menashas Motion for Summary Judgment (Dkt. #914; Dkt. #915), and/or the Courts ruling on insurance offsets in the March 2011 Order and/or the Courts ruling on arranger liability in the July 2012 Order; 4. Menasha shall not recover the Menasha Past Costs from API, for the reasons set forth in Paragraph 3, as well as the Courts ruling on APIs Motion for Summary Judgment in the October 2012 Order; 5. This Order shall have no effect on the Courts ruling dismissing all counterclaims against API, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/01/2012. See order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1464 ORDER APPROVING #1455 in 2:08-cv-00016 Stipulation and ORDERING 1. Kimberly-Clark shall recover nothing from NCR for past response costs; 2. NCR shall reimburse Kimberly-Clark an amount equal to the full amount of any future response costs that are recoverable under 42 U.S.C. 9607 that Kimberly-Clark may incur in connection with Operable Unit 2 through Operable Unit 5 of the Lower Fox River Site, subject to the Courts ruling on insurance offsets in the March 2011 Order (Dkt. #1080); 3. NCR shall reimburse Kimberly-Clark an amount equal to the full amount of any future natural resource damages payments that Kimberly-Clark may incur in connection with Operable Units 2 though 5 of the Lower Fox River Site, subject to the Courts ruling on insurance offsets in the March 2011 Order (Dkt. #1080); 4. Judgment entered in favor of API and against Kimberly-Clark on all of Kimberly-Clarks counterclaims; 5. Judgment entered in favor of NCR and against Kimberly-Clark on all of Kimberly-Clarks counterclaims arising under the laws of the State of Wisconsin or any other state; 6. Any order dismissing Kimberly-Clarks counterclaims against Plaintiffs without prejudice is hereby vacated, and this Order governs as to Kimberly-Clarks counterclaims against Plaintiffs, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/01/2012. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1463 ORDER APPROVING #1454 Stipulation and GRANTING 1. Judgment in favor of the City of Green Bay and against each Plaintiff on (a) the claim for relief under 42 U.S.C. 9607 asserted in Plaintiffs Fifth Amended Complaint of Plaintiffs (Dkt. #149); (b) all claims asserted in Plaintiffs Seventh Amended Complaint (Dkt. #265); and the claim asserted in APIs Eighth Amended Complaint (Dkt. #1483); 2. The City of Green Bay shall recover nothing from NCR for past response costs; 3. NCR shall reimburse the City of Green Bay an amount equal to the full amount of any future response costs that are recoverable under 42 U.S.C. 9607 that the City of Green Bay may incur in connection with Operable Unit 2 through Operable Unit 5 of the Lower Fox River Site, subject to the Courts ruling on insurance offsets in the March 2011 Order (Dkt. #1080); 4. NCR shall reimburse the City of Green Bay an amount equal to the full amount of any future natural resource damages payments that the City of Green Bay may incur in connection with Operable Units 2 though 5 of the Lower Fox River Site, subject to the Courts ruling on insurance offsets in the March 2011 Order (Dkt. #1080); 5. Judgment in favor of API and against the City of Green Bay on all of the City of Green Bays counterclaims; 6. Judgment in favor of NCR and against the City of Green Bay on all of the City of Green Bays counterclaims arising under the laws of the State of Wisconsin or any other state, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/01/2012. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1462 ORDER APPROVING #1453 Stipulation and ORDERING Judgment entered in favor of Brown County and against each Plaintiff on (a) the claim for relief under 42 U.S.C. 9607 asserted in Plaintiffs Fifth Amended Complaint of Plaintiffs (Dkt. #149); (b) all claims asserted in Plaintiffs Seventh Amended Complaint (Dkt. #265); and the claim asserted in APIs Eighth Amended Complaint (Dkt. #1483), signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/01/2012. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 2, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1461 ORDER approving #1450 Stipulation and ORDERING judgment to be entered in favor of CBC and against NCR pursuant to the Courts February 28, 2011 Order (Dkt. #1080) and the Courts July 3, 2012 Order (Dkt. #1405) on CBCs statutory contribution claim under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) in the amount of $118,555.05, signed by Chief Judge William C Griesbach on 11/01/2012. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
October 31, 2012 Filing 1460 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and Menasha Corporation by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 30, 2012 Filing 1459 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander to Court regarding final judgment - bond issues. (Alexander, Mary)
October 29, 2012 Filing 1458 STATUS REPORT Regarding Final Judgment by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
October 29, 2012 Filing 1457 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and Certain De Minimis Defendants by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 29, 2012 Filing 1456 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation and WTM I Company by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
October 29, 2012 Filing 1455 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc., and Kimberly-Clark Corporation by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 25, 2012 Filing 1454 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and the City of Green Bay by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 25, 2012 Filing 1453 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and Brown County (Corrected -- Replacing Docket No. #1452 ) by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 25, 2012 Filing 1452 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. and Brown County by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 23, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1451 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time to File Proposed Final Judgment filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10/23/2012. The deadline for filing a joint proposed final judgment, or explaining why agreement could not be reached is extended through Monday, October 29, 2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1451 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time ("Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Additional Extension of Time to File Proposed Final Judgment") by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1450 STIPULATION Between NCR Corporation and CBC Coating, Inc. by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1449 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint by CBC Coating Inc.(Lovern, Susan)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1448 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint by PH Glatfelter Company.(Mandelbaum, David)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1447 CORRECTED ANSWER to Complaint - Corrected Answer and Affirmative Defenses to the Eighth Amended Complaint of Appleton Papers, Inc. - Replacing Document Number 1445 by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC.(Kearney, Margrethe)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1446 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint by WTM I Company.(Peterson, Nancy)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1445 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint , COUNTERCLAIM , Affirmative Defenses to the Eighth Amended Complaint against Appleton Papers Inc filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP. by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP.(Kearney, Margrethe)
October 22, 2012 Filing 1444 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint by City of Appleton.(Waskowski, Ted)
October 19, 2012 Filing 1443 Menasha Corporation's ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint of Appleton Papers Inc. by Menasha Corporation.(Hunsucker, Philip)
October 19, 2012 Filing 1442 Green Bay Packagings, Inc.'s ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint by Green Bay Packaging Inc.(Wells, Patrick)
October 19, 2012 Filing 1441 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint by US Paper Mills Corp.(Bogart, Steven)
October 17, 2012 Filing 1440 ANSWER to #1438 Amended Complaint and Affirmative Defenses by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission.(Mulligan, William)
October 16, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1439 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time to File Proposed Final Judgment filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10/16/2012. The deadline for filing a joint proposed final judgment, or explaining why agreement could not be reached, is extended through Monday, October 22, 2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
October 15, 2012 Filing 1439 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time ("Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Extension of Time to File Proposed Final Judgment") by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
October 5, 2012 Filing 1438 EIGHTH AMENDED COMPLAINT filed by Appleton Papers Inc.(tlf)
October 4, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1437 DECISION AND ORDER granting #1408 Motion for Summary Judgment; granting #1430 Motion for Leave to File Eighth Amended Complaint, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10/04/2012. The Plaintiffs motion for summary judgment on preemption grounds is GRANTED. APIs motion for summary judgment is also GRANTED. APIs motion to amend the complaint is GRANTED. The proposed amendment will be filed on the docket as its Eighth Amended Complaint. The parties are directed to confer and file a proposed final judgment, or explain why agreement could not be reached, within ten days of the date of this order. See Decision and Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
October 3, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1436 ORDER DECLINING to amend the official transcript as requested in #1348 Stipulation, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10/03/2012. If either party believes a truly material error occurred in the transcription, it may bring the matter to the Courts attention within seven days. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
September 10, 2012 Filing 1435 LETTER from Heidi Melzer regarding change of contact information . (Melzer, Heidi)
September 10, 2012 Filing 1434 LETTER from Tracy J. Cavin, Paralegal, on behalf of Michael L. Hermes and Hermes Law, Ltd. Regarding Withdrawal of Counsel. (Hermes, Michael)
September 7, 2012 Filing 1433 RESPONSE to Motion filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1430 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Eighth Amended Complaint of Appleton Papers Inc.. (Mandelbaum, David)
September 5, 2012 Filing 1432 NOTICE by Menasha Corporation re Notice of Change of Firm Name (Hunsucker, Philip)
September 4, 2012 Filing 1431 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1408 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Defendants' CERCLA Counterclaims . (Ragatz, Ronald)
August 28, 2012 Filing 1430 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Leave to File Eighth Amended Complaint by Appleton Papers Inc. (Attachments: #1 Complaint Eighth Amended Complaint, #2 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Eighth Amended Complaint)(Ragatz, Ronald)
August 27, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1429 ORDER dismissing with prejudice the state law counterclaims asserted in the #310 Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaims to Plaintiffs' Seventh Amended Complaint. The court's judgment to be entered in favor of Georgia-Pacific and against NCR will be in the amount of $70,532,644 pursuant to its #1080 Decision and Order and #1405 Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law. This order shall not affect the right to challenge the court's #1080 Decision and Order on appeal or otherwise. Signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 8/27/2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
August 23, 2012 Filing 1428 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation re #942 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims ("Plaintiffs Appleton Papers Inc. and NCR Corporation's Reply Brief in Support of their Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims"). (McAtee, Darin) Modified text on 8/24/2012 (blr).
August 22, 2012 Filing 1427 STIPULATION Concerning Counterclaims of Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP (f/k/a Fort James Operating Company), Fort James Corporation and Georgia-Pacific LLC Against NCR Corporation by Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Alexander, Mary)
August 20, 2012 Filing 1426 DECLARATION of Adam B. Silverman in Support of P.H. Glatfelter Companys Response to Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc.s Motion for Summary Judgment as to Defendants CERCLA Counterclaims . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit NCR-FOX-0096628-29, #2 Exhibit Dep. Exh. 896q, #3 Exhibit Dep. Exh. 896s)(Silverman, Adam)
August 20, 2012 Filing 1425 RESPONSE to Motion filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #1408 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Defendants' CERCLA Counterclaims . (Mandelbaum, David)
August 15, 2012 Filing 1424 BRIEF in Opposition filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1408 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Defendants' CERCLA Counterclaims . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Certain Defendants' Response to API's Motion for Summary Judgment, Dkt. 206 (1:10-CV-00910), #2 Exhibit Document Dkt. 139-13 (1:10-CV-00910), #3 Exhibit Dkt. 144-2, Dkt. 124-1 (1:10-CV-00910), #4 Exhibit Dkt. 139-3, Dkt. 195-3 (1:10-CV-00910), #5 Exhibit Certain Defendants' Response to API's Proposed Findings of Fact, Dkt. 207 (1:10-CV-00910), #6 Exhibit Declaration of Steven P. Bogart, Dkt. 208 (1:10-CV-00910), #7 Exhibit US Response to API's Motion for Summary Judgment, Dkt. 205 (1:10-CV-00910), #8 Exhibit Declaration of Randall M. Stone, Dkt. 203 (1:10-CV-00910), #9 Exhibit Certain Defendants' Response to API's Motion for Reconsideration, Dkt. 304 (1:10-CV-00910), #10 Exhibit Dkt. 139-3 (1:10-CV-00910), #11 Exhibit Dkt. 139-4 (1:10-CV-00910), #12 Exhibit Dkt. 279 (1:10-CV-00910), #13 Exhibit Dkt. 124-2 (1:10-CV-00910), #14 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Joint Brief In Opposition to Motion to Reconsider, Dkt. 302 (1:10-CV-00910), #15 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Dkt. 301 (1:10-CV-00910), #16 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 1, Dkt. 301-1 (1:10-CV-00910), #17 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 2, 301-2 (1:10-CV-00910), #18 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 3, 301-3 (1:10-CV-00910), #19 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 4, 301-4(1:10-CV-00910), #20 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 5, 301-5(1:10-CV-00910), #21 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 6, 301-6 (1:10-CV-00910), #22 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 7, 301-7 (1:10-CV-00910), #23 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 8, 301-8 (1:10-CV-00910), #24 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 9, 301-9 (1:10-CV-00910), #25 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 10, 301-10 (1:10-CV-00910), #26 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 11, 301-11 (1:10-CV-00910), #27 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 12, 301-12 (1:10-CV-00910), #28 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 13, 301-13 (1:10-CV-00910), #29 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 14, 301-14 (1:10-CV-00910), #30 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 15, 301-15 (1:10-CV-00910), #31 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exh. 16, 301-16 (1:10-CV-00910), #32 Exhibit Stone Second Declaration, Exhs. 17-21, Dkt. 301-17-21 (1:10-CV-00910), #33 Exhibit Certain Defendants' Motion to Dismiss API's Crossclaims, Dkts, 412, 413, 413-1, 434, 435, 436 (1:10-CV-00910), #34 Exhibit Glatfelter's Motion to Dismiss API's Crossclaims, Dkts. 471, 418, 434 (1:10-CV-00910), #35 Exhibit API's Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment, Dkt. 197 (1:10-CV-00910), #36 Exhibit API's Memorandum in Opposition to US Motion for Preliminary Injunction, Dkt. 143 (1:10-CV-00910), #37 Exhibit API's Memorandum in Opposition to NCR's Motion for Registration of Judgment for Enforcement, Dkt. 151 (1:10-CV-00910))(Bogart, Steven)
August 9, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1423 ORDER re #1420 Stipulation filed by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, NCR Corporation. The state-law counterclaims asserted by NMSC against NCR in NMSCsAnswer and Affirmative Defenses to Sixth Amended Complaint and Counterclaims (Dkt. No. 261), namely NMSCs counterclaim for common law contribution, cost recovery, and indemnity and NMSCs counterclaim for breach of the Tolling Agreement between those parties are hereby dismissed with prejudice. The Courts judgment to be entered in favor of NMSC and against NCRpursuant to the Courts February 28, 2011 Order (Dkt. No. 1080) on NMSCs statutory contribution claim under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act(CERCLA) will be in the amount of $37,041.53. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
August 8, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1422 ORDER approving #1421 Stipulation filed by US Paper Mills Corp., Dismissing U.S. Paper Mills Corp.'s State Law Counterclaims with prejudice and without costs to any party, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 08/08/2012. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
August 3, 2012 Filing 1421 STIPULATION for Dismissal of U.S. Paper Mills Corp.'s State Law Counterclaims by US Paper Mills Corp. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Hansen, Scott)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1420 STIPULATION CONCERNING COUNTERCLAIMS OF NEENAH-MENASHA SEWERAGE COMMISSION AGAINST NCR CORPORATION by NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1419 RESPONSE filed by Menasha Corporation re #945 Proposed Findings of Fact Regarding Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims (Hunsucker, Philip)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1418 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Menasha Corporation re #942 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims . (Hunsucker, Philip)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1417 RESPONSE filed by CBC Coating Inc re #945 Proposed Findings of Fact (Lovern, Susan)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1416 BRIEF in Opposition filed by CBC Coating Inc re #942 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims . (Lovern, Susan)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1415 RESPONSE filed by WTM I Company re #945 Proposed Findings of Fact regarding Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims (Peterson, Nancy)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1414 RESPONSE filed by PH Glatfelter Company re #945 Proposed Findings of Fact regarding Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims (Mandelbaum, David)
August 2, 2012 Filing 1413 BRIEF in Opposition filed by PH Glatfelter Company, WTM I Company re #942 MOTION for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims . (Mandelbaum, David)
July 24, 2012 Filing 1412 NOTICE of Change of Address by Heidi D Melzer for Hermes Law, Ltd. (Melzer, Heidi)
July 18, 2012 Filing 1411 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 7/18/2012 (vkb)
July 17, 2012 Filing 1410 Proposed Findings of Fact by Appleton Papers Inc (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 17, 2012 Filing 1409 BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1408 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Defendants' CERCLA Counterclaims . (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 17, 2012 Filing 1408 MOTION for Summary Judgment as to Defendants' CERCLA Counterclaims by Appleton Papers Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
July 16, 2012 Filing 1407 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 7/16/2012 (vkb)
July 11, 2012 Filing 1406 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 7/11/2012 (vkb)
July 3, 2012 Filing 1405 FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ON ARRANGER LIABILITY, AS WELL AS ISSUES OF COSTS NOT DECIDED AT THE SUMMARY JUDGMENT STAGE, TRIAL OBJECTIONS, INSURANCE SETOFF ISSUES and DECISIONS ON MISCELLANEOUS RELIEF REQUESTED, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 07/03/2012. The Court DENIES AS MOOT #1355 MOTION to File Reply Brief on Recovery of OU1 Escrow Account Earnings; DENIES #1341 MOTION for Judgment on Partial Findings; DENIES #1311 MOTION in Limine. The Court GRANTS #1244 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Vacate Order Staying Briefing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims. The initial brief has already been filed. Absent settlement, the counterclaims will be subject to the schedule below: A response brief is due 30 days from the date of this order. A reply brief, if any, is due 21 days following the filing of the response brief. SEE FINDING OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW FOR FULL DETAIL. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
June 26, 2012 Filing 1404 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-Up Settlement Conference held on 6/26/2012 (vkb)
June 25, 2012 Filing 1402 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney of Record, Ericka L. Krumrie, by Appleton Papers Inc. (Melzer, Heidi)
June 18, 2012 Filing 1403 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-Up Settlement Conference held on 6/18/2012 (vkb)
June 18, 2012 Filing 1401 LETTER from David G. Mandelbaum to Hon. William C. Griesbach in response to the Letter from Darin McAtee dated June 15, 2012. (Mandelbaum, David)
June 15, 2012 Filing 1400 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach re #1244 . (McAtee, Darin)
June 14, 2012 Filing 1399 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander on behalf of Certain Defendants in response to Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc.'s Reply Memorandum [dkt. #1398]. (Alexander, Mary)
June 11, 2012 Filing 1398 REPLY filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1381 Brief (Non-Motion), Reply Memorandum in Support of API's Objections to Certain of Defendants Trial Exhibits. (Ragatz, Ronald)
May 23, 2012 Filing 1397 SEALED TRIAL BRIEF - Defendants Responsive Post Trial Brief on Insurance Off-Set by WTM I Company. (aw) (aw).
May 23, 2012 Filing 1396 BRIEF filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation re #1382 Brief (Non-Motion) ("Plaintiffs' Brief in Response to Defendants' Post-Trial Brief and Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law")[REDACTED]. (McAtee, Darin) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/25/2012: #1 SEALED Brief) (tlf).
May 23, 2012 Filing 1395 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation re #1341 MOTION for Judgment ("Plaintiffs' Motion for Judgment on Partial Findings") . (McAtee, Darin)
May 23, 2012 Filing 1394 TRIAL BRIEF Defendants' Responsive Post-Trial Brief [REDACTED] by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Lytz, Karl) (Additional attachment(s) added on 5/24/2012: #1 Unredacted Post Trial Brief) (aw).
May 23, 2012 Filing 1393 BRIEF filed by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1381 Brief (Non-Motion), Defendants' Opposition to Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc.'s Memorandum in Support of Its Objections to Certain of Defendants' Trial Exhibits. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Defendants Annotated Trial Exhibit List, #2 Exhibit 2: Declaration of Stacey E. Taylor November 2, 2011 (with clarification page dated December 7, 2011), #3 Exhibit 3: Declaration of John Gough August 2, 2011, #4 Exhibit 4: Affidavits of Deborah Belleau November 16, 2009 & November 24, 2009)(Lytz, Karl)
May 23, 2012 Filing 1392 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by WTM I Company (Peterson, Nancy)
May 18, 2012 Filing 1391 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-Up Settlement Conference held on 5/18/2012 (vkb)
May 11, 2012 Filing 1390 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 5/11/2012 (vkb)
May 9, 2012 Filing 1389 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 5/9/2012 (vkb)
May 9, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1388 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion for Extension of Time filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 05/09/2012. An extension of time until May 23, 2012, is granted for the parties to file their response briefs in support of their post-trial submissions (currently due on May 16) and for Plaintiffs to file a reply brief in support of their Motion for Judgment on Partial Findings (currently dueon May 14). (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
May 8, 2012 Filing 1388 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Expedited Non-Dispositive Civil L.R. 7(h) Motion For Extension Of Time To File Reply Briefs") by NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
May 3, 2012 Filing 1387 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow- up Settlement Conference held on 5/3/2012 (vkb)
April 30, 2012 Filing 1386 DOCKETED IN WRONG CASE - See Case 10-C-910 for correct LETTER from Ted A. Warpinski (Corrected Letter). (Warpinski, Ted) Modified on 4/30/2012 (aw).
April 30, 2012 Filing 1385 DOCKETED IN WRONG CASE - See Case 10-C-910 for correct LETTER from Ted A. Warpinski . (Warpinski, Ted) Modified on 4/30/2012 (aw).
April 27, 2012 Filing 1384 SEALED UNREDACTED #1380 Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law by All Plaintiffs. (cav) (cav).
April 26, 2012 Filing 1383 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1341 MOTION for Judgment ("Plaintiffs' Motion for Judgment on Partial Findings") DEFENDANTS' OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFFS' MOTION FOR JUDGMENT ON PARTIAL FINDINGS. (Ferguson, Patrick)
April 26, 2012 Filing 1382 BRIEF filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC DEFENDANTS' POST-TRIAL BRIEF AND PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW. (Ferguson, Patrick)
April 26, 2012 Filing 1381 BRIEF filed by Appleton Papers Inc In Support of Its Objections to Certain of Defendants' Trial Exhibits. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex A - Exhibit Summary Chart, #2 Exhibit Ex B - Gough Transcript Excerpts, #3 Exhibit Ex C - Heinritz Transcript Excerpts, #4 Exhibit Hoover Transcript Excerpts)(Hermes, Michael)
April 26, 2012 Filing 1380 PROPOSED Findings Of Fact And Conclusions Of Law filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
April 16, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER granting motion for extension of time and for leave to file excess pages, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 4-16-12. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
April 14, 2012 Filing 1379 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time to File Post-Trial Submissions and For Leave to File Excess Pages by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Mandelbaum, David)
April 13, 2012 Filing 1378 NOTICE by PH Glatfelter Company of the Withdrawal of Appearance of Monique Mooney (Mandelbaum, David)
April 10, 2012 Filing 1376 EXHIBITS received for All Parties; See #1374 Certification of Amended Trial Exhibits with attached copy of Plaintiffs' and Defendants' Amended Combined Final Trial Exhibit List and #1375 Supplemental Certification of Amended Trial Exhibits. (tlf)
April 9, 2012 Filing 1377 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conferences held on 4/9/2012 (vkb)
April 9, 2012 Filing 1375 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION OF AMENDED TRIAL EXHIBITS re #1374 Certification of Amended Trial Exhibits by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Mandelbaum, David) Modified on 4/10/2012 to correct docket text (tlf).
April 6, 2012 Filing 1374 CERTIFICATION OF AMENDED TRIAL EXHIBITS by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Plaintiffs' and Defendants' Amended Combined Final Trial Exhibit List)(Mandelbaum, David) See also #1354 Certification of Trial Exhibits. (tlf).
April 6, 2012 Filing 1373 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 4/6/2012 (vkb)
April 5, 2012 Filing 1372 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 4/5/2012 (vkb)
April 4, 2012 Filing 1371 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 4/4/2012 (vkb)
April 4, 2012 Filing 1369 SEALED TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 5, Kenneth Abraham held on 2/27/12 before Judge William C. Griesbach. (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter at (dmm)
April 4, 2012 Filing 1368 SEALED TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 4, John Vishneski held on 2/24/12 before Judge William C. Griesbach. (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter at (dmm)
April 4, 2012 Filing 1367 SEALED TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 4, Ross Mishkin held on 2/24/12 before Judge William C. Griesbach. (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter at (dmm)
April 4, 2012 Filing 1366 SEALED TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 4, J.P. Causey Jr. held on 2/24/12 before Judge William C. Griesbach. (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter at (dmm) Modified on 4/4/2012
April 2, 2012 Filing 1370 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 4/2/2012 (vkb)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1365 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 7 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/29/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR., Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1364 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 6 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/28/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR, Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1363 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 5 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/27/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR., Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1362 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 4 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/24/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR., Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1361 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 3 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/23/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR., Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1360 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 2 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/22/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR CRR., Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1359 TRANSCRIPT of Court Trial Proceedings, Volume 1 - (Reporters Note: This transcript has been revised based on a review of the errata document submitted by the parties as Exhibit A, docket entry #1348. To ensure verbatim accuracy, only changes which could be reconciled with the original shorthand notes were made. Page/line integrity of this transcript has not been altered and will match the previously distributed certified transcript.) - held on 2/21/2012 before Judge William C. Griesbach. Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR, CRR., Contact at Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/26/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/7/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
April 2, 2012 Filing 1358 BRIEF in Opposition filed by All Plaintiffs re #1355 MOTION to File Reply Brief on Recovery of OU1 Escrow Account Earnings by P.H. Glatfelter Company and WTM I Company. (Westerfield, Evan)
March 30, 2012 Filing 1357 SUPPLEMENTAL CERTIFICATION OF TRIAL EXHIBITS re #1354 Certification of Trial Exhibits filed by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company (Supplemental Certification of Trial Exhibits) (Westerfield, Evan) Modified on 4/3/2012 (tlf).
March 28, 2012 Filing 1356 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by WTM I Company re #1355 MOTION to File Reply Brief on Recovery of OU1 Escrow Account Earnings by P.H. Glatfelter Company and WTM I Company. (Peterson, Nancy)
March 28, 2012 Filing 1355 MOTION to File Reply Brief on Recovery of OU1 Escrow Account Earnings by P.H. Glatfelter Company and by WTM I Company. (Peterson, Nancy)
March 23, 2012 Filing 1354 CERTIFICATION OF TRIAL EXHIBITS by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Plaintiffs' and Defendants' Combined Trial Exhibit List)(McAtee, Darin) EXHIBIT LIST AMENDED - See Attachment (1) to #1374 Certification of Amended Trial Exhibits to view the Plaintiffs' and Defendants' Amended Combined Trial Exhibit List (tlf).
March 23, 2012 Filing 1353 LETTER from Mary Rose Alexander to the Honorable William C. Griesbach dated March 23, 2012. (Alexander, Mary)
March 23, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1352 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time to File Post-Trial Submissions filed by NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc., signed by Judge William C. Griesbach on 03/23/2012. Therefore, the deadline for filing initial post-trial submissions is extended toWednesday, April 18, 2012. The deadline for filing responsive post-trial submissions is extended to Wednesday, May 9, 2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
March 22, 2012 Filing 1352 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Extension of Time to File Post-Trial Submissions by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
March 12, 2012 Filing 1351 BRIEF filed by WTM I Company on Their Right to Recover Earnings on the OU1 Escrow Account. (Peterson, Nancy)
March 12, 2012 Filing 1350 DECLARATION of Evan B. Westerfield . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F)(Westerfield, Evan)
March 12, 2012 Filing 1349 BRIEF filed by All Plaintiffs Brief of Plaintiffs NCR Corporation and Appleton Papers Inc. Regarding Interest and Earnings on OU1 Escrow Account. (Westerfield, Evan)
March 9, 2012 Filing 1348 STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER CONCERNING CORRECTION OF TRIAL TRANSCRIPTS by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A to Stipulation and [Proposed] Order Concerning Correction of Trial Transcripts)(McAtee, Darin)
February 28, 2012 Filing 1346 STIPULATION REGARDING REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF JOHN SCHULTZ by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (McAtee, Darin)
February 28, 2012 Filing 1345 STIPULATION RE: OU1 DESIGN AND REMEDIAL ACTION AND OU1 INTEREST by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation, PH Glatfelter Company, WTM I Company. (McAtee, Darin)
February 27, 2012 Filing 1344 STIPULATION Regarding the FRG "Non-Agreement Costs" Sought by Defendants by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Westerfield, Evan)
February 24, 2012 Filing 1343 SEALED - See #1347 Minute Order on 2/27/2012 STIPULATION RE: GEORGIA-PACIFIC'S INSURANCE SETTLEMENTS (REDACTED) by Appleton Papers Inc, Georgia-Pacific LLC, NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin) (Attachment added on 2/29/2012: #1 Sealed Unredacted Stipulation) (vkb) Modified on 3/7/2012 (mec).
February 24, 2012 Filing 1342 BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation re #1341 MOTION for Judgment ("Plaintiffs' Motion for Judgment on Partial Findings") . (McAtee, Darin)
February 24, 2012 Filing 1341 MOTION for Judgment ("Plaintiffs' Motion for Judgment on Partial Findings") by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
February 21, 2012 Filing 1347 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Court Trial held on 2/21/2012 and completed on 2/29/2012. Briefing schedule is set at 1st round of simultaneous exchange on 4/2/12 and the 2nd round of simultaneous exchange on 4/23/12. (Court Reporter John Schindhelm) (dmm) (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/6/2012: #1 Corrected Attorney Apearances) (dmm). (Additional attachment(s) added on 3/9/2012: #2 Final Corrected Minute sheet) (dmm).
February 21, 2012 Filing 1340 SEALED BRIEF in Opposition to WTM I Company's Trial Brief filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service) (blr)
February 21, 2012 Filing 1339 BRIEF filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation re #1328 Brief (Non-Motion) ("Plaintiffs' Memorandum In Opposition To WTM I Company's Trial Brief On The Issue Of Its $66.6 Million In Recoveries Received From PM USA"). (REDACTED). (McAtee, Darin)
February 20, 2012 Filing 1338 TRANSCRIPT of Final Pretrial Conference held on 2/19/2012 before Judge William C Griesbach Court Reporter/Transcriber John Schindhelm, RMR, CRR, Contact at to purchase transcript. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 3/15/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 3/26/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 5/24/2012. (Schindhelm, John)
February 16, 2012 Filing 1337 AMENDED Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Final Pretrial Conference held on 2/16/2012. The court addresses NCRs motion in limine. The parties give their responses. The court denies the motion. The court will address keeping the record open at a later time to avoid prejudice. Counsel addresses the court regarding arrangers issues, cost issues and insurance issues that they expect to bring up at trial. They also discuss exhibits and they indicate that there are 261 exhibits that they do not agree upon, therefore there will be objections of authenticity and hearsay.The parties also discuss sealing the courtroom or testimony for certain parts of the trial. The court indicated that there is good cause in maintaining confidentiality with regard to settlements and therefore something will be worked out during trial to keep those matters sealed.Counsel did go over housekeeping maters. (Court Reporter John Schindhelm) (cms)
February 16, 2012 Filing 1336 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Final Pretrial Conference held on 2/16/2012. The court addresses NCRs motion in limine. The parties give their responses. The court denies the motion. The court will address keeping the record open at a later time to avoid prejudice. Counsel addresses the court regarding arrangers issues, cost issues and insurance issues that they expect to bring up at trial. They also discuss exhibits and they indicate that there are 261 exhibits that they do not agree upon, therefore there will be objections of authenticity and hearsay.The parties also discuss sealing the courtroom or testimony for certain parts of the trial. The court indicated that there is good cause in maintaining confidentiality with regard to settlements and therefore something will be worked out during trial to keep those matters sealed. Counsel did go over housekeeping maters. (Court Reporter John Schindhelm) (cms)
February 16, 2012 Filing 1335 Sealed trial brief on damages and insurance proceeds by CBC Coating Inc. (kmm)
February 16, 2012 Filing 1334 Notice of Withdrawal docketed as First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney Brandon J. Evans by Appleton Papers Inc. (Hermes, Michael) Modified on 2/16/2012 (aw).
February 15, 2012 Filing 1333 LETTER from David G. Mandelbaum . (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Corrected Pretrial Brief of P.H. Glatfelter Co.)(Mandelbaum, David)
February 15, 2012 Filing 1332 SEALED TRIAL BRIEF by All Plaintiffs. (aw) (aw).
February 14, 2012 Filing 1331 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 2/14/2012 (vkb)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1330 TRIAL BRIEF ("Plaintiffs' Pretrial Brief")(Redacted) by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Appendix A to Plaintiffs' Pretrial Brief)(McAtee, Darin)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1329 TRIAL BRIEF WTM I Company's Trial Brief on the Issue of Whether NCR is Entitled to Set Off Against WTM's Counterclaims Privately Arranged Contractual Payments Received by WTM from PM USA by WTM I Company. (Peterson, Nancy)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1328 BRIEF filed by WTM I Company Pretrial Brief of Certain Defendants on Application of the Court's Ruling on Setoff for Insurance Proceeds. (Peterson, Nancy)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1327 WTM I Company's Pretrial Brief As To Its Costs PRETRIAL REPORT by WTM I Company. (Peterson, Nancy)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1326 Exhibit List by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation. (Westerfield, Evan)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1325 TRIAL BRIEF by PH Glatfelter Company. (Mandelbaum, David)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1324 SEALED TRIAL BRIEF by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (aw) (aw).
February 14, 2012 Filing 1323 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC (Bohl, Charles)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1322 TRIAL BRIEF Supplemental by US Paper Mills Corp. (Bogart, Steven)
February 14, 2012 Filing 1321 SEALED STIPULATED FACTS Related to P.H. Glatfelter's Company Insurance by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation and PH Glatfelter Company. (aw) (aw).
February 13, 2012 Filing 1320 FINAL PRETRIAL REPORT by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (McAtee, Darin)
February 9, 2012 Filing 1319 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Telephone Conference held on 2/9/2012. The Court addresses the parties' letters regarding witnesses and number of documents. The Court explains that it will adjust schedules or allow additional discovery and provide further opportunity to address these issues at a later date, if necessary. (Tape #020912) (cav)
February 9, 2012 Filing 1318 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of Defendants / Counterclaim-Plaintiffs' Opposition To NCR Corporations Motion In Limine #1311 To Exclude Evidence On Defendants Claims That NCR, Through Its Own Acts, Arranged For The Disposal Of A Hazardous Substance. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: January 28, 2009 Fred T. Heinritz Deposition Transcript, #2 Exhibit 2: April 7, 2009 Dan McIntosh Deposition Transcript, #3 Exhibit 3: April 8, 2009 Elbert F. McKinney Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #4 Exhibit 4: April 20, 2009 Ronald C. Jezerc Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #5 Exhibit 5: April 24, 2009 William J. Goetz Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #6 Exhibit 6: June 30, 2009 Helmut Schwab, Ph.D. Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #7 Exhibit 7: April 2, 1999 NCR letter to U.S. Senator Trent Lott, #8 Exhibit 8: December 19, 2008 First Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents to NCR Corporation by Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LPs (f/k/a Fort James Operating Company), Fort James Corporations and Georgia-Pacific LLCs)(Lytz, Karl)
February 9, 2012 Filing 1317 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1311 MOTION in Limine ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence on Defendants' New Theory that NCR, Through its Own Acts, Arranged for the Disposal of ACPC's Broke") . (Lytz, Karl)
February 7, 2012 Filing 1316 LETTER from Nancy K. Peterson to Judge William C. Griesbach. (Peterson, Nancy)
February 6, 2012 Filing 1315 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach . (McAtee, Darin)
February 3, 2012 Filing 1314 NOTICE of Appearance by Margaret I Hoefer on behalf of City of Appleton. Attorney(s) appearing: Margaret I. Hoefer (Hoefer, Margaret)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1313 DECLARATION of Omid H. Nasab, Esq. , in Support of #1311 Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence on Defendants' New Theory that NCR, Through its Own Acts, Arranged for the Disposal of ACPC's Broke. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP's (f/k/a Fort James Operating Company's), Fort James Corporation's and Georgia-Pacific LLC's Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures, dated October 20, 2008, #2 Exhibit 2 - Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP's (f/k/a Fort James Operating Company's), Fort James Corporation's and Georgia-Pacific LLC's Supplement to Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures, dated August 28, 2009, #3 Exhibit 3 - Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP's (f/k/a Fort James Operating Company's), Fort James Corporation's and Georgia-Pacific LLC's Second Supplement to Rule 26(a)(1) Initial Disclosures, dated September 14, 2011, #4 Exhibit 4 - Defendant Menasha Corporation's Responses and Objections to Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents, dated June 15, 2011, #5 Exhibit 5 - U.S. Paper Mills Corporation's Response to Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Requests for Admission and Interrogatories to Defendant U.S. Paper Mills Corporation, dated November 4, 2011, #6 Exhibit 6 - Defendant Georgia-Pacific LLC's First Set of Interrogatories and Second Request for the Production of Documents to Plaintiff NCR Corporation, dated July 21, 2011, #7 Exhibit 7 - Notice of Deposition for Dale Schumaker, dated October 11, 2011)(Nasab, Omid)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1312 BRIEF in Support filed by NCR Corporation re #1311 MOTION in Limine ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence on Defendants' New Theory that NCR, Through its Own Acts, Arranged for the Disposal of ACPC's Broke") . (McAtee, Darin)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1311 MOTION in Limine ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence on Defendants' New Theory that NCR, Through its Own Acts, Arranged for the Disposal of ACPC's Broke") by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1310 NOTICE of Appearance by David R Marriott on behalf of NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: David R. Marriott (Marriott, David)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1309 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Conference set for 2/9/2012 09:30 AM before Judge William C Griesbach to address #1302 and #1307 Letters from counsel regarding trial witnesses. See attached notice for instructions to counsel. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1308 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC for Stipulated Facts Re: Georgia-Pacific's Insurance Settlements (Kearney, Margrethe)
February 2, 2012 Filing 1307 LETTER from David G. Mandelbaum . (Citera, Francis)
February 1, 2012 Filing 1306 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE by WTM I Company (Peterson, Nancy)
February 1, 2012 Filing 1305 DOCUMENT SEALED - STIPULATED FACTS RELATED TO WTM I COMPANY'S CONFIDENTIAL INSURANCE SETTLEMENTS as to WTM I Company, NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Exhibit G, #8 Exhibit H) (blr)
February 1, 2012 Filing 1304 SEALED STIPULATED FACTS RE: INSURANCE SETTLEMENTS as to Appleton Papers Inc, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, NCR Corporation. (cav)
February 1, 2012 Filing 1303 DOCUMENT SEALED - STIPULATED FACTS RELATED TO P.H. GLATFELTER COMPANY'S INSURANCE filed by PH Glatfelter Company, NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. (blr)
January 31, 2012 Filing 1302 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach regarding trial witnesses. (McAtee, Darin)
January 30, 2012 Filing 1301 DOCUMENT SEALED - STIPULATIONS RE: CBC COATING'S INSURANCE SETTLEMENTS filed by CBC Coating Inc, NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc. (blr)
January 30, 2012 Filing 1300 [PROPOSED] JOINT INITIAL PRETRIAL REPORT by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (McAtee, Darin)
January 30, 2012 Filing 1299 NOTICE of Appearance by Francis A Citera on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Francis A. Citera (Citera, Francis)
January 27, 2012 Filing 1298 LETTER from Attorney Lora L. Zimmer requesting removal of Attorneys Lora Zimmer and Thomas Schrimpf from service list. (Zimmer, Lora)
January 26, 2012 Filing 1297 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/26/2012 (vkb)
January 25, 2012 Filing 1296 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/25/2012 (vkb)
January 25, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1294 ORDER DENYING #1185 MOTION to Amend/Correct Counterclaims filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, US Paper Mills Corp, Fort James Corporation, BC Coating Inc, PH Glatfelter Company, WTM I Company, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 01/23/2012. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
January 25, 2012 NOTICE TO COUNSEL: The Court Trial scheduled for 2/21/2012 will commence at 09:00 AM in Courtroom 390, 517 E Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Judge William C Griesbach. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
January 24, 2012 Filing 1295 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Telephone Conference held on 1/24/2012. The Court and the parties discuss logistical and technical issues for upcoming trial at the Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee. (Tape #012412) (cav)
January 23, 2012 Filing 1293 LETTER from Atty Ron Ragatz on behalf of API regarding issue for January 24 pretrial conference. (Ragatz, Ronald)
January 20, 2012 TEXT ONLY ORDER. The parties have inquired as to the court's procedure for admitting depositions into evidence in a bench trial. The 5-page limit contained in the Local Rules will not apply. Further, to admit depositions into the record, the parties need not read depositions into the record. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
January 17, 2012 Filing 1292 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Conference set for 1/24/2012 03:00 PM before Judge William C Griesbach. See attached notice for Instructions to Counsel. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
January 17, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1291 ORDER FOR TELEPHONE CONFERENCE signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 1/17/2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
January 17, 2012 Filing 1290 NOTICE of Appearance by David Leichtman on behalf of Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Attorney(s) appearing: David Leichtman (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service)(Leichtman, David)
January 12, 2012 Filing 1289 LETTER from City of Appleton by Attorney Richard Yde to Judge Griesbach re level of participation at trial and 2/2/12 pretrial. (Yde, Richard)
January 12, 2012 Filing 1288 NOTICE to Withdraw docketed as First MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by PH Glatfelter Company. (Mizrachi, Sabrina) Modified on 1/12/2012 (aw).
January 12, 2012 Filing 1287 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by US Paper Mills Corp. (Frank, David)
January 11, 2012 Filing 1286 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/11/2012 (vkb)
January 10, 2012 Filing 1285 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/10/2012 (vkb)
January 10, 2012 Filing 1284 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/10/2012 (vkb)
January 10, 2012 Filing 1282 TRANSCRIPT of Telephone Conference held on December 12, 2011 before Judge William C. Griesbach Court Reporter/Transcriber Julie Bouressa, Contact at (920) 496-9313. Tape Number: 121211. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 2/3/2012. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/13/2012. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/12/2012. (Bouressa & Gales, Reporter)
January 9, 2012 Filing 1283 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/9/2012 (vkb)
January 9, 2012 NOTICE by the Court to All Counsel: The February 2, 2012 and February 16, 2012 Final Pretrial Conferences will be held at the Federal Courthouse in Milwaukee, WI in Courtroom 390 (Judge Adelman's Courtroom). The hearings will commence at 1:30 p.m. CST on each of the respective dates. (tlf)
January 6, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1281 ORDER REGARDING PRETRIAL & TRIAL PROCEDURES signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 1/6/2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
January 6, 2012 Opinion or Order Filing 1280 ORDER REGARDING TRIAL #1275 Stipulation filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Judge William C. Griesbach on 01/06/2011. The stipulation of the parties is approved and the Clerk is directed to enter the proposed order incorporating it with the following addition: The parties request for a February 16, 2012 pretrial is granted and the Court will hold such a pretrial on that date at 1:30 p.m. in the Milwaukee Courthouse in Judge Adelmans courtroom. The Court also retains the February 2, 2012 date to address housekeeping matters. The trial is scheduled to commence on Tuesday, February 21, 2012. The Courts intent is to complete trial on Friday, March 2nd. See Order for full detail. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William) (Additional attachment(s) added on 1/6/2012: #1 Corrected Order) (tlf). NOTE: Docket text modified to correct trial completion date; corrected order attached. (tlf).
January 5, 2012 Filing 1279 NOTICE by NCR Corporation Notice of Withdrawal of Kathleen L. Roach as Counsel for NCR Corporation (Westerfield, Evan)
January 4, 2012 Filing 1278 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/4/2012 (vkb)
January 4, 2012 Filing 1275 STIPULATION re: Pretrial and Trial Procedures between Plaintiffs and Certain Defendants by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(McAtee, Darin)
January 4, 2012 Filing 1274 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach. (McAtee, Darin)
January 3, 2012 Filing 1277 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 1/3/2012 (vkb)
January 3, 2012 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1240 (unopposed) Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Dismiss without Prejudice, its Counterclaim filed by City of De Pere, signed by Judge William C. Griesbach on 01/03/2012. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
December 30, 2011 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 12-30-11. The motion to voluntarily dismiss is GRANTED. Defendant International Papers' counterclaim against Plaintiffs is dismissed without prejudice. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
December 29, 2011 Filing 1273 MOTION to Dismiss Party to Request Court Order of Voluntary Dismissal, without Prejudice, of its Counterclaim Expedited Non-Dispositive by International Paper Company. (Cermak, John)
December 29, 2011 Filing 1272 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for Telephone Status Conference held on 12/12/2011 before Judge William C Griesbach. (tlf)
December 22, 2011 Filing 1276 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 12/22/2011 (vkb)
December 22, 2011 Filing 1271 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 12/22/2011 (vkb)
December 20, 2011 Filing 1270 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 12/20/2011 (vkb)
December 19, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1269 ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 12-19-11 denying #1168 Motion for Sanctions. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
December 15, 2011 Filing 1268 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 12/15/2011 (vkb)
December 14, 2011 Filing 1267 RESPONSE to Motion filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1244 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Vacate Order Staying Briefing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims . (Mandelbaum, David)
December 13, 2011 Filing 1266 NOTICE by Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission of Errata to Answer to Sixth Amended Complaint (Mulligan, William)
December 12, 2011 Filing 1265 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Telephone Status Conference held on 12/12/2011. The Court STRIKES #1246 MOTION for Summary Judgment Regarding Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability. (Tape #121211) (mec)
December 12, 2011 Filing 1264 LETTER from Ronald R. Ragatz to join in the position set forth in NCR's letter regarding the motion for summary judgment filed by Defendants. (Ragatz, Ronald)
December 12, 2011 Filing 1263 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach re docket entry 1246 . (McAtee, Darin)
December 9, 2011 Filing 1262 LETTER from Georgia-Pacific LLC . (Kearney, Margrethe)
December 9, 2011 Filing 1261 NOTICE of Hearing: Telephone Conference re: #1260 letter concerning #1246 motion for summary judgment, set for 12/12/2011 11:30 AM before Judge William C Griesbach. Please see attached notice for instructions. (cc: all counsel)(mec)
December 9, 2011 Filing 1260 LETTER from Darin P. McAtee to Judge Griesbach requesting telephone conference re docket entry 1246. . (McAtee, Darin)
December 8, 2011 Filing 1259 LETTER from Attorney William J. Mulligan Joining Georgia-Pacific LLC's Motion for Summary Judgment filed December 7, 2011. (Mulligan, William)
December 7, 2011 Filing 1258 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 151-158. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 151 - November & December, 1971 Appleton Scene Publication, #2 Exhibit 152 - April 12, 2011 James Braithwaite Declaration in Opposition To Motion for Preliminary Injunction, #3 Exhibit 153 - March 10, 1968 Appleton Post Crescent Article, #4 Exhibit 154 - March 17, 1968 Appleton Post Crescent Article, #5 Exhibit 155 - February 21, 1965 Appleton Post Crescent Article, #6 Exhibit 156 - November 30, 1953 Appleton Post Crescent Article, #7 Exhibit 157 - February 10, 1965 M. OGrady Letter, #8 Exhibit 158 - November 29, 2006 Dale H. Schumaker Deposition Transcript Excerpt)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1257 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 126-150. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 126 - March 3, 1965 J. Gough Letter, #2 Exhibit 127 - October 20, 2011 John Gough Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #3 Exhibit 128 - October 19, 2011 Martin Kelly Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #4 Exhibit 129 - October 18, 1965 Donald Clark Lab Notebook Excerpt, #5 Exhibit 130 - September 30, 1970 James Ryan Lab Notebook Excerpt, #6 Exhibit 131 - September 4, 1968 Daniel J. Kay Lab Notebook Excerpt, #7 Exhibit 132 - July 14, 1970 Richard W. McLaren Letter, #8 Exhibit 133 - July 14, 1970 Richard W. McLaren Letter, #9 Exhibit 134 - April 7, 2009 Dan McIntosh Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #10 Exhibit 135 - March 29, 1961 M. C. Olsen Letter, #11 Exhibit 136 - October 26, 1967 J. D. Shaw Letter, #12 Exhibit 137 - February 15, 1968 Al J. Kneepkens Letter, #13 Exhibit 138 - May 10, 1968 Thomas W. Busch Letter, #14 Exhibit 139 - September 1961 TAPPI Vol 44, No. 9 Article, #15 Exhibit 140 - June 17, 1958 H. V. Lauer Letter, #16 Exhibit 141 - April 8, 2009 Elbert F. McKinney Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #17 Exhibit 142 - October 27, 1959 Robert N. Wolfe Memorandum, #18 Exhibit 143 - November 21, 2011 Robert J. Dolan, Ph.D. Expert Report, #19 Exhibit 144 - August 7, 2009 James Braithwaite Expert Report, #20 Exhibit 145 - May 19, 1965 K. Gambier Report, #21 Exhibit 146 - January 25, 1965 John P. Reeve Letter, #22 Exhibit 147 - February 21, 1966 C. Capps Letter, #23 Exhibit 148 - January 13, 1965 Reed R. Curtis Lab Notebook, #24 Exhibit 149 - June 2-6, 1969 D. J. Langston, P. G. Trowell Memorandum, #25 Exhibit 150 - August 20, 2010 Plaintiffs Combined Brief In Opposition to Motions to Dismiss)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1256 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 101-125. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 101 - October 1958 H. F. Rance Report, #2 Exhibit 102 - 1969 ACPC Profitability Analysis, #3 Exhibit 103 - November 25, 2011 William Moore Expert Report Excerpt, #4 Exhibit 104 - May 17-18, 1965 K. Gambier Report, #5 Exhibit 105 - January 31, 1974 Gross Sales, #6 Exhibit 106 - 1963 - 1964 ACPC Comparative Profit and Loss Statement, #7 Exhibit 107 - 1966 ACPC Statement of Earnings, #8 Exhibit 108 - December 31, 1944 ACPC Presidents Annual Report, #9 Exhibit 109 - October 2, 1952 R. W. Mahony Letter, #10 Exhibit 110 - October 27, 1952 Fred T. Heinritz Letter, #11 Exhibit 111 - November 25, 1952 J. P. Reeve Letter, #12 Exhibit 112 - April 3, 1967 Thomas W. Busch Letter, #13 Exhibit 113 - July 20-21, 1967 C. Capps Report, #14 Exhibit 114 - April 15, 1968 Thomas W. Busch Letter, #15 Exhibit 115 - May 19, 1965 Fred Heinritz Letter, #16 Exhibit 116 - March 13, 2007 Floyd L. Strelow Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #17 Exhibit 117 - June 5, 1968 John W. Allen Lab Notebook, #18 Exhibit 118 - December 3, 1948 Chicago Daily Tribune Article, #19 Exhibit 119 - September 14, 1967 Wisconsin Paper Industry Steering Committee Meeting Minutes, #20 Exhibit 120 - September 7, 1967 Chicago Tribune Article, #21 Exhibit 121 - July 19, 1970 Appleton Post Crescent Article, #22 Exhibit 122 - June 4, 2009 Marcia E. Williams Expert Report, #23 Exhibit 123 - June 7-8, 1960 Proceedings of the First Waste Paper Symposium, #24 Exhibit 124 - June 17, 1966 C. Capps Letter, #25 Exhibit 125 - 1958 I. F. Hendry Managers Report)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1255 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 81-100. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 81 - April 15, 2009 Bob Hietpas Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #2 Exhibit 82 - 1967-1978 Manufacturing Statistics, #3 Exhibit 83 - June 29, 1960 P.C. Menning Memorandum, #4 Exhibit 84 - September 30, 1953 H. V. Lauer Report, #5 Exhibit 85 - November 23, 1971 Larry L. Kath Letter, #6 Exhibit 86 - December 2, 1964 A. T. Kearney Report, #7 Exhibit 87 - 1951 American Paper and Pulp Association Publication Excerpt, #8 Exhibit 88 - April 2, 1999 Lars Nyberg Letter, #9 Exhibit 89 - March 25, 2009 Donald Christensen Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #10 Exhibit 90 - May 19, 1965 Fred T. Heinritz Letter, #11 Exhibit 91 - June 3, 1955 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #12 Exhibit 92 - November 25, 1955 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #13 Exhibit 93 - January 24, 1964 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #14 Exhibit 94 - January 31, 1964 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #15 Exhibit 95 - January 1, 1965 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #16 Exhibit 96 - January 15, 1965 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #17 Exhibit 97 - March 15, 1965 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #18 Exhibit 98 - July 29, 1965 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #19 Exhibit 99 - January 8, 1970 Mead Corporation Debit Memo, #20 Exhibit 100 - August 28, 1970 Mead Corporation Debit Memo)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1254 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 56-80. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 56 - November 25, 2011 Dr. John A. Heitmann Expert Report, #2 Exhibit 57 - November 23, 2011 James R. Kittrell Expert Report, #3 Exhibit 58 - March 16, 2009 Jerome Bodmer Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #4 Exhibit 59 - May 15, 2007 Joseph G. Vogt Deposition Transcript Excerpt, #5 Exhibit 60 - May 21, 2007 William J. Goetz Deposition Transcript Excerpt, #6 Exhibit 61 - August 19, 2009 Dale Schumaker Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #7 Exhibit 62 - November 25, 1968 Ronald C. Jezerc Application for Individual Membership, #8 Exhibit 63 - January 1986 TAPPI Journal Publication Excerpt, #9 Exhibit 64 - December 4, 2006 Ronald C. Jezerc Deposition Transcript Excerpt, #10 Exhibit 65 - November 25, 2011 Charles P. Klass Expert Report, #11 Exhibit 66 - November 10, 2006 Lawrence J. Casey Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #12 Exhibit 67 - February 10, 2009 Floyd Strelow Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #13 Exhibit 68 - July 3, 1968 Janet Plankitow Lab Notebook Excerpt, #14 Exhibit 69 - November 19, 1968 Richard Dearstine Lab Notebook Excerpt, #15 Exhibit 70 - September 24, 1958 Lab Notebook Excerpt, #16 Exhibit 71 - Undated William J. Goetz Report, #17 Exhibit 72 - September 1965 Thomas W. Busch Article, #18 Exhibit 73 - July 25, 1955 J. W. Swanson Memorandum, #19 Exhibit 74 - February 10, 1961 Tom Busch Lab Notebook Excerpt, #20 Exhibit 75 - March 7, 1958 J. T. Brown Lab Notebook Excerpt, #21 Exhibit 76 - June 12, 1963 John W. Swanson Memorandum, #22 Exhibit 77 - September 30, 1953 H. V. Lauer Report, #23 Exhibit 78 - July 21, 1966 E. S. Elfner Memorandum, #24 Exhibit 79 - November & December 1971 Appleton Scene Special Environmental Report, #25 Exhibit 80 - October 27, 2006 Don Christensen Deposition Transcript Excerpt)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1253 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 52-55. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 52 - 1961 List of Bound Volumes Of Periodicals, #2 Exhibit 53 - Undated Books Transferred to Appleton from Technical Library Bldg. 30, #3 Exhibit 54 - 1950 Guide to Current NCR Books, #4 Exhibit 55 - October 1952 NCR Factory News Publication)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1252 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 31 - April 1965 Clive Capps Report, #2 Exhibit 32 - June 7, 1956 M. Mazer Meeting Minutes, #3 Exhibit 33 - September 29, 1960 R. W. Sandberg Meeting Minutes, #4 Exhibit 34 - January 15, 1957 C. R. G. Maynard Report, #5 Exhibit 35 - February 3-16, 1957 I. F. Hendry Report, #6 Exhibit 36 - January 7, 1958 R. W. Sandberg Letter, #7 Exhibit 37 - February 21, 1958 I. F. Hendry Letter, #8 Exhibit 38 - March 31 April 16, 1959 G. Mawdsley Report, #9 Exhibit 39 - March 1958 Butlers Court Report, #10 Exhibit 40 - March 17, 1958 H. Rance Report, #11 Exhibit 41 - March 1958 H. Rance Report, #12 Exhibit 42 - May 27-29, 1968 J. Lawson Report, #13 Exhibit 43 - May 2-20, 1963 Correspondence, #14 Exhibit 44 - April 22, 1963 Thomas F. Wade Letter, #15 Exhibit 45 - February 9 March 1, 1966 Correspondence, #16 Exhibit 46 - May 20 June 20, 1966 Correspondence, #17 Exhibit 47 - June 7 - 17, 1963 Correspondence, #18 Exhibit 48 - April 25, 1963 A. Neil McLeod Letter, #19 Exhibit 49 - March 11, 1966 James E. Robbins Letter March 1, 1966 Dean Dickey Letter, #20 Exhibit 50 - February 11, 1966 Dean Dickey Memorandum, #21 Exhibit 51 - June 30, 2009 Helmut Schwab Deposition Transcript Excerpts)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1251 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 16 - March 14, 1966 M.C. Olsen Letter, #2 Exhibit 17 - October 27, 1954 NCR Process Specification 730.26, #3 Exhibit 18 - November 2, 2011 Dale Schumaker Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #4 Exhibit 19 - January 28, 2009 Fred T. Heinritz Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #5 Exhibit 20 - March 30, 1966 H. F. Rance Report, #6 Exhibit 21 - May 26, 1966 H. F. Rance Report Excerpt, #7 Exhibit 22 - October 21 November 3, 1967 K.G.E. Spink Report, #8 Exhibit 23 - 1954-1969 Handwritten Report, #9 Exhibit 24 - July 9, 1975 W. J. Charles Memo, #10 Exhibit 25 - October 13, 2011 Roy Geigel Deposition Transcript Excerpt, #11 Exhibit 26 - April 21, 2009 Walter Charles Deposition Transcript Excerpt, #12 Exhibit 27 - October 12, 1956 W. M. Laing Report, #13 Exhibit 28 - June 5, 1958 B. R. S. Jones Memorandum, #14 Exhibit 29 - October 21, 1957 British Paper & Board Industry Research Association Letter, #15 Exhibit 30 - December 11, 1957 I. F. Hendry Minutes)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1250 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC'S Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 6-15. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 6 - April 15, 1949 Impact Printing Summary, #2 Exhibit 7 - March 26-31, 1951 Summary, #3 Exhibit 8 - January 2, 1952 NCR Memorandum, #4 Exhibit 9 - June 30, 1953 Impact Printing Meeting, #5 Exhibit 10 - July 23-24, 1953 Coating Trial at ACPC, #6 Exhibit 11 - July 23-24, 1953 Abstract, #7 Exhibit 12 - June 17, 1970 John P. Reeve Letter, #8 Exhibit 13 - September 14, 1970 William H. Talmage Letter, #9 Exhibit 14 - September 18, 1970 William H. Talmage Letter, #10 Exhibit 15 - April 24, 2009 William J. Goetz Deposition Transcript Excerpt)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1249 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz in Support of #1246 Defendant and Counter-Claim Plaintiff Georgia-Pacific LLC.'s Motion for Summary Judgment on Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability - Exhibits 1-5. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 - August 11, 1970 W.H. Talmage Letter, #2 Exhibit 2 - April 20, 2009 Ronald C. Jezerc Deposition Transcript Excerpts, #3 Exhibit 3 - 1986 Tom Busch Report, #4 Exhibit 4 - January 27, 2009 NCRs Responses to GPs First Set of Interrogatories, #5 Exhibit 5 - November 19, 1948 Weekly Summary of Impact Printing)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/8/2011 (aw).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1248 Proposed Findings of Fact by Georgia-Pacific LLC (Lytz, Karl)
December 7, 2011 Filing 1247 BRIEF in Support filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1246 MOTION for Summary Judgment Regarding Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability . (Lytz, Karl)
December 7, 2011 Filing 1246 STRICKEN - See #1265 Minutes - MOTION for Summary Judgment Regarding Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability by Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 [Proposed] Order Granting Georgia-Pacific LLC's Motion for Summary Judgment Regarding Plaintiffs' Arranger Liability)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 12/12/2011 (mec).
December 7, 2011 Filing 1245 NOTICE of Appearance by Richard J Lewandowski on behalf of Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. Attorney(s) appearing: Richard J. Lewandowski, Charles H. Bohl (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service)(Lewandowski, Richard)
December 5, 2011 Filing 1244 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Vacate Order Staying Briefing on Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Certain Defendants' State Common Law Counterclaims by Appleton Papers Inc. (Attachments: #1 Order (Dkt. 953) of April 14, 2010, #2 Proposed Order to vacate Order of April 14, 2010)(Ragatz, Ronald)
November 29, 2011 Filing 1243 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/29/2011 (vkb)
November 22, 2011 Filing 1242 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/22/2011 (vkb)
November 21, 2011 Filing 1241 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/21/2011 (vkb)
November 21, 2011 Filing 1240 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Dismiss without Prejudice, its Counterclaim by City of De Pere. (Yde, Richard)
November 18, 2011 Filing 1239 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference held on 11/18/2011; parties will pursue the matters discussed at the conference (vkb)
November 17, 2011 Filing 1238 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/17/2011 (vkb)
November 15, 2011 Filing 1237 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/15/2011 (vkb)
November 15, 2011 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1143 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Dismiss Its Counterclaim filed by Green Bay Packaging Inc. signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 11/15/2011. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 14, 2011 Filing 1236 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/14/2011 (vkb)
November 10, 2011 Filing 1235 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up Settlement Conference held on 11/10/2011 (vkb)
November 4, 2011 Filing 1234 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference held on 11/4/2011; court and parties will continue discussions (vkb)
November 4, 2011 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1225 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Modify the Court's April 12, 2011 Scheduling Order, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 11/04/2011. With respect to the issues described in Paragraph 1(a) and (b) of the Scheduling Order, relating to arranger liability and insurance, Plaintiffs and Certain Defendants request that expert reports be submitted by November 25, 2011, with responsive expert reports due on December 23, 2011. is GRANTED and is extended in the following manner: With respect to the issue described in Paragraph 1(c) of the Scheduling Order, relating to certain costs claimed by Defendants, Plaintiffs and Certain Defendants expert reports shall be submitted by December 2, 2011, with responsive expert reports due on December 22, 2011. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
November 3, 2011 Filing 1233 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 11/3/2011 (Attachments: #1 Minutes) (vkb)
November 3, 2011 Filing 1225 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Modify the Court's April 12, 2011 Scheduling Order by Appleton Papers Inc, CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, NCR Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Westerfield, Evan)
November 3, 2011 Filing 1224 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1185 MOTION to Amend/Correct Counterclaims. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1, #2 Exhibit 2)(Mandelbaum, David)
November 2, 2011 Filing 1232 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 11/2/2011 (Attachment #2 Minutes) (vkb)
November 1, 2011 Filing 1231 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 11/1/2011 (vkb)
November 1, 2011 Filing 1223 NOTICE by NCR Corporation Notice of Withdrawal of J. Andrew Schlickman as Counsel for NCR Corporation (Westerfield, Evan)
October 31, 2011 Filing 1230 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 10/31/2011 (vkb)
October 24, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1222 ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10-24-11 granting #1187 Motion to Compel; denying #1210 Motion for Protective Order; granting #1221 Motion for Leave to File. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
October 21, 2011 Filing 1221 MOTION for Leave to File Surreply in Response to Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Motion to Compel by WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Surreply)(Peterson, Nancy)
October 20, 2011 Filing 1219 DECLARATION of John E. Burgess REPLY DECLARATION OF JOHN E. BURGESS IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLC'S MOTION FOR SANCTIONS. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: April 30, 2009 Photograph of the Main Offices at the Beaconsfield Facility View 1, #2 Exhibit 2: April 30, 2009 Photograph of the Main Offices at the Beaconsfield Facility View 2, #3 Exhibit 3: April 30, 2009 Photograph of the Empty Attic File Room, #4 Exhibit 4: April 30, 2009 Photograph of the File Cabinets that Previously Contained WT Documents)(Lytz, Karl)
October 20, 2011 Filing 1218 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson REPLY DECLARATION OF PATRICK J. FERGUSON IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLC'S MOTION FOR SANCTIONS. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: March 6, 1967 Letter NCR-FOX-0634305, #2 Exhibit 2: January 7, 1966 Letter NCR-FOX-0634310)(Lytz, Karl)
October 20, 2011 Filing 1217 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1168 MOTION for Sanctions Against Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc., Dewitt Ross & Stevens S.C., And Hermes Law Ltd.. (Lytz, Karl)
October 18, 2011 Filing 1229 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 10/18/2011 (vkb)
October 17, 2011 Filing 1216 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by NCR Corporation re #1187 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Directed to WTM I Company ("Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Reply in Support of Its Motion to Compel Directed to WTM I Company"). (McAtee, Darin)
October 17, 2011 Filing 1215 RESPONSE to Motion filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1185 MOTION to Amend/Correct Counterclaims. (Ragatz, Ronald)
October 17, 2011 Filing 1214 DECLARATION of Evan Westerfield. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit October 11, 2011 Letter from E. Westerfield to M. Alexander, #2 Exhibit Georgia-Pacific's 30(b)(6) Notice to NCR Corp., #3 Exhibit Menasha Corp.'s Requests for Admission and Interrogatories to NCR Corp.)(Westerfield, Evan)
October 17, 2011 Filing 1213 RESPONSE filed by NCR Corporation re #1210 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Protective OrderRule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Protective Order (Westerfield, Evan)
October 17, 2011 Filing 1212 RESPONSE to Motion filed by NCR Corporation re #1185 MOTION to Amend/Correct Counterclaims. (Westerfield, Evan)
October 13, 2011 Filing 1228 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 10/13/2011 (vkb)
October 13, 2011 Filing 1211 DECLARATION of Sabrina Mizrachi. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Exhibit, #7 Exhibit)(Mizrachi, Sabrina)
October 13, 2011 Filing 1210 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Protective Order by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, PH Glatfelter Company, WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Mizrachi, Sabrina)
October 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1209 Extension of Stipulated Protective Order; signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10/12/2011. #1203 Motion for Order GRANTED. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1227 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference follow-up held on 10/11/2011 (vkb)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1208 DECLARATION of Nancy K. Peterson. (Peterson, Nancy)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1207 RESPONSE to Motion filed by WTM I Company re #1187 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Directed to WTM I Company Defendant WTM I Company's Response to NCR Corporation's Motion to Compel. (Peterson, Nancy)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1206 JOINDER by Carrier X re #1205 Response to Motion to Compel and Supplement Response. (Cohen, Michael)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1205 RESPONSE to Motion filed by WTM I Company re #1187 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Directed to WTM I Company. (Heugel, John)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1204 DECLARATION of Darin P. McAtee in Support of Plaintiff NCR Corporation's October 11, 2011, Civil Local Rule 7(h) Unopposed Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion. (McAtee, Darin)
October 11, 2011 Filing 1203 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Order Extending The Court's May 2, 2011, Protective Order To Non-Party Insurance Discovery (unopposed) by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Exhibit)(McAtee, Darin)
October 6, 2011 Filing 1226 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Follow-up to settlement conference held on 10/6/2011 (Attachments: #1 Minutes, #2 Minutes) (vkb)
October 5, 2011 Filing 1202 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Settlement Conference held on 10/4/2011 10/5/2011. Parties have agreed to continue discussions in an effort to resolve in whole or in part the litigation. Judge Goodstein will remain available to facilitate discussions as needed. (msc) Modified on 10/7/2011 (msc).
October 5, 2011 Filing 1201 NOTICE of Appearance by Gregory A Krauss on behalf of Appleton Papers Inc. Attorney(s) appearing: Gregory A. Krauss (Krauss, Gregory)
October 4, 2011 Filing 1200 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Motion Hearing held on 9/30/2011 re #1187 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Directed to WTM I Company filed by NCR Corporation. The Court defers ruling. The defendants' response is due in 10 days, and reply is due 7 days thereafter. (Tape #093011) (cav) Modified on 11/1/2011 to correct date of hearing(tlf).
October 3, 2011 Filing 1199 DECLARATION of Mary C. Hauser in support of Memorandum of API in Opposition to GP's Motion for Sanctions. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex 1 (March 9, 2011 email to Jason Lynch), #2 Exhibit Ex 2 (March 11, 2011 email from Jason Lynch))(Ragatz, Ronald)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1198 DECLARATION of Todd Goldberg in support of Memorandum of API in Opposition to GP's Motion for Sanctions. (Ragatz, Ronald)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1197 DECLARATION of Ronald Ragatz in support of Memorandum of API in Opposition to GP's Motion for Sanctions. (Ragatz, Ronald)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1196 DECLARATION of Michael L. Hermes in support of Memorandum of API in Opposition to GP's Motion for Sanctions. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex 1 (May 14, 2009 letter from Latham & Watkins), #2 Exhibit Ex 2 (May 14, 2009 letter from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer), #3 Exhibit Ex 3 (August 5, 2009 letter from Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer), #4 Exhibit Ex 4 (August 13, 2009 letter to Karl Lytz and Ernie Getto), #5 Exhibit Ex 5 (Excerpt from 2010 Annual Report of Sequana), #6 Exhibit Ex 6 (April 15, 2011 from Hermes Law to Douglas Garrou))(Ragatz, Ronald)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1195 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1168 MOTION for Sanctions Against Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc., Dewitt Ross & Stevens S.C., And Hermes Law Ltd.. (Ragatz, Ronald)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1194 DECLARATION of Edward Gallagher In Support of Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Response to Georgia-Pacific LLC's Motion for Sanctions. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit April 10, 2009 Letter from K. Roach, #2 Exhibit May 7, 2009 Email from K. Roach, #3 Exhibit April 15, 2009 Letter from K. Roach, #4 Exhibit September 13, 2011 Letter from E. Westerfield, #5 Exhibit Excerpts from Deposition of F. Heinritz, #6 Exhibit Affidavit of F. Heinritz, #7 Exhibit March 8, 2011 Letter from D. Garrou)(Roach, Kathleen)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1193 RESPONSE to Motion filed by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation re #1168 MOTION for Sanctions Against Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc., Dewitt Ross & Stevens S.C., And Hermes Law Ltd.. (Roach, Kathleen)
October 3, 2011 Filing 1192 SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY BRIEF filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1103 Joint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage Costs. (tlf)
September 30, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1191 DECISION AND ORDER DENYING #1097 Motion for Judgment; GRANTING #1103 Motion to clarify; GRANTING #1131 Motion for Leave to File, signed by Judge William C. Griesbach on 09/30/2011. Clerk shall detach and efile the sur-reply attached to #1131 . The moving Defendants are entitled to judgment granting contribution from Plaintiffs with direct liability under CERCLA for natural resources damages overpayments as well as a declaratory judgment that they may recover from such Plaintiffs their future NRDs paid to state, tribal or federal trustees. SEE DECISION AND ORDER FOR FULL DETAIL. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
September 28, 2011 Filing 1190 NOTICE of TELEPHONE Hearing on Motion #1187 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Directed to WTM I Company : (cc: all counsel) Motion Hearing set for 9/30/2011 10:00 AM before Judge William C Griesbach. Please see the attached notice for telephone conference instructions and appearances. Only counsel for the filer and opposing counsel must appear for the telephone hearing.(cav)
September 26, 2011 Filing 1189 LETTER from Nancy K. Peterson to Judge Griesbach. (Peterson, Nancy)
September 26, 2011 Filing 1188 DECLARATION of Vanessa A. Lavely in Support of Plaintiff NCR Corporation's Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion to Compel Directed to WTM I Company. (Lavely, Vanessa)
September 26, 2011 Filing 1187 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel Directed to WTM I Company by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation. (McAtee, Darin)
September 23, 2011 Filing 1186 BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1185 MOTION to Amend/Correct Counterclaims. (Mizrachi, Sabrina)
September 23, 2011 Filing 1185 MOTION to Amend/Correct Counterclaims by CBC Coating Inc, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit, #2 Exhibit, #3 Exhibit, #4 Exhibit, #5 Exhibit, #6 Text of Proposed Order)(Mizrachi, Sabrina)
September 20, 2011 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1184 MOTION to request court order of voluntary dismissal without prejudice of its counterclaim #257 Counterclaim filed by Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 09/20/2011. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
September 19, 2011 Filing 1184 MOTION to Dismiss Motion to request court order of voluntary dismissal without prejudice of its counterclaim by Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District. (Schrimpf, Thomas)
September 10, 2011 Filing 1183 EXHIBITS 451 - 483 to #1170 DECLARATION of PATRICK J. FERGUSON IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 451. February 5, 1970 T. Barklam Memorandum BCFOX200000705, #2 Exhibit 452. February 11, 1970 T. King Letter BCFOX200000706-707, #3 Exhibit 453. March 2, 1970 J. Howison Letter BCFOX200000708-709, #4 Exhibit 454. March 12, 1970 I. Biggs Memorandum BCFOX200000710-711, #5 Exhibit 455. March 13, 1970 T. King Letter BCFOX200000712-714, #6 Exhibit 456. March 17, 1970 T. King Letter BCFOX200000715-716, #7 Exhibit 457. March 23, 1970 D. Hatton Letter BCFOX200000717, #8 Exhibit 458. April 3, 1970 T. King Letter BCFOX200000718, #9 Exhibit 459. May 5, 1970 D. Hatton Letter BCFOX200000719, #10 Exhibit 460. May 5, 1970 T. King Memorandum BCFOX200000720, #11 Exhibit 461. May 20, 1970 I. Biggs Memorandum BCFOX200000721-722, #12 Exhibit 462. May 21, 1970 I. Biggs Memorandum BCFOX200000723, #13 Exhibit 463. June 9, 1970 I. Biggs Memorandum BCFOX200000724, #14 Exhibit 464. June 18, 1970 T. King Memorandum BCFOX200000725, #15 Exhibit 465. October 16, 1970 I. Biggs Memorandum BCFOX200000726-732, #16 Exhibit 466. October 26, 1970 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000733, #17 Exhibit 467. November 13, 1970 C. Chester Memorandum BCFOX200000734, #18 Exhibit 468. December 17, 1970 D. Jarrot Letter BCFOX200000735, #19 Exhibit 469. May 27, 1971 K. Johnson Memorandum BCFOX200000736, #20 Exhibit 470. August 6, 1971 D. Hatton Letter BCFOX200000737, #21 Exhibit 471. July 12, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000738, #22 Exhibit 472. July 12, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000739, #23 Exhibit 473. July 12, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000740, #24 Exhibit 474. July 12, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000741, #25 Exhibit 475. July 13, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000742, #26 Exhibit 476. July 26, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000743, #27 Exhibit 477. July 26, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000744, #28 Exhibit 478. July 26, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000745, #29 Exhibit 479. July 26, 1984 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000746, #30 Exhibit 480. May 23, 1990 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000747, #31 Exhibit 481. May 23, 1990 Certificate of Authenticity BCFOX200000748, #32 Exhibit 482. Undated Brochure BCFOX200000749-753, #33 Exhibit 483. May 19, 1965 Bud [Appleton] Letter BCFOX00007067)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 10, 2011 Filing 1182 EXHIBITS 401 - 450 to #1170 DECLARATION of PATRICK J. FERGUSON IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 401. October 4, 1967 R. Munson Letter BCFOX200000606, #2 Exhibit 402. November 10, 1967 B. Jones Letter BCFOX200000607-608, #3 Exhibit 403. November 10, 1967 H. Osborn Letter BCFOX200000609, #4 Exhibit 404. December 1, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000610-611, #5 Exhibit 405. December 5, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000612-613, #6 Exhibit 406. December 14, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000614, #7 Exhibit 407. 1968 B. Horpers Memorandum BCFOX200000615-624, #8 Exhibit 408. January 16, 1968 N. Thrower Memorandum BCFOX200000625, #9 Exhibit 409. April 17, 1968 D. Cole Meeting Minutes BCFOX200000626-629, #10 Exhibit 410. April 25, 1968 J. Gough Memorandum BCFOX200000630-632, #11 Exhibit 411. May 6, 1968 D. Cole Letter BCFOX200000633, #12 Exhibit 412. June 26, 1968 J. Gough Report BCFOX200000634-635, #13 Exhibit 413. July 31, 1968 J. Gough Memorandum BCFOX200000636-637, #14 Exhibit 414. August 9, 1968 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000638-639, #15 Exhibit 415. November 5, 1968 D. Dodds Letter BCFOX200000640-641, #16 Exhibit 416. November 15, 1968 D. Langston Letter BCFOX200000642-643, #17 Exhibit 417. December 16, 1968 D. Temperley Letter BCFOX200000644, #18 Exhibit 418. January 14, 1969 T. King Memorandum BCFOX200000645-646, #19 Exhibit 419. January 16, 1969 B. Volhagen Letter BCFOX200000647, #20 Exhibit 420. January 24, 1969 B. Kolhagen Letter BCFOX200000648, #21 Exhibit 421. January 27, 1969 D. Temperley Letter BCFOX200000649, #22 Exhibit 422. February 17, 1969 T. King Memorandum BCFOX200000650-651, #23 Exhibit 423. March 3, 1969 R. Lister Letter BCFOX200000652, #24 Exhibit 424. March 6, 1969 D. Hatton Letter BCFOX200000653, #25 Exhibit 425. March 14, 1969 D. Hatton Letter BCFOX200000654, #26 Exhibit 426. March 31, 1969 D. Hatton Memorandum BCFOX200000655-656, #27 Exhibit 427. April 21, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000657-658, #28 Exhibit 428. April 23, 1969 T. King Memorandum BCFOX200000659-661, #29 Exhibit 429. May 8, 1969 T. King Memorandum BCFOX200000662-663, #30 Exhibit 430. May 15, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000664-665, #31 Exhibit 431. May 28, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000666-668, #32 Exhibit 432. June 5, 1969 A. Miller Memorandum BCFOX200000669-671, #33 Exhibit 433. June 12, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000672-673, #34 Exhibit 434. June 25, 1969 A. Miller Memorandum BCFOX200000674-675, #35 Exhibit 435. August 12, 1969 W. Imfeld Letter BCFOX200000676, #36 Exhibit 436. September 3, 1969 D. Hatton Letter BCFOX200000677, #37 Exhibit 437. September 15, 1969 W. Millican Memorandum BCFOX200000678, #38 Exhibit 438. October 14, 1969 J. Gough Memorandum BCFOX200000679-681, #39 Exhibit 439. October 21, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000682-684, #40 Exhibit 440. October 22, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000685, #41 Exhibit 441. October 30, 1969 B. Colebrook Letter BCFOX200000686-687, #42 Exhibit 442. November 13, 1969 M. Paterson Memorandum BCFOX200000688-690, #43 Exhibit 443. November 21, 1969 M. Paterson Memorandum BCFOX200000691-692, #44 Exhibit 444. November 28, 1969 M. Paterson Memorandum BCFOX200000693-694, #45 Exhibit 445. December 3, 1969 R. Dutin Letter BCFOX200000695-696, #46 Exhibit 446. December 11, 1969 B. Jones Memorandum BCFOX200000697, #47 Exhibit 447. December 17, 1969 D. Temperley Memorandum BCFOX200000698, #48 Exhibit 448. January 6, 1970 Meeting Minutes BCFOX200000699-701, #49 Exhibit 449. January 23, 1970 Memorandum to J. King BCFOX200000702, #50 Exhibit 450. January 28, 1970 D. Temperley Letter BCFOX200000703-704)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1181 EXHIBITS 381 - 400 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 381. March 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000573-574, #2 Exhibit 382. March 10, 1967 J. Kahn Abstract BCFOX200000575-579, #3 Exhibit 383. April 14, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000580, #4 Exhibit 384. May 8, 1967 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000581-582, #5 Exhibit 385. May 10, 1967 C. Capps Memorandum BCFOX200000583, #6 Exhibit 386. May 17, 1967 T. Bolton Memorandum BCFOX200000584-585, #7 Exhibit 387. May 23, 1967 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000586-587, #8 Exhibit 388. June 2, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000588-591, #9 Exhibit 389. June 20, 1967 C. Capps Memorandum BCFOX200000592, #10 Exhibit 390. June 23, 1967 A. Burroughs Letter BCFOX200000593, #11 Exhibit 391. June 27, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000594, #12 Exhibit 392. August 31, 1967 D. Cole Memorandum BCFOX200000595, #13 Exhibit 393. September 6, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000596, #14 Exhibit 394. September 8, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000597-599, #15 Exhibit 395. September 13, 1967 B. Jones Memorandum BCFOX200000600, #16 Exhibit 396. September 14, 1967 I. Tanner Memorandum BCFOX200000601, #17 Exhibit 397. September 26, 1967 H. Osborn Letter BCFOX200000602, #18 Exhibit 398. September 27, 1967 D. Cole Memorandum BCFOX200000603, #19 Exhibit 399. September 28, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000604, #20 Exhibit 400. September 28, 1967 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000605)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1180 EXHIBITS 345 - 380 to #1170 DECLARATION of PATRICK J. FERGUSON IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 345. October 8, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000517, #2 Exhibit 346. November 10, 1965 F. Jenkins Letter BCFOX200000518-520, #3 Exhibit 347. November 15, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000521, #4 Exhibit 348. November 23, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000522-523, #5 Exhibit 349. November 23, 1965 H. Lauer Letter BCFOX200000524, #6 Exhibit 350. November 29, 1965 H. Lauer Letter BCFOX200000525, #7 Exhibit 351. December 7, 1965 J. Harvey Memorandum BCFOX200000526, #8 Exhibit 352. December 31, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000527, #9 Exhibit 353. January 3, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000528-529, #10 Exhibit 354. January 4, 1966 P. Truttschel Letter BCFOX200000530, #11 Exhibit 355. January 7, 1966 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000531, #12 Exhibit 356. January 12, 1966 B. Carey Memorandum BCFOX200000532, #13 Exhibit 357. January 12, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000533, #14 Exhibit 358. January 14, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000534, #15 Exhibit 359. January 19, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000535, #16 Exhibit 360. January 21, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000536, #17 Exhibit 361. January 25, 1966 J. Lawson Letter BCFOX200000537, #18 Exhibit 362. February 11, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000538, #19 Exhibit 363. March 7, 1966 Letter to E. Chumrow BCFOX200000539, #20 Exhibit 364. March 15, 1966 K. Kahler Letter BCFOX200000540-542, #21 Exhibit 365. April 13, 1966 K. Stables Letter BCFOX200000543, #22 Exhibit 366. April 26, 1966 K. Kahler Letter BCFOX200000544-546, #23 Exhibit 367. May 3, 1966 E. Beavis Letter BCFOX200000547-549, #24 Exhibit 368. May 14, 1966 Agenda BCFOX200000550-552, #25 Exhibit 369. May 16, 1966 E. Beavis Letter BCFOX200000553, #26 Exhibit 370. August 15, 1966 M. MacLaurin Letter BCFOX200000554, #27 Exhibit 371. August 19, 1966 M. MacLaurin Letter BCFOX200000555-556, #28 Exhibit 372. August 23, 1966 M. MacLaurin Letter BCFOX200000557, #29 Exhibit 373. August 31, 1966 C. Capps Memorandum BCFOX200000558, #30 Exhibit 374. September 6, 1966 W. Valentine Memorandum BCFOX200000559, #31 Exhibit 375. October 26, 1966 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000560, #32 Exhibit 376. November 15, 1966 C. Capps Memorandum BCFOX200000561, #33 Exhibit 377. December 22, 1966 C. Capps Memorandum BCFOX200000562, #34 Exhibit 378. January 9, 1967 M. OGrady Memorandum BCFOX200000563-564, #35 Exhibit 379. January 10, 1967 L. Edenborough File Notes BCFOX200000565-569, #36 Exhibit 380. February 5, 1967 Handwritten Notes BCFOX200000570-572)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1179 EXHIBITS 301 - 344 to #1170 DECLARATION of PATRICK J. FERGUSON IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTGEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFFAPPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 301. February 11, 1965 I. Brown Memorandum BCFOX200000437, #2 Exhibit 302. February 16, 1965 I. Brown Memorandum BCFOX200000438-439, #3 Exhibit 303. February 16, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000440, #4 Exhibit 304. February 17, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000441-442, #5 Exhibit 305. February 19, 1965 G. Hall Letter BCFOX200000443-444, #6 Exhibit 306. February 22, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000445, #7 Exhibit 307. February 22, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000446, #8 Exhibit 308. February 25, 1965 E. Chubb Letter BCFOX200000447, #9 Exhibit 309. March 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000448, #10 Exhibit 310. March 11, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000449, #11 Exhibit 311. March 15, 1965 I. Brown Memorandum BCFOX200000450-451, #12 Exhibit 312. March 26, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000452-453, #13 Exhibit 313. March 26, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000454, #14 Exhibit 314. April 7, 1965 G. Jones Report BCFOX200000455-457, #15 Exhibit 315. April 13, 1965 C. Capps Memorandum BCFOX200000458-459, #16 Exhibit 316. May 4, 1965 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000460-461, #17 Exhibit 317. May 13, 1965 E. Brazington Letter BCFOX200000462, #18 Exhibit 318. May 13, 1965 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000463, #19 Exhibit 319. May 15, 1965 Letter to H. Lauer BCFOX200000464-467, #20 Exhibit 320. May 18, 1965 A. Reynolds Letter BCFOX200000468-469, #21 Exhibit 321. May 20, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000470, #22 Exhibit 322. May 25, 1965 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000471, #23 Exhibit 323. June 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000472, #24 Exhibit 324. June 11, 1965 W. Valentine Memorandum BCFOX200000473, #25 Exhibit 325. June 15, 1965 J. Harris Meeting Minutes BCFOX200000474-476, #26 Exhibit 326. June 28, 1965 G. Carver Letter BCFOX200000477, #27 Exhibit 327. July 7, 1965 Report BCFOX200000478-479, #28 Exhibit 328. July 13, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000480, #29 Exhibit 329. July 22, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000481-482, #30 Exhibit 330. July 27, 1965 Meeting Minutes BCFOX200000483-486, #31 Exhibit 331. July 30, 1965 C. Marshall Letter BCFOX200000487, #32 Exhibit 332. August 9, 1965 I. Brown Letter BCFOX200000488-489, #33 Exhibit 333. August 11, 1965 P. Hawkins Memo BCFOX200000490-494, #34 Exhibit 334. August 11, 1965 C. Paradice Memo BCFOX200000495-499, #35 Exhibit 335. August 13, 1965 H. Lauer Letter BCFOX200000500-503, #36 Exhibit 336. August 18, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000504, #37 Exhibit 337. August 25, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000505, #38 Exhibit 338. September 1, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000506, #39 Exhibit 339. September 13, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX00000507-508, #40 Exhibit 340. September 13, 1965 W. Hoath Letter BCFOX200000509, #41 Exhibit 341. September 20, 1965 G. Carver Letter BCFOX200000510, #42 Exhibit 342. September 23, 1965 G. Carver Letter BCFOX200000511-512, #43 Exhibit 343. September 27, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000513-515, #44 Exhibit 344. September 28, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000516)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1178 EXHIBITS 251 - 300 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 251. October 8, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000305, #2 Exhibit 252. October 17, 1958 G. Copland Teleprint BCFOX200000306, #3 Exhibit 253. October 17, 1958 Laverack Letter BCFOX200000307, #4 Exhibit 254. October 17, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000308, #5 Exhibit 255. October 21, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000309, #6 Exhibit 256. October 23, 1958 Estimating Teleprint BCFOX200000310, #7 Exhibit 257. October 24, 1958 Laverack Letter BCFOX200000311, #8 Exhibit 258. October 29, 1958 Laverack Letter BCFOX200000312, #9 Exhibit 259. February 1959 B. Jones Letter BCFOX200000313, #10 Exhibit 260. November 27, 1959 R. Montello Letter BCFOX200000314-315, #11 Exhibit 261. February 20, 1960 G. Handsley Letter BCFOX200000316, #12 Exhibit 262. February 29, 1960 G. Handsley Letter BCFOX200000317, #13 Exhibit 263. March 19, 1960 W. Laing Letter BCFOX200000318, #14 Exhibit 264. March 22, 1960 G. Mawdsley Letter BCFOX200000319, #15 Exhibit 265. November 23, 1960 R. Williams Letter BCFOX200000320-321, #16 Exhibit 266. February 22, 1961 J. Milne Letter BCFOX200000322, #17 Exhibit 267. September 28, 1961 J. Smith Memorandum BCFOX200000323, #18 Exhibit 268. November 13, 1961 Memorandum BCFOX200000324, #19 Exhibit 269. November 16, 1961 Letter to H. Lauer BCFOX200000326, #20 Exhibit 270. December 5, 1961 H. Lauer Letter BCFOX200000327-328, #21 Exhibit 271. February 15, 1962 L. Ederborought Letter BCFOX200000329-332, #22 Exhibit 272. April 16, 1962 G. Mawdsley Letter BCFOX200000333, #23 Exhibit 273. July 27, 1962 C. Bannatyne Letter BCFOX200000334-370, #24 Exhibit 274. March 29, 1963 Letter to R. Hitrons BCFOX200000371-373, #25 Exhibit 275. April 4, 1963 D. Backhouse Letter BCFOX200000374-376, #26 Exhibit 276. October 16, 1963 Letter to G. Mawdsley BCFOX200000377, #27 Exhibit 277. October 28, 1963 J. Smith Letter BCFOX200000378, #28 Exhibit 278. October 29, 1963 J. Morris Letter BCFOX200000379, #29 Exhibit 279. January 1964 Process Costs BCFOX200000380-381, #30 Exhibit 280. June 22, 1964 H. Lauer Letter BCFOX200000382-383, #31 Exhibit 281. June 22, 1964 J. Sartiaux Letter BCFOX200000384, #32 Exhibit 282. July 9, 1964 S. Loynes Letter BCFOX200000385-388, #33 Exhibit 283. July 28, 1964 Report BCFOX200000389-390, #34 Exhibit 284. August 11, 1964 A. LaDriere Abstract BCFOX200000391-396, #35 Exhibit 285. August 14, 1964 Report BCFOX200000397-398, #36 Exhibit 286. August 19, 1964 F. Jenkins Letter BCFOX200000399-400, #37 Exhibit 287. November 9, 1964 Pamphlet BCFOX200000401, #38 Exhibit 288. November 9, 1964 Handwritten Notes BCFOX200000402, #39 Exhibit 289. November 23, 1964 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000403, #40 Exhibit 290. December 17, 1964 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000404-405, #41 Exhibit 291. December 22, 1964 P. Blackman Letter BCFOX200000406, #42 Exhibit 292. 1965 Memorandum BCFOX200000407-412, #43 Exhibit 293. January 4, 1965 Meeting Minutes BCFOX200000413-414, #44 Exhibit 294. January 10, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000415, #45 Exhibit 295. January 11, 1965 Report BCFOX200000416-426, #46 Exhibit 296. January 27, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000427, #47 Exhibit 297. January 29, 1965 H. Lauer Letter BCFOX200000428-429, #48 Exhibit 298. February 2, 1965 C. Capps Letter BCFOX200000430-433, #49 Exhibit 299. February 5, 1965 J. Taylor Letter BCFOX200000434, #50 Exhibit 300. February 11, 1965 Report BCFOX200000435-436)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1177 EXHIBITS 201 - 250 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 201. September 9, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000251, #2 Exhibit 202. September 11, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000252, #3 Exhibit 203. September 16, 1957 P. Bates Letter BCFOX200000253, #4 Exhibit 204. September 17, 1957 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000254, #5 Exhibit 205. September 18, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000255-258, #6 Exhibit 206. September 19, 1957 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000259, #7 Exhibit 207. October 2, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000260, #8 Exhibit 208. October 2, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000261, #9 Exhibit 209. October 3, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000262, #10 Exhibit 210. October 4, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000263, #11 Exhibit 211. October 11, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000264, #12 Exhibit 212. October 14, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000265, #13 Exhibit 213. October 18, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000266, #14 Exhibit 214. October 20, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000267, #15 Exhibit 215. October 21, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000268, #16 Exhibit 216. October 23, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000269, #17 Exhibit 217. October 29, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000270, #18 Exhibit 218. November 4, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000271, #19 Exhibit 219. November 4, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000272, #20 Exhibit 220. November 20, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000273, #21 Exhibit 221. November 26, 1957 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000274, #22 Exhibit 222. December 2, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000275, #23 Exhibit 223. December 9, 1957 J. Morris Letter BCFOX200000276, #24 Exhibit 224. December 9, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000277, #25 Exhibit 225. January 7, 1958 Letter BCFOX200000278, #26 Exhibit 226. January 27, 1958 J. Morris Letter BCFOX200000279, #27 Exhibit 227. January 31, 1958 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000280, #28 Exhibit 228. February 11, 1958 Gateway House Memorandum BCFOX200000281, #29 Exhibit 229. February 15, 1958 Treforest Memorandum BCFOX200000282, #30 Exhibit 230. February 28, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000283, #31 Exhibit 231. March 13, 1958 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000284, #32 Exhibit 232. March 15, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000285, #33 Exhibit 233. April 7, 1958 E. Brazington Letter BCFOX200000286, #34 Exhibit 234. April 11, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000287, #35 Exhibit 235. April 30, 1958 D. Savage Letter BCFOX200000288, #36 Exhibit 236. May 15, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000289, #37 Exhibit 237. May 28, 1958 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000290-291, #38 Exhibit 238. June 6, 1958 Treforest Memorandum BCFOX200000292, #39 Exhibit 239. June 20, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000293, #40 Exhibit 240. June 27, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000294, #41 Exhibit 241. July 1, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000295, #42 Exhibit 242. July 18, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000296, #43 Exhibit 243. July 28, 1958 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX20000297, #44 Exhibit 244. August 20, 1958 Gateway House Letter BCFOX200000298, #45 Exhibit 245. August 21, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000299, #46 Exhibit 246. September 11, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000300, #47 Exhibit 247. September 15, 1958 B. Jones Letter BCFOX200000301, #48 Exhibit 248. September 19, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000302, #49 Exhibit 249. September 23, 1958 B. Jones Memorandum BCFOX200000303, #50 Exhibit 250. October 1, 1958 G. Copland Letter BCFOX200000304)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1176 EXHIBITS 151 - 200 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 151. March 12, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000195, #2 Exhibit 152. March 12, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000196, #3 Exhibit 153. March 12, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000197, #4 Exhibit 154. March 13, 1957 D. Backhouse Letter BCFOX200000198, #5 Exhibit 155. March 14, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000199, #6 Exhibit 156. March 21, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000200, #7 Exhibit 157. March 27, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000201, #8 Exhibit 158. March 27, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000202-203, #9 Exhibit 159. March 27, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000204, #10 Exhibit 160. March 28, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000205, #11 Exhibit 161. March 29, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000206, #12 Exhibit 162. April 2, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000207, #13 Exhibit 163. April 3, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000208, #14 Exhibit 164. April 11, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000209, #15 Exhibit 165. April 11, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000210, #16 Exhibit 166. April 15, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000211, #17 Exhibit 167. April 15, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000212, #18 Exhibit 168. April 17, 1957 Talbot Teleprint BCFOX200000213, #19 Exhibit 169. May 3, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000214, #20 Exhibit 170. May 3, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000215, #21 Exhibit 171. May 3, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000216, #22 Exhibit 172. May 8, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000217-219, #23 Exhibit 173. May 10, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000220, #24 Exhibit 174. May 14, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000221, #25 Exhibit 175. May 16, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000222, #26 Exhibit 176. May 16, 1957 Tanner Letter BCFOX200000223, #27 Exhibit 177. May 23, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000224, #28 Exhibit 178. May 24, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000225, #29 Exhibit 179. May 25, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000226, #30 Exhibit 180. May 30, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000227, #31 Exhibit 181. May 31, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000228, #32 Exhibit 182. June 7, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000229, #33 Exhibit 183. June 14, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000230, #34 Exhibit 184. June 20, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000231, #35 Exhibit 185. June 20, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000232, #36 Exhibit 186. June 25, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000233, #37 Exhibit 187. June 28, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000234, #38 Exhibit 188. July 4, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000235, #39 Exhibit 189. July 11, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000236, #40 Exhibit 190. July 11, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000237-238, #41 Exhibit 191. July 29, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000239, #42 Exhibit 192. August 8, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000240, #43 Exhibit 193. August 8, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000241, #44 Exhibit 194. August 13, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000242, #45 Exhibit 195. August 16, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000243, #46 Exhibit 196. August 23, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000244-245, #47 Exhibit 197. August 23, 1957 G. Kemp Memorandum BCFOX200000246, #48 Exhibit 198. August 30, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000247, #49 Exhibit 199. September 3, 1957 W. Paisley Letter BCFOX200000248, #50 Exhibit 200. September 5, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000249-250)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1175 EXHIBITS 101 - 150 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 101. November 2, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000136, #2 Exhibit 102. November 8, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000137, #3 Exhibit 103. November 13, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000138, #4 Exhibit 104. November 13, 1956 A. Vincent Letter BCFOX200000139, #5 Exhibit 105. November 14, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000140, #6 Exhibit 106. November 14, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000141, #7 Exhibit 107. November 14, 1956 A. C. V. Letter BCFOX200000142, #8 Exhibit 108. November 16, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000143, #9 Exhibit 109. November 16, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000144, #10 Exhibit 110. November 17, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000145-146, #11 Exhibit 111. November 19, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000147-148, #12 Exhibit 112. November 29, 1956 A. L. Letter BCFOX200000149, #13 Exhibit 113. December 3, 1956 S. Cameron Letter BCFOX200000150, #14 Exhibit 114. December 7, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000151, #15 Exhibit 115. December 11, 1956 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000152, #16 Exhibit 116. December 15, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000153, #17 Exhibit 117. December 17, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000154-155, #18 Exhibit 118. December 20, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000156, #19 Exhibit 119. December 24, 1956 I. Hendry Letter BCFOX200000157, #20 Exhibit 120. January 7, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000158-159, #21 Exhibit 121. January 7, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000160, #22 Exhibit 122. January 9, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000161, #23 Exhibit 123. January 9, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000162-164, #24 Exhibit 124. January 12, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000165-166, #25 Exhibit 125. January 13, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000167, #26 Exhibit 126. January 16, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000168, #27 Exhibit 127. January 17, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000169, #28 Exhibit 128. January 17, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000170, #29 Exhibit 129. January 18, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000171, #30 Exhibit 130. January 18, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000172, #31 Exhibit 131. January 21, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000173-174, #32 Exhibit 132. January 23, 1957 D. Backhouse Letter BCFOX200000175, #33 Exhibit 133. January 28, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000176, #34 Exhibit 134. January 28, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000177, #35 Exhibit 135. January 31, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000178, #36 Exhibit 136. February 1, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000179, #37 Exhibit 137. February 5, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000180, #38 Exhibit 138. February 6, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000181-182, #39 Exhibit 139. February 8, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000183, #40 Exhibit 140. February 13, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000184, #41 Exhibit 141. February 18, 1957 D. Backhouse Letter BCFOX200000185, #42 Exhibit 142. February 20, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000186, #43 Exhibit 143. February 26, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000187, #44 Exhibit 144. February 27, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000188, #45 Exhibit 145. February 27, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000189, #46 Exhibit 146. March 4, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000190, #47 Exhibit 147. March 5, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000191, #48 Exhibit 148. March 7, 1957 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000192, #49 Exhibit 149. March 11, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000193, #50 Exhibit 150. March 11, 1957 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000194)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1174 EXHIBIT 19 - 27 to #1173 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz PART 2 IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLC'S MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST APPLETON PAPERS INC., DEWITT ROSS & STEVENS S.C., AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 19. October 23, 2009 Email from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz Re: Butlers Court Production, #2 Exhibit 20. November 4, 2009 Email from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz Re: Butlers Court Production, #3 Exhibit 21. March 19, 2010 Georgia-Pacific LLCs Request for Documents Preservation to Appleton Paper INC., #4 Exhibit 22. April 26, 2011 Georgia-Pacific LLCs Request for Production of Documents to Appleton Paper INC., #5 Exhibit 23. June 10, 2011 Appleton Paper INC.s Responses to Georgia-Pacific LLCs Request for Production of Documents, #6 Exhibit 24. June 27, 2011 Letter from Karl Lytz to Michael Hermes, #7 Exhibit 25. June 30, 2011 Letter from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz, #8 Exhibit 26. August 5, 2011 Letter from Appleton Coated LLC to Georgia-Pacific LLC, #9 Exhibit 27. September 1, 2011 Letter from Evan B. Westerfield to Defendants)(Lytz, Karl) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1173 DECLARATION of Karl S. Lytz IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLC'S MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST APPLETON PAPERS INC., DEWITT ROSS & STEVENS S.C., AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1. December 19, 2008 Georgia-Pacific LLCs First Set of Interrogatories and Requests for the Production of Documents to Appleton Papers INC., #2 Exhibit 2. January 29, 2009 Appleton Papers INC.s Responses to Georgia-Pacific LLCs First Set of Requests for Production of Documents, #3 Exhibit 3. March 26, 2009 Meet and Confer letter from Georgia-Pacific LLC to Michael Hermes, attorney for Appleton Paper INC., #4 Exhibit 4. April 4, 2009 Letter from Georgia-Pacific LLC to Michael Hermes, attorney for Appleton Paper INC., #5 Exhibit 5. April 7, 2009 Letter from Georgia-Pacific LLC to Michael Hermes, Christopher Gower, Kathleen L. Roach, and Edwin F. Bush, II Re: Preservation of Documents, #6 Exhibit 6. April 10, 2009 Response letter from Appleton Paper INC. to Georgia-Pacific LLC., #7 Exhibit 7. January 27, 2009 Georgia-Pacific LLC.s Discovery Subpeona on Appleton Coated LLC., #8 Exhibit 8. March 6, 2009 Letter from Georgia-Pacific LLC. to Appleton Coated LLC., #9 Exhibit 9. March 30, 2009 Letter from Georgia-Pacific LLC. to Appleton Paper INC., #10 Exhibit 10. April 6, 2009 Response letter from Hermes Law, Ltd, on behalf of Appleton Coated LLC, #11 Exhibit 11. April 8, 2009 Response letter from Hermes Law, Ltd, on behalf of Appleton Coated LLC, #12 Exhibit 12. March 2, 2009 Meet and Confer letter from Georgia-Pacific LLC to Kathleen Roach, attorney for NCR, #13 Exhibit 13. August 10, 2009 Email from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz Re: Butlers Court Documents, #14 Exhibit 14. August 19, 2009 Email from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz and Ernie Getto Re: Butlers Court Documents, #15 Exhibit 15. August 27, 2009 Email from Karl Lytz to Michael Hermes Re: Butlers Court, #16 Exhibit 16. August 31, 2009 Email from Karl Lytz to Michael Hermes Re: Butlers Court Documents, #17 Exhibit 17. September 1, 2011 Email from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz Re: Butlers Court Documents, #18 Exhibit 18. September 17, 2009 Email from Michael Hermes to Karl Lytz Re: Butlers Court Documents)(Lytz, Karl)
September 9, 2011 Filing 1172 EXHIBITS 51 - 100 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 51. December 26, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000069, #2 Exhibit 52. December 29, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000070, #3 Exhibit 53. January 5, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000071, #4 Exhibit 54. January 16, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000072, #5 Exhibit 55. January 23, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000073, #6 Exhibit 56. February 29, 1956 C. Maynard Letter BCFOX200000074, #7 Exhibit 57. April 10, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000075, #8 Exhibit 58. April 10, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000076-78, #9 Exhibit 59. May 1, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000079, #10 Exhibit 60. May 18, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000080, #11 Exhibit 61. May 21, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000081, #12 Exhibit 62. May 31, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000082, #13 Exhibit 63. June 1, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000083, #14 Exhibit 64. June 12, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000084, #15 Exhibit 65. June 18, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000085, #16 Exhibit 66. June 18, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000086-88, #17 Exhibit 67. June 18, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000089, #18 Exhibit 68. June 19, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000090, #19 Exhibit 69. June 19, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000091-92, #20 Exhibit 70. June 21, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000093, #21 Exhibit 71. June 25, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000094, #22 Exhibit 72. July 2, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000095-97, #23 Exhibit 73. July 24, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000098, #24 Exhibit 74. July 24, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000099, #25 Exhibit 75. July 24, 1956 M. Andrews Memorandum BCFOX200000100, #26 Exhibit 76. July 26, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000101, #27 Exhibit 77. July 26, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000102, #28 Exhibit 78. August 8, 1956 G. Kemp Memorandum BCFOX200000103-105, #29 Exhibit 79. August 9, 1956 NCR Treforest Equipment List BCFOX200000106-107, #30 Exhibit 80. August 11, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000108, #31 Exhibit 81. August 13, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000109, #32 Exhibit 82. August 16, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000110-111, #33 Exhibit 83. August 21, 1956 Treforest Trials BCFOX200000112-113, #34 Exhibit 84. August 24, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000114, #35 Exhibit 85. August 28, 1956 Alex, Pirie & Sons Letter BCFOX200000115, #36 Exhibit 86. August 29, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000116, #37 Exhibit 87. September 3, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000117, #38 Exhibit 88. September 8, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000118-119, #39 Exhibit 89. September 11, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000120, #40 Exhibit 90. September 14, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000121-122, #41 Exhibit 91. September 14, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000123, #42 Exhibit 92. September 27, 1956 Richardson Memorandum BCFOX200000124, #43 Exhibit 93. October 6, 1956 Richardson Memorandum BCFOX200000125, #44 Exhibit 94. October 9, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000126, #45 Exhibit 95. October 9, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000127, #46 Exhibit 96. October 30, 1956 W. T. Group Research BCFOX200000128-129, #47 Exhibit 97. October 31, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000130-131, #48 Exhibit 98. November 1, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000132, #49 Exhibit 99. November 2, 1956 B. Walton Letter BCFOX200000133, #50 Exhibit 100. November 2, 1956 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000134-135)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1171 EXHIBITS 2 - 50 to #1170 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS MOTION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST PLAINTIFF APPLETON PAPERS INC. AND HERMES LAW LTD.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 2. Undated Chart of 3Ms Capsule Costs BCFOX200000001-3, #2 Exhibit 3. Undated Appendix BCFOX200000004, #3 Exhibit 4. Undated J. Gessner Report BCFOX200000005-8, #4 Exhibit 5. Undated Product Inspection Scheme BCFOX200000009-10, #5 Exhibit 6. Undated Chart of NCR Capsule Costs BCFOX200000011-12, #6 Exhibit 7. Undated Chart of NCR Capsule Costs BCFOX200000013, #7 Exhibit 8. Undated Report Re NCR Paper Investigations BCFOX200000014-16, #8 Exhibit 9. Undated List of NCR Patents (British) BCFOX200000017, #9 Exhibit 10. May 2, 1955 H. Rance Note BCFOX200000018, #10 Exhibit 11. May 3, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000019-20, #11 Exhibit 12. May 13, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000021, #12 Exhibit 13. May 20, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000022, #13 Exhibit 14. May 20, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000023, #14 Exhibit 15. Exhibit 15. June 1, 1955 V. Watts Letter BCFOX200000024, #15 Exhibit 16. June 15, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000025, #16 Exhibit 17. June 15, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000026, #17 Exhibit 18. June 23, 1955 Laing Letter BCFOX200000027, #18 Exhibit 19. July 4, 1955 C. Maynard Letter BCFOX200000028, #19 Exhibit 20. July 12, 1955 Letter to Murray BCFOX200000029, #20 Exhibit 21. July 13, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000030, #21 Exhibit 22. July 19, 1955 C. Maynard Letter BCFOX200000031, #22 Exhibit 23. July 21, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000032, #23 Exhibit 24. July 22, 1955 M. Price Letter BCFOX200000033, #24 Exhibit 25. July 27, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000034, #25 Exhibit 26. August 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000035, #26 Exhibit 27. August 29, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000036, #27 Exhibit 28. August 29, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000037-40, #28 Exhibit 29. September 5, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000041, #29 Exhibit 30. September 5, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000042-43, #30 Exhibit 31. September 9, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000044-46, #31 Exhibit 32. September 16, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000047, #32 Exhibit 33. September 21, 1955 H. Wilson Letter BCFOX200000048, #33 Exhibit 34. October 3, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000049, #34 Exhibit 35. October 11, 1955 E. Price Letter BCFOX200000050, #35 Exhibit 36. October 13, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000051, #36 Exhibit 37. October 14, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000052-53, #37 Exhibit 38. October 20, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000054, #38 Exhibit 39. October 20, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000055, #39 Exhibit 40. October 24, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000056, #40 Exhibit 41. November 2, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000057, #41 Exhibit 42. November 2, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000058, #42 Exhibit 43. November 29, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000059, #43 Exhibit 44. November 29, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000060, #44 Exhibit 45. December 16, 1955 C. Maynard Letter BCFOX200000061, #45 Exhibit 46. December 20, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000062, #46 Exhibit 47. December 20, 1955 Stoneywood Works Outline BCFOX200000063-65, #47 Exhibit 48. December 22, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000066, #48 Exhibit 49. December 22, 1955 H. Rance Letter BCFOX200000067, #49 Exhibit 50. December 26, 1955 G. Kemp Letter BCFOX200000068)(Ferguson, Patrick) Modified on 9/12/2011 (aw).
September 9, 2011 Filing 1169 BRIEF in Support filed by Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1168 MOTION for Sanctions Against Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc., Dewitt Ross & Stevens S.C., And Hermes Law Ltd.. (Lytz, Karl)
September 9, 2011 Filing 1168 MOTION for Sanctions Against Plaintiff Appleton Papers Inc., Dewitt Ross & Stevens S.C., And Hermes Law Ltd. by Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order Granting Georgia-Pacific's Motion for Sanctions)(Lytz, Karl)
August 25, 2011 Filing 1167 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein: Initial Mediation Conference held on 8/25/2011; settlement conference set for 10/04/11 at 9:00am (vkb)
August 25, 2011 Filing 1166 NOTICE of Hearing: Settlement Conference set for 10/4/2011 at 9:00 AM in Courtroom 284, 517 E. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein. (cc: all counsel)(Goodstein, A.)
August 25, 2011 Filing 1165 LETTER from Kimberly-Clark Corporation. (Slack, Sarah)
August 15, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1164 ORDER REGARDING INITIAL MEDIATION CONFERENCE, signed by Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein on 8/15/2011. Mediation Telephone Conference set for 8/25/2011 at 10:00 AM before Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein. See Order for call-in details. (cc: all counsel)(Goodstein, A.)
August 5, 2011 Filing 1163 CORRECTED TRANSCRIPT of Status Hearing held on 8/1/2011 before Judge William C Griesbach; Court Reporter/Transcriber John W Gales, Contact at (920)496-9313. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 8/29/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/9/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/7/2011. (Bouressa & Gales, Reporter)(tlf)
August 5, 2011 Filing 1162 SEE #1163 CORRECTED TRANSCRIPT. Transcript of Status Hearing held on August 1, 2011 before Judge William C. Griesbach Court Reporter/Transcriber John W. Gales, Contact at (920) 496-9313. Tape Number: 080111. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found #here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 8/29/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 9/9/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/7/2011. (Bouressa & Gales, Reporter) Modified on 8/10/2011 (tlf).
August 5, 2011 Filing 1161 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on 8-1-2011 before Judge Griesbach. (Murray, Daniel)
August 3, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1160 ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Aaron E Goodstein for mediation, signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 08/03/2011. This Court will continue to address motions and other procedural issues as they arise. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
August 2, 2011 Filing 1159 NOTICE by The Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company of Withdrawal of Counsel (Gale, Michelle)
August 2, 2011 Filing 1158 NOTICE by Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District of Withdrawal of Counsel (Gale, Michelle)
August 2, 2011 Filing 1157 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on August 1, 2011, before Judge William C. Griesbach. (mec)
August 2, 2011 Filing 1155 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on August 1, 2011 before Judge Griesbach. (Mandelbaum, David)
August 1, 2011 Filing 1156 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Status Conference held on 8/1/2011. (Tape #080111) (Attachments: #1 Seating chart) (mec)
August 1, 2011 Filing 1154 NOTICE of Appearance by Howard B Iwrey on behalf of The Procter & Gamble Paper Products Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Howard B Iwrey (Iwrey, Howard)
August 1, 2011 Filing 1153 NOTICE of Appearance by Howard B Iwrey on behalf of Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District. Attorney(s) appearing: Howard B. Iwrey (Iwrey, Howard)
August 1, 2011 Filing 1152 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on 8/01/2011 before Judge Griesbach. (Hermes, Michael)
July 29, 2011 Filing 1151 DECLARATION of Patrick J. Ferguson In Support Of Georgia-Pacific LLCs Supplement To Defendants Submission For August 1, 2011 Status Conference [docket no. 1150]. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1: Screen Shot of Butlers Court Reports Database, #2 Exhibit 2: March 4, 1965 Gough Letter, #3 Exhibit 3: Georgia-Pacifics Transcription of March 4, 1965 Gough Letter, #4 Exhibit 4: May 19, 1965 ACPC Letter to WT)(Lytz, Karl)
July 29, 2011 Filing 1150 SUPPLEMENT by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC To Defendants Submission For August 1, 2011 Status Conference [docket no. 1145]. (Lytz, Karl)
July 29, 2011 Filing 1149 RESPONSE filed by Appleton Papers Inc to Defendants' Submission for August 1, 2011 Status Conference (Hermes, Michael)
July 28, 2011 Filing 1148 RESPONSE filed by NCR Corporation ("NCR's Response To Defendants' Submission for the August 1, 2011 Status Conference") (McAtee, Darin)
July 26, 2011 Filing 1147 NOTICE by the Court: Please confirm your appearance for the 8/1/2011 Status Conference no later than Friday, 7/29/2011. A copy of the Notice of Hearing with instructions to counsel is attached for your reference. (tlf)
July 25, 2011 Filing 1146 BRIEF filed by NCR Corporation ("NCR's Opening Memorandum On The Outstanding Discovery Disputes To Be Addressed At The August 1, 2011 Status Conference"). (McAtee, Darin)
July 25, 2011 Filing 1145 BRIEF filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company - Defendants' Submission for August 1, 2011 Status Conference. (Alexander, Mary)
July 25, 2011 Filing 1144 BRIEF filed by Appleton Papers Inc on Additional Issues to be Addressed at the August 1, 2011 Status Conference. (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service)(Hermes, Michael)
July 25, 2011 Filing 1143 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Dismiss Its Courterclaim by Green Bay Packaging Inc. (Wells, Patrick)
July 14, 2011 Filing 1142 EFILED IN ERROR - RE-EFILED IN 10-910 - LETTER from Sabrina Mizrachi. (Mizrachi, Sabrina) Modified on 7/15/2011 (mec).
July 14, 2011 Filing 1141 NOTICE of Hearing: Status Conference set for 8/1/2011 09:30 AM in Location: 125 S. Jefferson St., Green Bay, WI 54301 before Judge William C Griesbach. Counsel who wish to address the court MUST appear in person. Other counsel may participate by telephone. (cc: all counsel)(aw)
July 11, 2011 Filing 1140 LETTER from Georgia-Pacific LLC, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, and Fort James Corporation (collectively, GP). (Alexander, Mary)
July 5, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1139 ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 7-5-11 finding as moot #601 Motion for Leave to File; finding as moot #631 Motion for Leave to File; finding as moot #696 Motion to Intervene; finding as moot #720 Motion for Leave to File; finding as moot #731 Motion for Leave to File; finding as moot #753 Motion for Leave to File; finding as moot #758 Motion for Leave to File; finding as moot #763 Motion in Limine; finding as moot #767 Motion in Limine; finding as moot #770 Motion in Limine; finding as moot #772 Motion in Limine; finding as moot #776 Motion for Joinder; granting #1101 Motion for Reconsideration.. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
June 8, 2011 Filing 1138 NOTICE of Appearance by Adam B Silverman on behalf of PH Glatfelter Company. Attorney(s) appearing: Adam B. Silverman (Silverman, Adam)
June 2, 2011 Filing 1137 NOTICE of Appearance by Ted A Warpinski on behalf of City of Green Bay. Attorney(s) appearing: Anthony S. Wachewicz, III (Warpinski, Ted)
June 2, 2011 Filing 1136 NOTICE by City of Green Bay of Withdrawal of Counsel (Warpinski, Ted)
June 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1135 ORDER Approving #1132 Stipulation Regarding Discovery of Insurance Recoveries between NCR Corporation, Appleton Papers Inc and Menasha Corporation signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 6/2/2011. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
May 25, 2011 Filing 1134 NOTICE of Appearance by Vanessa A Lavely on behalf of NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Vanessa A. Lavely (Lavely, Vanessa)
May 25, 2011 Filing 1133 NOTICE of Appearance by Omid H Nasab on behalf of NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Omid H. Nasab (Nasab, Omid)
May 10, 2011 Filing 1132 STIPULATION Between Plaintiffs and Defendant Menasha Corporation Regarding Discovery of Insurance Recoveries by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A - Proposed Order)(Roach, Kathleen)
May 9, 2011 Filing 1131 MOTION for Leave to File SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS MOTION FOR CLARIFICATION by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit DEFENDANT GEORGIA-PACIFIC LLCS SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF DEFENDANTS MOTION FOR CLARIFICATION, #2 Text of Proposed Order)(Lytz, Karl)
May 9, 2011 Filing 1130 BRIEF in Support filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1103 Joint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage Costs. (Harbeck, William) Modified on 5/10/2011 (aw).
May 5, 2011 Filing 1129 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation re #1097 Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)")Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") ("Reply Memorandum in Support of Amended Renewed Motion by Plaintiffs NCR Corporation and Appleton Papers Inc. for Entry of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(b)"). (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order ("Revised [Proposed] Order"))(Chesler, Evan)
May 4, 2011 Filing 1128 REPLY BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1101 MOTION for Reconsideration of Court's Conclusion that API's Liability Under CERCLA is Uncontested. (Ragatz, Ronald)
May 2, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1127 PROTECTIVE ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 5-2-11. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
April 22, 2011 Filing 1126 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1101 MOTION for Reconsideration of Court's Conclusion that API's Liability Under CERCLA is Uncontested. (Lytz, Karl)
April 22, 2011 Filing 1125 BRIEF in Opposition filed by NCR Corporation re #1103 Joint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage CostsJoint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage Costs ("NCR Corporation's Memorandum Of Law In Opposition To Defendants' Motion Seeking Clarification Under Rule 60(a). (Chesler, Evan)
April 22, 2011 Filing 1124 RESPONSE to Motion filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1103 Joint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage CostsJoint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage Costs. (Ragatz, Ronald)
April 22, 2011 Opinion or Order TEXT ONLY ORDER GRANTING #1123 MOTION to Withdraw Without Prejudice NCR's Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion to Compel filed by NCR Corporation, signed by Judge William C. Griesbach on 04/22/2011. The Motion to Compel #1116 is TERMINATED. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
April 21, 2011 Filing 1123 MOTION to Withdraw Without Prejudice NCR's Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion to Compel by NCR Corporation. (Roach, Kathleen)
April 20, 2011 Filing 1122 RESPONSE to Motion filed by United States of America re #1097 Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)")Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)"). (Levin, Joshua)
April 19, 2011 Filing 1121 BRIEF in Opposition filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1101 MOTION for Reconsideration of Court's Conclusion that API's Liability Under CERCLA is Uncontested. (Bogart, Steven)
April 18, 2011 Filing 1120 BRIEF in Opposition filed by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC re #1097 Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)")Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)"). (Lytz, Karl)
April 18, 2011 Filing 1119 RESPONSE to Motion filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1093 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment ("Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment ("Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)"). (Attachments: #1 Certificate of Service)(Mandelbaum, David)
April 15, 2011 Filing 1118 DECLARATION of Evan B. Westerfield in Support of NCR's April 15, 2011 Civil L.R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motions. (Westerfield, Evan)
April 15, 2011 Filing 1117 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION for Protective Order by NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit [Proposed] Stipulated Protective Order)(Westerfield, Evan)
April 15, 2011 Filing 1116 Rule 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive MOTION to Compel by NCR Corporation. (Westerfield, Evan)
April 12, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1115 SCHEDULING ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 4-12-11. Court Trial set for 2/21/2012 08:30 AM in Location: TBA before Judge William C Griesbach. Final Pretrial Conference set for 2/2/2012 01:30 PM in Location: 125 S. Jefferson St., Green Bay, WI 54301 before Judge William C Griesbach. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
April 12, 2011 Set/Reset Hearings: Court Trial set for 2/21/2012 08:30 AM before Judge William C Griesbach. Final Pretrial Conference set for 2/2/2012 01:30 PM before Judge William C Griesbach. (tlf)
April 8, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1114 ORDER granting Menasha Corporation's (1112 in 2:08-cv-00016-WCG) Motion to Dismiss Its Third-Party Complaint. Menasha's third-party complaint against the United States is dismissed without prejudice in favor of Menasha's counterclaim against the United States filed in Case 10-C-910 United States of America, et al v. NCR Corporation, et al. Signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 4/7/2011. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
April 6, 2011 Filing 1113 LETTER from United States of America regarding Scheduling Order. (Levin, Joshua)
April 6, 2011 Filing 1112 Expedite MOTION to Dismiss Its Third-Party Complaint Against the United States Government without Prejudice by Menasha Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order, #2 Certificate of Service)(Hunsucker, Philip)
April 6, 2011 Filing 1111 LETTER from Sabrina Mizrachi. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Scheduling Order)(Mizrachi, Sabrina)
April 1, 2011 Filing 1110 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on March 30, 2011 before Judge William C. Griesbach. (Mandelbaum, David)
March 31, 2011 Filing 1109 TRANSCRIPT of Status Conference held on March 30, 2011 before Judge William C. Griesbach Court Reporter/Transcriber John W. Gales, Contact at (920) 496-9313. Tape Number: 033011. Transcripts may be purchased through the court reporter using the Transcript Order Form found # here or viewed at the court public terminal. NOTICE RE REDACTION OF TRANSCRIPTS: If necessary, within 7 business days each party shall inform the Court of their intent to redact personal identifiers by filing a Notice of Intent to Redact. Please read the policy located on our website # Redaction Statement due 4/25/2011. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/5/2011. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/5/2011. (Bouressa & Gales, Reporter) (Page 2 of Transcript corrected to reflect the appearance of Stafford Rosenbaum LLP on behalf of the City of Appleton (tlf). (Additional attachment(s) added on 4/18/2011: #1 Final Transcript) (Page 44-Line 19 and Page 45-Lines 6 and 22 have been corrected to reflect that the Unknown Speaker is Attorney Ronald Ragatz. (tlf).
March 31, 2011 Filing 1107 NOTICE of Appearance by Ericka L Krumrie on behalf of Appleton Papers Inc. Attorney(s) appearing: Ericka L. Krumrie (Krumrie, Ericka)
March 31, 2011 Filing 1106 NOTICE by Appleton Papers Inc of Withdrawal of Anthony J. Steffek as Counsel (Hermes, Michael)
March 30, 2011 Filing 1108 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William C Griesbach: Status Conference held on 3/30/2011. The Court opens discovery and directs parties to submit respective scheduling proposals to the Court within the next week. (Tape #033011) (cav)
March 30, 2011 Filing 1105 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on March 30, 2011 before Judge Griesbach. (Hermes, Michael)
March 30, 2011 Filing 1104 TRANSCRIPT REQUEST for proceedings held on March 30, 2011 before Judge Griesbach. (Sobota, Margaret)
March 29, 2011 Filing 1103 Joint MOTION to Clarify Under Rule 60(a) Regarding the Courts March 1, 2011 Decision and Order Concerning Natural Resource Damage Costs by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company. (Harbeck, William)
March 29, 2011 Filing 1102 BRIEF in Support filed by Appleton Papers Inc re #1101 MOTION for Reconsideration of Court's Conclusion that API's Liability Under CERCLA is Uncontested. (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 29, 2011 Filing 1101 MOTION for Reconsideration of Court's Conclusion that API's Liability Under CERCLA is Uncontested by Appleton Papers Inc. (Ragatz, Ronald)
March 29, 2011 NOTICE - Please notify the Clerk if you will be appearing for tomorrow's hearing. Please note if you will be appearing in person or by telephone. If you are appearing by telephone please refer to the instructions in the notice of hearing dated 3/14/11. Please send verification of your in person appearance or telephone appearance to If you are not making an appearance tomorrow there is no need to contact the clerk.(cav)
March 28, 2011 Filing 1100 LETTER from Evan R. Chesler to Judge Griesbach re ECF filings on March 28. (Chesler, Evan)
March 28, 2011 Filing 1099 DECLARATION of Darin P. McAtee In Support Of Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b).. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 to McAtee Declaration, #2 Exhibit 2 to McAtee Declaration, #3 Exhibit 3 to McAtee Declaration, #4 Exhibit 4 to McAtee Declaration)(Chesler, Evan)
March 28, 2011 Filing 1098 BRIEF in Support filed by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation re #1097 Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)")Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") ("Memoranum Of Law In Support Of Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)"). (Chesler, Evan)
March 28, 2011 Filing 1097 Amended MOTION for Judgment ("Amended Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Chesler, Evan)
March 25, 2011 Filing 1096 LETTER from Kathleen L. Roach RE: Decision Granting Defendant CBC Coatings, Inc.'s Motion for Leave to File Amended Counterclaim. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Plaintiffs' Answer and Affirmative Defenses to CBC's Amended Counterclaim)(Roach, Kathleen)
March 25, 2011 Filing 1095 See AMENDED document #1099 DECLARATION of Darin P. McAtee In Support Of Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b). (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 to McAtee Declaration, #2 Exhibit 2 to McAtee Declaration, #3 Exhibit 3 to McAtee Declaration, #4 Exhibit 4 to McAtee Declaration)(Chesler, Evan) Modified on 3/29/2011 (aw).
March 25, 2011 Filing 1094 See AMENDED document #1098 BRIEF in Support filed by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation re #1093 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment ("Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment ("Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") ("Memorandum Of Law In Support Of Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 54(b)"). (Chesler, Evan) Modified on 3/29/2011 (aw).
March 25, 2011 Filing 1093 See AMENDED document #1097 MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment ("Renewed Motion By Plaintiffs NCR Corporation And Appleton Papers Inc. For Entry Of Partial Final Judgment Pursuant To Federal Rule Of Civil Procedure 54(b)") by NCR Corporation, NCR Corporation. (Chesler, Evan) Modified on 3/29/2011 (aw).
March 25, 2011 Filing 1092 NOTICE of Appearance by Darin P McAtee on behalf of NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Darin P. McAtee (McAtee, Darin)
March 25, 2011 Filing 1091 NOTICE of Appearance by Sandra C Goldstein on behalf of NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Sandra C. Goldstein (Goldstein, Sandra)
March 25, 2011 Filing 1090 NOTICE of Appearance by Evan R Chesler on behalf of NCR Corporation. Attorney(s) appearing: Evan R. Chesler (Chesler, Evan)
March 21, 2011 Filing 1089 NOTICE by NCR Corporation Notice of Withdrawal of Joan Radovich as Counsel for NCR Corporation (Roach, Kathleen)
March 14, 2011 Filing 1088 LETTER from Kimberly-Clark Corporation. (Slack, Sarah)
March 14, 2011 Filing 1087 NOTICE of RESCHEDULED Hearing: Status Conference re-set for 3/30/2011 10:30 AM. Counsel who wish to address the court MUST appear in person. Other counsel may appear by telephone; see attached notice for telephone participant instructions. (cc: all counsel)(aw)
March 11, 2011 Filing 1086 NOTICE by Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC of Withdrawal of Counsel Ernest J. Getto (Ferguson, Patrick)
March 11, 2011 Filing 1085 LETTER from Kathleen L. Roach Agreed Request to Reschedule Status Conference. (Roach, Kathleen)
March 3, 2011 Filing 1084 NOTICE of Hearing: Status Conference set for 4/5/2011 10:00 AM before Judge William C Griesbach. Counsel who wish to address the court MUST appear in person. Other counsel may appear by telephone; see the attached notice for telephone participant instructions. (cc: all counsel)(tlf)
March 1, 2011 Filing 1083 DECLARATION of Kathleen L Roach. (tlf)
March 1, 2011 Filing 1082 SUR-REPLY BRIEF in Opposition filed by All Plaintiffs re Defendants' summary judgment motions #857 , #861 , #891 , #893 , #902 , and #914 . (tlf)
March 1, 2011 Filing 1081 SECOND AMENDED ANSWER to #265 Seventh Amended Complaint with Jury Demand; with COUNTERCLAIM against Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation filed by CBC Coating Inc.(tlf)
March 1, 2011 Opinion or Order Filing 1080 DECISION AND ORDER signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 2/28/2011. The Defendants' summary judgment motions #857 , #861 , #891 , #893 , #902 , and #914 are granted in part and denied in part. The United States #867 Motion for Summary Judgment is granted. The motions of Wisconsin Public Service and Kimberly-Clark to dismiss their respective counterclaims #849 , #852 are granted. CBC Coating's motion to amend #1050 is granted. Neenah-Menasha's motion for summary judgment #880 is granted. Consideration of the summary judgment motions filed by Green Bay and Brown County #865 and #946 is stayed pending resolution of the consent decree. The Plaintiffs' motion to file a sur-reply #1057 is granted. The clerk is directed to schedule a status conference. (cc: all counsel) (Griesbach, William)
October 19, 2010 Opinion or Order Filing 1079 ORDER approving #1077 Stipulation and granting #1078 Expedite MOTION for Order -- Civil L.R. 7(h) Motion for Entry of an Agreed Order Regarding Reserved Claims of the United States of America signed by Judge William C Griesbach on 10/19/2010. (cc: all counsel)(Griesbach, William)
October 13, 2010 Filing 1078 Expedite MOTION for Order -- Civil L.R. 7(h) Motion for Entry of an Agreed Order Regarding Reserved Claims of the United States of America by United States of America. (Attachments: #1 Text of Proposed Order)(Stone, Randall)
October 13, 2010 Filing 1077 STIPULATION -- Third Stipulation Regarding Reserved Claims of the United States of America by United States of America. (Stone, Randall)
September 28, 2010 Filing 1076 REPLY filed by CBC Coating Inc, City of Appleton, Fort James Corporation, Fort James Operating Company, Georgia-Pacific Consumer Products LP, Georgia-Pacific LLC, Menasha Corporation, Neenah-Menasha Sewerage Commission, PH Glatfelter Company, US Paper Mills Corp, WTM I Company re #1075 Notice of Significant New Authority. (Mandelbaum, David)
September 23, 2010 Filing 1075 NOTICE by Appleton Papers Inc, NCR Corporation Plaintiffs' Notice of Significant New Authority (Attachments: #1 Attachment - Celanese v. Martin K. Eby Construction)(Roach, Kathleen)