Cases 1 - 10 of 303
Plaintiff v. Defendant
as 2:2025cv00704
Plaintiff: Plaintiff v. Defendant
Defendant: Plaintiff v. Defendant
Cause Of Action: 20 U.S.C. § 1415 (e)(2) Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Nare et al v Omaha Discovery Trust
as 8:2025cv00048
Plaintiff: Manfred L.S. Nare and Gwladys K. Nare
Defendant: Omaha Discovery Trust a Nebraska Corporation doing business as Kiewit Luminarium
Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1331 Federal Question: Other Civil Rights
Sebald v. Colo et al
as 2:2025cv02034
Plaintiff: Cole Sebald
Defendant: David Colo, David S. Bratcher, Brandon M. Gall and others
Cause Of Action: 15 U.S.C. § 78 m(a) Securities Exchange Act
National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA v., Inc. et al
as 2:2025cv00083
Defendant:, Inc., Kristina A Allan, Catherine Britton and others
Plaintiff: National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA
Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1335 Interpleader Action
Type: Contract Insurance
Ballard v. Davis
as 0:2025cv00145
Petitioner: Valerie A. Ballard
Respondent: L.S. Davis
Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (federa
K.R. individually and on behalf of L.S. v. Meta Platforms, Inc. et al
as 4:2025cv00120
Defendant: Instagram, LLC, TikTok, Inc., Facebook Operations, LLC and others
Plaintiff: K.R. individually and on behalf of L.S.
Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Product Liability
Revolution Paradox, LLC v. McKeag We have downloadable decisions or orders for this case
as 4:2024cv05058
Counter-Defendant: Revolution Paradox, LLC
Plaintiff: Revolution Paradox, LLC
Intervenor: L.S. International, Inc.
Defendant: Daniel McKeag
Counter-Claimant: Daniel McKeag
Cause Of Action: 28 U.S.C. § 1332 Diversity-Breach of Contract
Type: Contract Insurance
L.S. et al v. New York City Public Schools
as 1:2024cv09403
Defendant: New York City Public Schools and New York City Department of Education
Plaintiff: L.S. and L.S. on behalf of his child Y.S., a minor
Cause Of Action: 20 U.S.C. § 1415 IDEA: Challenge decision re education for handicapped
Semien v. USA
as 24-30725
Plaintiff: Malachi Semien, as heir of the Estate of Darrell Semien, LaQuanna Semien, Karla Semien, individually and on behalf of the minor children M.S., M.S., L.S., T.S., C.S., as heirs of the Estate of Darrell Semien and others
Defendant: United States of America
Sparrow v. HHS
as 25-1161
Petitioner: KEVIN SPARROW and DANIELLE SPARROW, parents and natural guardians, on behalf of L.S.

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