Aguiar v. Webb et al Featured Case

Copyright and trademark infringement claims against documentary maker's promotional website and film trailer.

Plaintiff: William V. Aguiar, III
Defendant: Floyd Webb, Barron Shepherd, Wendy Shepherd and Ashida Kim
Counter Claimant: Floyd Webb
Counter Defendant: William V. Aguiar, III
Case Number: 1:2007cv11673
Filed: September 7, 2007
Court: US District Court for the District of Massachusetts
Office: Boston Office
County: Bristol
Presiding Judge: Mark L. Wolf
Nature of Suit: Copyright
Cause of Action: 17 U.S.C. § 101 Copyright Infringement
Jury Demanded By: Defendant
Docket Report

This docket was last retrieved on May 29, 2019. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER.

Date Filed Document Text
May 3, 2010 Filing 133 STIPULATION of Dismissal (Joint) by Floyd Webb. (Kluft, David)
May 3, 2010 Civil Case Terminated. (O'Leary, Dennis)
February 26, 2010 Filing 132 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered. SCHEDULING ORDER: Status Conference set for 5/25/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf. Discovery to be completed by 4/29/2010. Status Report due by 5/12/2010.(O'Leary, Dennis)
February 26, 2010 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Electronic ORDER entered granting 131 Motion for Extension of Time to Complete Discovery Discovery to be completed by 4/29/2010. Status Report due by 5/12/2010. (O'Leary, Dennis)
February 25, 2010 Filing 131 Joint MOTION for Extension of Time to April 29, 2010 to Complete Discovery by William V. Aguiar, III.(Repicky, Heather)
November 23, 2009 Filing 130 STATUS REPORT Joint Report on Settlement by Floyd Webb. (Kluft, David)
November 19, 2009 Filing 129 ANSWER to 128 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim (Restated) by William V. Aguiar, III.(Repicky, Heather)
October 30, 2009 Filing 128 ANSWER to 108 Amended Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against all plaintiffs by Floyd Webb.(Ahrens, Julie)
October 8, 2009 Filing 127 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered granting 103 Motion for Attorney Fees; granting in part and denying in part 113 Motion to Dismiss. (Attachments: # 1 Scheduling Order) (Boyce, Kathy)
October 8, 2009 Filing 126 STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of David A. Kluft re: 28 USC 455 by Floyd Webb. (Kluft, David)
October 8, 2009 Filing 125 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: SCHEDULING ORDER entered: Status Conference set for 3/25/2010 04:00 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf. Discovery to be completed by 2/28/2010.(O'Leary, Dennis)
October 8, 2009 Set/Reset Deadlines: Floyd Webb 10/30/2009. Status Report due by 11/23/2009. (O'Leary, Dennis)
October 8, 2009 E-Mail Notice re 126 originally issued on 10/8/09 returned as undeliverable. Name of Addressee: Brandy Karl. The ECF help desk has contacted the law firm on record, who advised that the attorney is no longer employed by that firm. The attorney's email address has been removed from the database to prevent the return of additional undelivered email notices. (Jones, Sherry)
October 7, 2009 Filing 124 Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Motion Hearing held on 10/7/2009 re 103 MOTION for Attorney Fees Application for Fees filed by Floyd Webb, 113 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Floyd Webb. (Court Reporter: Romanow.) (O'Leary, Dennis)
September 25, 2009 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Hearing on Motion 103 MOTION for Attorney Fees Application for Fees, 113 MOTION to Dismiss : Motion Hearing set for 10/7/2009 01:30 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf. (O'Leary, Dennis)
July 8, 2009 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Hearing on Motion 103 MOTION for Attorney Fees Application for Fees, 113 MOTION to Dismiss : Motion Hearing set for 9/28/2009 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf. (O'Leary, Dennis)
May 6, 2009 Filing 123 Letter/request (non-motion)to Chief Judge Wolf from David Kluft, Esq., FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
April 6, 2009 Filing 122 NOTICE by Floyd Webb Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney Walead Esmail (Kluft, David)
March 30, 2009 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Electronic ORDER entered terminating 121 Motion to Withdraw as Attorney as it was improperly filed as a motion and not as a notice. (O'Leary, Dennis)
January 8, 2009 Filing 121 MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney by Floyd Webb.(Esmail, Walead)
December 9, 2008 Filing 120 Letter/request (non-motion) from David Kluft, counsel for Deft Floyd Webb (Boyce, Kathy)
July 17, 2008 Filing 119 NOTICE is hereby given that an official transcript of a proceeding has been filed by the court reporter in the above-captioned matter. Counsel are referred to the Court's Transcript Redaction Policy, a copy of which is attached to this entry.. (Scalfani, Deborah)
July 17, 2008 Filing 118 Transcript of Motion Hearing held on May 9, 2008, before Judge Wolf. Court Reporter: Richard H. Romanow at The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Redaction Request due 8/4/2008. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/14/2008. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/13/2008. (Scalfani, Deborah)
July 17, 2008 Filing 117 Transcript of Motion Hearing held on February 15, 2008, before Judge Wolf. Court Reporter: Richard H. Romanow at bulldog@richromanow@com. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Redaction Request due 8/4/2008. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 8/14/2008. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 10/13/2008. (Scalfani, Deborah)
July 3, 2008 Filing 116 Opposition re 113 MOTION to Dismiss filed by William V. Aguiar, III, Black Dragon Fighting Society. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Repicky, Heather)
June 16, 2008 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Electronic ORDER entered granting 115 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re 115 MOTION for Extension of Time to July 3, 2008 to File Response/Reply as to 113 MOTION to Dismiss (Unopposed) Responses due by 7/3/2008 (O'Leary, Dennis)
June 13, 2008 Filing 115 MOTION for Extension of Time to July 3, 2008 to File Response/Reply as to 113 MOTION to Dismiss (Unopposed) by William V. Aguiar, III.(Repicky, Heather)
June 10, 2008 ELECTRONIC NOTICE Cancelling Hearing. The Scheduling Conference set for June 12, 2008 at 3:00 pm. The scheduling conference will be rescheduled once the pending motion to dismiss is fully briefed (O'Leary, Dennis)
June 6, 2008 Filing 114 MEMORANDUM in Support re 113 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Floyd Webb. (Kluft, David)
June 6, 2008 Filing 113 MOTION to Dismiss by Floyd Webb.(Kluft, David)
June 6, 2008 Filing 112 JOINT STATEMENT of counsel re: Proposed Schedule. (Esmail, Walead)
May 27, 2008 Filing 111 REPLY to Response to 103 MOTION for Attorney Fees Application for Fees filed by Floyd Webb. (Kluft, David)
May 23, 2008 Filing 110 Sealed Document. (Boyce, Kathy)
May 23, 2008 Filing 109 Sealed Document. (Boyce, Kathy)
May 23, 2008 Filing 108 Second AMENDED COMPLAINT against Floyd Webb, filed by Black Dragon Fighting Society, William V. Aguiar, III.(Repicky, Heather)
May 23, 2008 Filing 107 ANSWER to 92 Answer to Amended Complaint, Counterclaim (Restatement) by William V. Aguiar, III.(Repicky, Heather)
May 23, 2008 Filing 106 NOTICE by William V. Aguiar, III of Paper Filing (Repicky, Heather)
May 23, 2008 Filing 105 Assented to MOTION to Seal Opposition to Attorneys' Fees Application and Supporting Declaration by William V. Aguiar, III.(Repicky, Heather)
May 23, 2008 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Electronic ORDER entered granting 105 Motion to Seal (O'Leary, Dennis)
May 16, 2008 Filing 104 AFFIDAVIT in Support re 103 MOTION for Attorney Fees Application for Fees Michael Boudett. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Kluft, David)
May 16, 2008 Filing 103 MOTION for Attorney Fees Application for Fees by Floyd Webb.(Kluft, David)
May 9, 2008 Filing 102 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered. re 89 MOTION for Default Judgment as to William V. Aguiar, III filed by Floyd Webb, ( Scheduling Conference set for 6/12/2008 03:00 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf.)(O'Leary, Dennis)
May 9, 2008 Filing 101 Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Motion Hearing held on 5/9/2008 re 89 MOTION for Default Judgment as to William V. Aguiar, III filed by Floyd Webb. (Court Reporter: romanow.) (O'Leary, Dennis)
May 9, 2008 Filing 100 NOTICE of Appearance by Heather B. Repicky on behalf of William V. Aguiar, III (Repicky, Heather)
May 9, 2008 Filing 99 NOTICE of Appearance by Ian D. Roffman on behalf of William V. Aguiar, III (Roffman, Ian)
May 6, 2008 Filing 98 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered re:returning book from Radford Davis. (Attachments: # 1 card)(O'Leary, Dennis)
May 2, 2008 Filing 97 STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of David A. Kluft, Esq. Case Management Statement and Mediation Report by Floyd Webb. (Kluft, David)
April 28, 2008 Filing 96 MOTION to Strike by William V. Aguiar, III.(Boyce, Kathy)
April 14, 2008 Filing 95 Statement that pltf will continue as pro se and MOTION for Mediation by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
April 14, 2008 Filing 94 Automatic Disclosures, by William V. Aguiar, III, FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
April 14, 2008 Filing 93 Pltf's Request for Production of Documents, FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
April 11, 2008 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Electronic ORDER entered finding as moot 23 Motion to Amend; terminating 25 Motion to Dismiss; terminating 27 Motion to Dismiss; terminating 35 Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction; terminating 37 Motion to Dismiss (O'Leary, Dennis)
April 10, 2008 Filing 92 ANSWER to 86 Amended Complaint, COUNTERCLAIM against William V. Aguiar, III by Floyd Webb.(Esmail, Walead)
April 8, 2008 Filing 91 AFFIDAVIT in Support re 89 MOTION for Default Judgment as to William V. Aguiar, III. (Esmail, Walead)
April 8, 2008 Filing 90 AFFIDAVIT in Support re 89 MOTION for Default Judgment as to William V. Aguiar, III. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Exhibit D, # 5 Exhibit E, # 6 Exhibit F, # 7 Exhibit G, # 8 Exhibit H, # 9 Exhibit I, # 10 Exhibit J, # 11 Exhibit K, # 12 Exhibit L, # 13 Exhibit M, # 14 Exhibit N)(Esmail, Walead)
April 8, 2008 Filing 89 MOTION for Default Judgment as to William V. Aguiar, III by Floyd Webb.(Esmail, Walead)
April 8, 2008 ELECTRONIC NOTICE OF RESCHEDULING (as to time only). The Scheduling Conference previously set for 5/9/2008 at 3:30 PM is now set for 5/9/2008 11:30 AM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf. (O'Leary, Dennis)
April 7, 2008 Filing 88 ANSWER to 17 Answer to Complaint, Counterclaim and Jury Demand by William V. Aguiar, III, FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
March 24, 2008 Filing 87 Factual Issues, FILED, c/s. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit copyright information)(Boyce, Kathy)
March 24, 2008 Filing 86 AMENDED COMPLAINT against Floyd Webb, filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED.(Boyce, Kathy)
March 6, 2008 Filing 85 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered. SCHEDULING ORDER: Amended Pleadings due by 3/21/2008. Scheduling Conference set for 5/9/2008 03:30 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf.(O'Leary, Dennis)
March 6, 2008 Electronic Clerk's Notes for proceedings held before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Scheduling Conference held on 3/6/2008. Court sets dates for various filing deadlines ansd sets date for further scheduling conference for May 9, 2008 at 3:30 PM. Defendant need not appear at the further conference. Scheudling order to issue. (Attorneys present: Pltf - Pro Se. Deft - Esmail, Aherns Cleft) (O'Leary, Dennis)
March 5, 2008 Filing 83 STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of Julie Ahrens Case Management Statement by Floyd Webb. (Ahrens, Julie)
March 4, 2008 Filing 84 Pltf's Statement that he wishes to continue representing himself and MOTION for mediation in response to 81 by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
February 15, 2008 Filing 81 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered For the reasons stated in court on February 15, 2008, it ishereby ORDERED that: 1. The oral motion for a continuance by plaintiff William V. Aguiar, III ("Aguiar") is DENIED. 2. The Motion to File a Reply Brief (Docket No. 39) by defendants Barron and Wendy Shepherd ("Shepherds") is ALLOWED. 3. Aguiar's Motion to Amend Reports on the Filing of Determination After Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright (Docket No. 40) is ALLOWED. 4. Aguiar's Motions for Production of Documents (Docket Nos. 43 and 46) and Motion to Compel Discovery (Docket No. 73) are DENIED. 5. The Motion for Inclusion (Docket No. 51) by defendant Radford Davis ("Davis") is MOOT. 6. The Motion to Act as Amicus Curiae or "Friend of the Courts" (Docket No. 65) by Ronald Collins, Jr. is DENIED. 7. Aguiar's Motion to Strike (Docket No. 72) is MOOT.8. The Motions to Dismiss of the Shepherds (Docket No. 7) and Davis (Docket No. 71) are ALLOWED and the case against them is DISMISSED without prejudice for lack of personal jurisdiction. 9. Aguiar's Motion for Preliminary Injunction (Docket No. 3) is DENIED. 10. By February 29, 2008, Aguiar shall either cause counsel to appear on his behalf or file a statement that he will continue toproceed pro se. 11. By 12:00 noon on March 5, 2008, defendant Floyd Webb("Webb") and Aguiar shall file, jointly if possible but individually if necessary, a proposed schedule for this case and a statement of whether they each wish to go to mediation. 12. A scheduling conference will be held on March 6, 2008, at 1:30 p.m. Aguiar and Webb shall attend. 13. By March 14, 2008, Aguiar shall file an amended complaint clearly stating the factual and legal bases for each of his claims against Webb and any other putative defendant, and the grounds for jurisdiction as required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8. In light of this Order, Aguiar's Motion to Amend the Complaint (Docket No. 23) is MOOT. (O'Leary, Dennis)
February 15, 2008 Filing 80 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered. STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER(O'Leary, Dennis)
February 14, 2008 Filing 79 Letter/request (non-motion) from Amy L. Brosius to Honorable Mark L. Wolfe. (Brosius, Amy)
February 8, 2008 Filing 78 STIPULATION and Proposed Protective Order by Floyd Webb. (Ahrens, Julie)
February 8, 2008 Filing 77 STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of Julie Ahrens Case Management Statement by Floyd Webb. (Ahrens, Julie)
February 1, 2008 Filing 73 MOTION to Compel Discovery by William V. Aguiar, III, FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
January 29, 2008 Filing 71 MOTION to Dismiss by Ashida Kim. (Attachments: # 1 Memo in Support, # 2 Declaration in Support, # 3 Text of Proposed Order)(Brosius, Amy)
January 23, 2008 Filing 76 Settlement Proposals of Barron and Wendy Sheppard filed by William V. Aguiar, III (Boyce, Kathy)
January 23, 2008 Filing 75 Settlemet Proposal of Radford Davis filed by William V. Aguiar, FILED. c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
January 23, 2008 Filing 74 Floyd Webb's Settlement Proposal, FILED by William Aguair, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
January 23, 2008 Filing 72 MOTION to Strike 37 MOTION to Dismiss, 71 MOTION to Dismiss by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy) (Additional attachment(s) added on 2/4/2008: # 1 Attachment to Motion to Strike) (Boyce, Kathy). Modified on 2/4/2008 to attach Exhibit to Motion (Boyce, Kathy).
January 23, 2008 Filing 70 ADDENDUM re 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by William V. Aguiar, III, c/s. (Attachments: # 1 Supplemental Filings, # 2 Magazines and other materials)(Boyce, Kathy)
January 22, 2008 Filing 69 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ORDER entered. It is hereby ORDERED that: 1. Davis's Motion to Continue Hearing and Scheduling Conference to February 15, 2008 (Docket No. 67) is ALLOWED. The hearing and conference shall be held on February 15, 2008, at2:00 p.m. 2. By January 29, 2008, counsel for Davis shall withdraw Davis's pro se motions to dismiss and either file a consolidated motion to dismiss and supporting memorandum, or state that no motion to dismiss will be filed. If Davis files a consolidated motion to dismiss, plaintiff William Aguiar III shall respond by February 11, 2008. (O'Leary, Dennis)
January 18, 2008 Notice of correction to docket made by Court staff. Correction: Document No. 42, Pltf's Opposition of Declaration of Floyd Weeb in Opposition to Pltf's Preliminary Injunction corrected because: as prior document had missing page. The complete document has been re-scanned and attached. (Boyce, Kathy)
January 10, 2008 Filing 68 NOTICE of Appearance by Mark A. Fischer on behalf of Ashida Kim (Fischer, Mark)
January 9, 2008 Filing 67 MOTION to Continue Hearing and Scheduling Conference to February 15, 2008 by Ashida Kim.(Brosius, Amy)
January 9, 2008 Filing 66 NOTICE of Appearance by Amy L. Brosius on behalf of Ashida Kim (Brosius, Amy)
January 4, 2008 Filing 65 MOTION to act as Amicus Curiae or "Friend of the Courts" re 1 Complaint by Ronald Collins, Jr., FILED. (Attachments: # 1 Attachments D-1 to D-14)(Boyce, Kathy)
December 31, 2007 Judge Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: ELECTRONIC ENDORSEMENT re 61 Stipulation filed by Floyd Webb. ALLOWED the hearing shall take place on Feb. 1, 2008 at 2:00 PM. (O'Leary, Dennis)
December 31, 2007 Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf: Electronic ORDER entered denying 52 Motion to participate by telephone (O'Leary, Dennis)
December 20, 2007 Filing 64 MOTION to Dismiss for Violation of Federal Statute 18USC242 & 18USC241 by Ashida Kim. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1-11)(Boyce, Kathy)
December 20, 2007 Filing 63 DECLARATION re 61 Stipulation TO CONTINUE JANUARY 11, 2008 HEARING AND SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Floyd Webb. (Karl, Brandy)
December 20, 2007 Filing 62 Proposed Document(s) submitted by Floyd Webb. Document received: Proposed Order. (Karl, Brandy)
December 20, 2007 Filing 61 STIPULATION TO CONTINUE JANUARY 11, 2008 HEARING AND SCHEDULING CONFERENCE by Floyd Webb. (Karl, Brandy)
December 17, 2007 Filing 60 NOTICE of Hearing on Motion 40 MOTION to Amend, 25 MOTION to Dismiss, 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, 37 MOTION to Dismiss, 35 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, 27 MOTION to Dismiss, 7 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim, 23 MOTION to Amend 1 Complaint, 46 MOTION to Produce : Scheduling Conference/Motion Hearing set for 1/11/2008 02:00 PM in Courtroom 10 before Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf. (O'Leary, Dennis)
December 4, 2007 Filing 58 Opposition re 51 MOTION for Inclusion in proposed hearing filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
December 4, 2007 Filing 57 Response by William V. Aguiar, III to 50 Reply to Response to Motion, FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
December 4, 2007 Filing 56 Opposition re 52 MOTION for participation in scheduling conferences(s) filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
December 4, 2007 Filing 55 STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of Pltf (Plan for Discovery) by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
December 4, 2007 Filing 54 Disclosure pursuant to Rule 26 by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
December 4, 2007 Filing 53 DECLARATION by William V. Aguiar, III to Deny Opposition to Pltf's Motion to Amend Complaint, FILED. (Attachments: # 1)(Boyce, Kathy)
December 3, 2007 Filing 59 Response by Deft Radford Davis to Pltf's Interrogatories and Request for Documents, FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy) Additional attachment(s) added on 12/7/2007 (Boyce, Kathy).
November 23, 2007 Filing 52 MOTION for participation in scheduling conferences(s)by telephone, by Ashida Kim, FILED, c/s. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - Finacial Affidavit# 2 Certification of Local Rule 7.1# 3 Proposed Order)(Boyce, Kathy)
November 21, 2007 Filing 51 MOTION for Inclusion in Proposed Hearing by Ashida Kim, FILED, c/s. (Attachments: # 1 Estimated Travel Expenses# 2 Proposed Order)(Boyce, Kathy)
November 15, 2007 Filing 50 REPLY to Response to Motion re 27 MOTION to Dismiss, 25 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Ashida Kim. (Attachments: # 1 Attachments to Reply Memorandum)(Boyce, Kathy)
November 13, 2007 Filing 49 Opposition re 35 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
November 13, 2007 Filing 48 RESPONSE in Opposition to 39 MOTION for Leave to File Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
November 13, 2007 Filing 47 RESPONSE to Motion re 37 MOTION to Dismiss filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
November 13, 2007 Filing 46 MOTION for Production of Documents by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
November 5, 2007 Filing 45 DECLARATION re 44 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion by Floyd Webb. (Karl, Brandy)
November 5, 2007 Filing 44 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 23 MOTION to Amend 1 Complaint filed by Floyd Webb. (Karl, Brandy)
October 31, 2007 Filing 43 MOTION for Production of Documents by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
October 31, 2007 Filing 42 Response in Opposition to Declaration 21 of Floyd Webb in Opposition to pltf's Motion for Preliminary Injunction by William V. Aguiar, III Declaration, FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy) Additional attachment(s) added on 11/2/2007 (Boyce, Kathy). Modified on 11/2/2007 to attach copyright documents (Boyce, Kathy). Modified on 1/18/2008 (Boyce, Kathy). (Additional attachment(s) added on 1/18/2008: # 2 Corrected Main Document) (Boyce, Kathy).
October 31, 2007 Filing 41 Response in Opposition by William V. Aguiar, III to 19 Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction, FILED, c/s. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 31, 2007 Filing 40 MOTION to Amend Reports on the Filing of Determination After Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright by William V. Aguiar, III, FILED, c/s. (Attachments: # 1 Amended Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action or Appeal Regarding a Copyright)(Boyce, Kathy)
October 31, 2007 Filing 39 MOTION for Leave to File Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss by Barron Shepherd, Wendy Shepherd. (Attachments: # 1 Memorandum# 2 Declaration of Barron Shepherd# 3 Second Declaration of Wendy Shepherd# 4 Text of Proposed Order)(Silverstein, Aaron)
October 30, 2007 Judge Mark L. Wolf : Electronic ORDER entered granting 38 Motion to Correct (O'Leary, Dennis)
October 29, 2007 Filing 38 Assented to MOTION to Correct Caption by Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Silverstein, Aaron)
October 26, 2007 Judge Mark L. Wolf : Electronic ORDER entered finding as moot 13 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply (O'Leary, Dennis)
October 26, 2007 Judge Mark L. Wolf : ELECTRONIC ENDORSEMENT re 33 Stipulation filed by Floyd Webb. ALLOWED. (O'Leary, Dennis)
October 24, 2007 Filing 37 MOTION to Dismiss Due to Insufficency of Amount in Controversy by Ashida Kim, FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
October 24, 2007 Filing 36 MEMORANDUM OF LAW and Affidavit in Support re 35 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction filed by Ashida Kim, FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 24, 2007 Filing 35 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction by Ashida Kim, FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
October 24, 2007 Filing 34 DECLARATION re 33 Stipulation by Brandy Karl by Floyd Webb. (Karl, Brandy)
October 24, 2007 Filing 33 STIPULATION Extending Time to File Defendant Webb's Response to Plaintiff's Motion to Amend Complaint by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Text of Proposed Order)(Karl, Brandy)
October 23, 2007 Filing 32 NOTICE of Appearance by Lester Lawrence Lessig, III on behalf of Floyd Webb (Lessig, Lester)
October 23, 2007 Filing 31 NOTICE of Appearance by Anthony T. Falzone on behalf of Floyd Webb (Falzone, Anthony)
October 23, 2007 Filing 30 NOTICE of Appearance by Julie A. Ahrens on behalf of Floyd Webb (Ahrens, Julie)
October 16, 2007 Judge Mark L. Wolf : Electronic ORDER entered granting 11 , 12 and 14 Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice Added Anthony T. Falzone for Floyd Webb, Julie A. Ahrens for Floyd Webb,Floyd Webb, Lawrence Lessig for Floyd Webb,Floyd Webb; These motions are conditionally granted provided that a notice of appearance with all contact information is filed by October 26, 2007 and that the attorneys take the required steps to register for electronic filing. Attorneys admitted Pro Hac Vice must register for electronic filing. To register go to the Court website at Select Forms and then scroll down to CM/ECF Forms. (O'Leary, Dennis)
October 15, 2007 Filing 29 Financial AFFIDAVIT of Radford Davis, FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 Filing 28 AFFIDAVIT of Radford Davis, FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 Filing 27 MOTION to Dismiss F.R.C.P. 65(a) (1) Radford Davis by Ashida Kim a/k/a Radford Davis(Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 Filing 26 Opposition re 7 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim filed by William V. Aguiar, III. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 Filing 25 MOTION to Dismiss by Ashida Kim.(Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 Filing 24 AFFIDAVIT of William V. Aguiar, III in Support re 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by William V. Aguiar, III. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 Filing 23 MOTION to Amend 1 Complaint by William V. Aguiar, III, FILED.(Boyce, Kathy)
October 15, 2007 ELECTRONIC NOTICE issued requesting courtesy copy for 20 Declaration, 21 Declaration,,. Counsel who filed this document are requested to submit a courtesy copy of this document (or documents) to the Clerk's Office by 10/18/2007. These documents must be clearly marked as a Courtesy Copy and reflect the document number assigned by CM/ECF. (O'Leary, Dennis)
October 12, 2007 Filing 22 Letter from David Kluft, FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
October 12, 2007 Filing 21 DECLARATION re 19 Opposition to Motion by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit C# 4 Exhibit D# 5 Exhibit E# 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G# 8 Exhibit H# 9 Exhibit I# 10 Exhibit J# 11 Exhibit K# 12 Exhibit L# 13 Exhibit M# 14 Exhibit N# 15 Exhibit O# 16 Exhibit P# 17 Exhibit Q# 18 Exhibit R# 19 Exhibit S# 20 Exhibit T# 21 Exhibit U# 22 Exhibit V# 23 Exhibit W# 24 Exhibit X# 25 Exhibit Y# 26 Exhibit Z# 27 Exhibit AA# 28 Exhibit BB# 29 Exhibit CC# 30 Exhibit DD# 31 Exhibit EE# 32 Exhibit FF# 33 Exhibit GG# 34 Exhibit HH# 35 Exhibit II)(Karl, Brandy)
October 12, 2007 Filing 20 DECLARATION re 19 Opposition to Motion by Brandy Karl by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B# 3 Exhibit # 4 Exhibit d# 5 Exhibit # 6 Exhibit F# 7 Exhibit G)(Karl, Brandy)
October 12, 2007 Filing 19 Opposition re 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Floyd Webb. (Karl, Brandy)
October 12, 2007 Filing 18 Opposition re 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard. (Silverstein, Aaron)
October 11, 2007 Notice of correction to docket made by Court staff. Correction: Document No. 14, Motion for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice corrected because: as the Motion for Leave to Appear was inadvertently attached as the exhibit to the motion and the correct exhibit (Delaration of Lawrence Lessig) has now been correctedly attached to motion (Boyce, Kathy)
October 9, 2007 Filing 17 ANSWER to Complaint with Jury Demand, COUNTERCLAIM against William V. Aguiar, III by Floyd Webb.(Karl, Brandy)
October 9, 2007 Filing 16 NOTICE of Appearance by David A. Kluft on behalf of Floyd Webb (Kluft, David)
October 9, 2007 Filing 15 NOTICE of Appearance by Michael P Boudett on behalf of Floyd Webb (Boudett, Michael)
October 5, 2007 Filing 14 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Lawrence Lessig Filing fee $ 50, receipt number 1694684. by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - Declaration of Lawrence Lessig)(Karl, Brandy) Additional attachment(s) added on 10/11/2007 (Boyce, Kathy). Modified on 10/11/2007 to attach corrected exhibit to document (Boyce, Kathy).
October 4, 2007 Filing 13 MOTION for Extension of Time to 10/19/2007 to File Response/Reply as to 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Brandy A. Karl# 2 Text of Proposed Order)(Karl, Brandy)
October 4, 2007 Filing 12 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Julie A. Ahrens Filing fee $ 50, receipt number 1693742. by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A)(Karl, Brandy)
October 4, 2007 Filing 11 MOTION for Leave to Appear Pro Hac Vice for admission of Anthony T. Falzone Filing fee $ 50, receipt number 1693736. by Floyd Webb. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A)(Karl, Brandy)
October 4, 2007 Filing 10 NOTICE of Appearance by Brandy A. Karl on behalf of Floyd Webb (Karl, Brandy)
October 4, 2007 Filing 9 NOTICE of Appearance by Walead Esmail on behalf of Floyd Webb (Esmail, Walead)
October 1, 2007 Filing 8 MEMORANDUM in Support re 7 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim filed by Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard. (Silverstein, Aaron)
October 1, 2007 Filing 7 MOTION to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and Failure to State a Claim by Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard. (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit Affidavit of Barron Shepherd# 2 Affidavit Declaration of Wendy Shepherd)(Silverstein, Aaron)
October 1, 2007 Filing 6 NOTICE of Appearance by Arpiar M. Saunders on behalf of Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard (Saunders, Arpiar)
October 1, 2007 Filing 5 NOTICE of Appearance by Aaron Y. Silverstein on behalf of Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard (Silverstein, Aaron)
September 28, 2007 Filing 4 AFFIDAVIT of William V. Aguiar in Support re 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction filed by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED. (Boyce, Kathy)
September 28, 2007 Filing 3 MOTION for Preliminary Injunction by William V. Aguiar, III., FILED, c/s.(Boyce, Kathy)
September 7, 2007 Filing 2 REPORT on the filing of copyright case. (Edge, Eugenia)
September 7, 2007 Filing 1 COMPLAINT against Floyd Webb, Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard, Ashida Kim, filed by William V. Aguiar, III. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(Edge, Eugenia)
September 7, 2007 ELECTRONIC NOTICE of Case Assignment. Chief Judge Mark L. Wolf assigned to case. If the trial Judge issues an Order of Reference of any matter in this case to a Magistrate Judge, the matter will be transmitted to Magistrate Judge Collings (Edge, Eugenia)
September 7, 2007 Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 82251 for 1 Complaint (Edge, Eugenia)
September 7, 2007 Summons Issued as to Floyd Webb, Barron Sheppard, Wendy Sheppard, Ashida Kim. (Edge, Eugenia)

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Plaintiff: William V. Aguiar, III
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Defendant: Floyd Webb
Represented By: Lester Lawrence Lessig, III
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Defendant: Barron Shepherd
Represented By: Aaron Y. Silverstein
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Defendant: Wendy Shepherd
Represented By: Aaron Y. Silverstein
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Defendant: Ashida Kim
Represented By: Mark A. Fischer
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Counter claimant: Floyd Webb
Represented By: Lester Lawrence Lessig, III
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Counter defendant: William V. Aguiar, III
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